National Flood Insurance Program

The U.S Congress established the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with the passage of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and enables property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance as protection against flood losses in exchange for state and community floodplain management regulations that reduce future flood damages.

In California, approximately 99 percent of California communities participate in the NFIP. Of the participating communities, approximately 18 percent participate in the Community Rating System (CRS) Program, which encourages communities to go above and beyond minimum NFIP requirements.

DWR, on behalf of FEMA, conducts Community Assistance Visits (CAVs) and Community Assistance Contacts (CACs) to each of the NFIP communities to provide individual technical assistance. DWR provides statewide NFIP workshops that are designed to interpret and explain the NFIP regulations and to give an overview of the need for community-based floodplain management.  

Building Code Resources

The flood provisions of the California Building Standards Code, CCR Title 24, meet or exceed the minimum NFIP requirements for buildings and structures. California communities can rely on the building codes and local floodplain management regulations to fulfill the requirements for participation in the NFIP.

2019 California Building Standards Code (CCR Title 24)


Certified Floodplain Managers

The Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) program was established in 1998 by the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). The CFM program was established to provide a national baseline for testing competence in floodplain management. CFMs make a difference! They help reduce community liability, while also promoting safer development. They have the knowledge to reduce flood damage to their communities’ structures and insurance premiums. Becoming a CFM allows for professional and public recognition while also maintaining professional credibility. Learn more about the CFM program and the certification process.

Model Ordinances

DWR developed the model ordinances available on this page to help communities adopt local regulations that are written to work with the flood provisions of the California Building Standards Code (CCR Title 24) for buildings and structures in special flood hazard areas. Excerpts of the flood provisions are available by sending a request through email.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions About the California Building Code-Coordinated Floodplain Management Model Ordinances. 

Two sets of model ordinances are available below:

  • Companion Ordinance.  Communities may adopt regulations based on the “Companion Ordinance” which, combined in the flood provisions of CCR Title 24, includes everything necessary to fulfill the requirements for participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. 
  • Title 24 Appendix G. Alternatively, communities may decide to locally adopt Title 24 Part 2, Appendix G: Flood-Resistant Construction using the model ordinance to modify it. Please note that Appendix G must be re-adopted each time the California Building Standards Commission adopts a new edition of the building code.

Note: Electronic copies of the model ordinances will be linked to this page in February 2021. Copies may be requested by sending an email to: [email protected].

Workshops and Training

DWR and FEMA conduct workshops for floodplain management agencies, including State and local officials. The workshops allow floodplain management officials to have a greater understanding of FEMA's minimum regulation requirements and how to meet them. DWR is working on scheduling online training for 2021. Visit our registration page for a list of upcoming classes.


Contact Information

Send us an email to request upcoming training information or to ask questions about the program.

Note: The Department of Water Resources does not maintain elevation certificates; however, the local floodplain administrator might have more information. 

DWR Contacts

Sacramento Headquarters Office

Kelly Soule
State of California NFIP Coordinator
3464 El Camino, Ste. 210
Sacramento, CA 95821
[email protected]

Anntonette Duncan
CAP-SSSE Grant Administrator
3464 El Camino, Ste. 210
Sacramento, CA 95821
[email protected]

Alex Acosta 
(916) 574-1446
[email protected]

Michael Gill 
(916) 574-1471
[email protected]

Katherine Oregel
(916) 574-2640
[email protected]

Northern Region Office

Michael Gill 
(916) 574-1471
[email protected]

North Central Region Office

James Norris
(530) 317-8575
[email protected]

South Central Region Office

Joaquin Ramirez


[email protected]

Southern Region Office

Garret Tam Sing
(818) 549-2317
[email protected]

Maria Marquez
(818) 549-2335
[email protected]

Upcoming Workshops