Blue-winged teal in Texas. Inset shows avian influenza virus
The USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) conducts surveillance in wild birds to facilitate early detection and situational awareness for high consequence pathogens, including highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses.
Investigating Avian Influenza in U.S. Wildlife

In addition to investigating wildlife mortality events since our founding in the 1970s, the NWHC conducts research to better understand processes and environmental factors that influence spread, distribution, and transmission of HPAI in wild birds and poultry. Surveillance activities conducted by NWHC, in support of national HPAI surveillance objectives, provide critical information regarding avian influenza strains currently circulating in the U.S. and enhance our understanding of disease impacts on wild birds. Wild bird surveillance also provides early warning for the agricultural sector and helps inform the need for increased biosecurity at poultry facilities.
The NWHC routinely tests samples from wild birds for avian influenza viruses. In December 2014, the NWHC detected HPAI viruses of Asian origin in wild waterfowl in the state of Washington (Ip et al. 2015). By the end of 2015, losses associated with this HPAI outbreak exceeded 50 million poultry, resulting in over $3 billion dollars in economic impacts.
Between 2016 and 2021, the NWHC tested over 3,400 wild-bird carcasses and over 12,400 swab samples from healthy wild birds for the presence of avian influenza viruses. While HPAI was not detected in any of these samples, over 2,600 low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses were identified and characterized, providing critical information to wildlife and agricultural officials regarding the spatial distribution and strains of avian influenza viruses circulating in our nation’s wildlife.

