The Northwest Climate Hub serves Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington by delivering science-based, region-specific technologies and practical information that will assist with climate-informed decision making. Our mission aligns with the USDA mission to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.
Our goal is to provide information and technology to guide climate-informed decision making by farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, Native American tribes, Alaska Natives, natural resource managers and technology transfer specialists to generate sustainable and productive working landscapes in the Northwest. The Climate Hubs are science driven, stakeholder centered, efficient, cooperative partnerships with federal, state and local organizations. The Northwest Climate Hub is headquartered at the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station in Olympia, Washington with staff in Portland, Oregon.
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For questions/comments/concerns send an email to our Director Jessica Halofsky [email protected] or Coordinator, Holly Prendeville [email protected].