HPAI Surveillance Update 2021-2025
Highly pathogenic avian influenza was detected in North American wild birds in December 2021 for the first time since 2015. Initial detections occurred in Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) and the United States (South Carolina). Multiple introductions of HPAI H5N1 into North America have now been documented to have occurred in 2021 and 2022. Since that time, HPAI H5/H5N1 has been detected in over 10,000 wild birds representing over 160 unique North American species, and over 400 wild mammals representing over 20 unique North American species. Confirmed detections in wild birds, mammals, poultry, and livestock in the United States are reported online by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a map of confirmed detections in wild birds in the United States is available from the NWHC.
Interagency Partnerships
The NWHC serves on the U.S. Interagency Steering Committee for Surveillance for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Birds and conducts morbidity and mortality event investigations in support of the Interagency Strategic Plan for Early Detection and Monitoring for Avian Influenzas of Significance in Wild Birds. The NWHC also serves as an affiliate member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) and collaborates with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Veterinary Services Laboratory on diagnostic testing of samples collected from wild birds for avian influenza surveillance.
Additional Resources
- Distribution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in wild birds in North America, 2021-2025 (Map)
- Avian influenza (USDA)
- Information on Avian Influenza (CDC)
- Implementation Plan for Avian Influenza Surveillance in Waterfowl in the United States
- NWHC Wildlife Health Bulletins
- Status and Response to Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in North America – February 2022
- Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in an Exhibition Farm in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada - December 2021
- Winter 2021 Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Circulating Globally in Wild Birds - December 2021
More Information on Avian Influenza
Avian influenza is a viral disease caused by various strains of avian influenza viruses that can be classified as low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) or highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which refers to a specific virus’ capability to cause mortality in domestic poultry. It remains a high consequence global disease with the potential to threaten wildlife, agriculture, and human health. Check out the main Avian Influenza page to learn more.
Recent Scientific Publications
The following publications include NWHC contributions to avian influenza research:
- Elsmo, E.J., Wünschmann, A., Beckmen, K.B., Broughton-Neiswanger, L.B., Buckles, E.L., Ellis, J.H., Fitzgerald, S.D., Gerlach, R., Hawkins, S., Ip, H.S., Lankton, J.S., Lemley, E.M., Lenoch, J.B., Killian, M.L., Lantz, K., Long, L., Maes, R., Mainenti, M., Melotti, J., Moriarty, M.E., Nakagun, S., Ruden, R.M., Shearn-Bochsler, V.I., Thompson, D.A., Torchetti, M.K., Van Wettere, A.J., Wise, A.G., Lim, A.L., 2023. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus clade infections in wild terrestrial mammals, United States, 2022. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 2451-2460.
- Gass, J.D., Jr., Dusek, R.J., Hall, J.S., Hallgrimsson, G.T., Halldórsson, H.P., Vignisson, S.R., Ragnarsdottir, S.B., Jónsson, J.E., Krauss, S., Wong, S.-S., Wan, X.-F., Akter, S., Sreevatsan, S., Trovão, N.S., Nutter, F.B., Runstadler, J.A., Hill, N.J., 2023. Global dissemination of Influenza A virus is driven by wild bird migration through arctic and subarctic zones. Molecular Ecology 32, 198-213.
- Hall, J.S., Grear, D.A., Krauss, S., Seiler, P., Dusek, R.J., Nashold, S., Webster, R.G., 2021. Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N2 (Clade challenge of mallards age appropriate to the 2015 midwestern poultry outbreak. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 15, 767-777.
- Hill, N.J., Bishop, M.A., Trovao, N.S., Ineson, K., Schaefer, A., Puryear, W.B., Zhou, K., Foss, A., Clark, D., McKenzie, K., Gass, J.D., Jr., Borkenhagen, L., Hall, J.S., Runstadler, J.A., 2022. Ecological divergence of wild birds drives avian influenza spillover and global spread. PLoS Pathogens18.
- Ip, H.S., Uhm, S., Killian, M.L., Torchetti, M.K., 2023. An evaluation of avian influenza virus whole-genome sequencing approaches using nanopore technology. Microorganisms 11.
- Kent, C.M., Ramey, A.M., Ackerman, J.T., Bahl, J., Bevins, S.N., Bowman, A.S., Boyce, W., Cardona, C., Casazza, M.L., Cline, T.D., De La Cruz, S.E.W., Hall, J.S., Hill, N.J., Ip, H.S., Krauss, S., Mullinax, J.M., Nolting, J.M., Plancarte, M., Poulson, R.L., Runstadler, J.A., Slemons, R.D., Stallknecht, D.E., Sullivan, J.D., Takekawa, J.Y., Webby, R.J., Webster, R.G., Prosser, D.J., 2022. Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle. Scientific Reports 12.
- Prosser, D., Chen, J., Ahlstrom, C., Reeves, A.B., Poulson, R.L., Sullivan, J.D., McAuley, D., Callahan, C.R., McGowan, P.C., Bahl, J., Stallknecht, D.E., Ramey, A.M., 2022. Maintenance and dissemination of avian-origin influenza A virus within the northern Atlantic Flyway of North America. PLoS Pathogens 18.
- Ramey, A.M., Hill, N.J., DeLiberto, T.J., Gibbs, S.E.J., Hopkins, M.C., Lang, A.S., Poulson, R.L., Prosser, D., Sleeman, J.M., Stallknecht, D.E., Wan, X.-F., 2022. Highly pathogenic avian influenza is an emerging disease threat to wild birds in North America. Journal of Wildlife Management 86.
- Tawidian, P., Torchetti, M.K., Killian, M.L., Lantz, K., Dilione, K.E., Ringenberg, J.M., Bevins, S.N., Lenoch, J., Ip, H.S., 2024. Genotypic clustering of H5N1 avian Influenza viruses in North America evaluated by ordination analysis. Viruses 16.
- Youk, S., Torchetti, M.K., Lantz, K., Lenoch, J.B., Killian, M.L., Leyson, C., Bevins, S.N., Dilione, K., Ip, H.S., Stallknecht, D.E., Poulson, R.L., Suarez, D.L., Swayne, D.E., Pantin-Jackwood, M.J., 2023. H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza clade in wild and domestic birds: Introductions into the United States and reassortments, December 2021–April 2022. Virology 587.
Learn about other NWHC work on avian influenza.
Avian Influenza
Below are photos related to avian influenza surveillance.

Blue-winged teal in Texas. Inset shows avian influenza virus
A USGS scientist takes a sample from a northern pintail duck (Anas acuta) to be tested for avian influenza.
A USGS scientist takes a sample from a northern pintail duck (Anas acuta) to be tested for avian influenza.

USGS biologists swab a hen mallard duck for avian influenza in Rio Grande County, Colorado.
USGS biologists swab a hen mallard duck for avian influenza in Rio Grande County, Colorado.
Below are publications related to avian influenza surveillance.
Global dissemination of Influenza A virus is driven by wild bird migration through arctic and subarctic zones
Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle
Maintenance and dissemination of avian-origin influenza A virus within the northern Atlantic Flyway of North America
Ecological divergence of wild birds drives avian influenza spillover and global spread
Highly pathogenic avian influenza is an emerging disease threat to wild birds in North America
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N2 (Clade challenge of mallards age appropriate to the 2015 midwestern poultry outbreak
Genesis and spread of multiple reassortants during the 2016/2017 H5 avian influenza epidemic in Eurasia
Serosurvey of coyotes (Canis latrans), foxes (Vulpes vulpes, Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) for exposure to influenza A viruses in the USA
Avian influenza virus prevalence in marine birds is dependent on ocean temperatures
Artificial intelligence and avian influenza: Using machine learning to enhance active surveillance for avian influenza viruses
Aerosol transmission of gull-origin Iceland subtype H10N7 influenza A virus in ferrets
Predicting the initial spread of novel Asian origin influenza A viruses in the continental USA by wild waterfowl
Below are news stories related to avian influenza.
Below are FAQs related to avian influenza.
What is Avian Influenza?
How do scientists know if individual wild birds are infected with avian influenza?
How is avian influenza spread?
Can people get avian influenza?
Can wild birds spread avian influenza to domestic poultry?
What are the different types of avian influenza? What do the numbers next to H and N mean?
The USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) conducts surveillance in wild birds to facilitate early detection and situational awareness for high consequence pathogens, including highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses.
Investigating Avian Influenza in U.S. Wildlife

In addition to investigating wildlife mortality events since our founding in the 1970s, the NWHC conducts research to better understand processes and environmental factors that influence spread, distribution, and transmission of HPAI in wild birds and poultry. Surveillance activities conducted by NWHC, in support of national HPAI surveillance objectives, provide critical information regarding avian influenza strains currently circulating in the U.S. and enhance our understanding of disease impacts on wild birds. Wild bird surveillance also provides early warning for the agricultural sector and helps inform the need for increased biosecurity at poultry facilities.
The NWHC routinely tests samples from wild birds for avian influenza viruses. In December 2014, the NWHC detected HPAI viruses of Asian origin in wild waterfowl in the state of Washington (Ip et al. 2015). By the end of 2015, losses associated with this HPAI outbreak exceeded 50 million poultry, resulting in over $3 billion dollars in economic impacts.
Between 2016 and 2021, the NWHC tested over 3,400 wild-bird carcasses and over 12,400 swab samples from healthy wild birds for the presence of avian influenza viruses. While HPAI was not detected in any of these samples, over 2,600 low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses were identified and characterized, providing critical information to wildlife and agricultural officials regarding the spatial distribution and strains of avian influenza viruses circulating in our nation’s wildlife.

HPAI Surveillance Update 2021-2025
Highly pathogenic avian influenza was detected in North American wild birds in December 2021 for the first time since 2015. Initial detections occurred in Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) and the United States (South Carolina). Multiple introductions of HPAI H5N1 into North America have now been documented to have occurred in 2021 and 2022. Since that time, HPAI H5/H5N1 has been detected in over 10,000 wild birds representing over 160 unique North American species, and over 400 wild mammals representing over 20 unique North American species. Confirmed detections in wild birds, mammals, poultry, and livestock in the United States are reported online by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a map of confirmed detections in wild birds in the United States is available from the NWHC.
Interagency Partnerships
The NWHC serves on the U.S. Interagency Steering Committee for Surveillance for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Birds and conducts morbidity and mortality event investigations in support of the Interagency Strategic Plan for Early Detection and Monitoring for Avian Influenzas of Significance in Wild Birds. The NWHC also serves as an affiliate member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) and collaborates with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Veterinary Services Laboratory on diagnostic testing of samples collected from wild birds for avian influenza surveillance.
Additional Resources
- Distribution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in wild birds in North America, 2021-2025 (Map)
- Avian influenza (USDA)
- Information on Avian Influenza (CDC)
- Implementation Plan for Avian Influenza Surveillance in Waterfowl in the United States
- NWHC Wildlife Health Bulletins
- Status and Response to Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in North America – February 2022
- Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in an Exhibition Farm in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada - December 2021
- Winter 2021 Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Circulating Globally in Wild Birds - December 2021
More Information on Avian Influenza
Avian influenza is a viral disease caused by various strains of avian influenza viruses that can be classified as low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) or highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which refers to a specific virus’ capability to cause mortality in domestic poultry. It remains a high consequence global disease with the potential to threaten wildlife, agriculture, and human health. Check out the main Avian Influenza page to learn more.
Recent Scientific Publications
The following publications include NWHC contributions to avian influenza research:
- Elsmo, E.J., Wünschmann, A., Beckmen, K.B., Broughton-Neiswanger, L.B., Buckles, E.L., Ellis, J.H., Fitzgerald, S.D., Gerlach, R., Hawkins, S., Ip, H.S., Lankton, J.S., Lemley, E.M., Lenoch, J.B., Killian, M.L., Lantz, K., Long, L., Maes, R., Mainenti, M., Melotti, J., Moriarty, M.E., Nakagun, S., Ruden, R.M., Shearn-Bochsler, V.I., Thompson, D.A., Torchetti, M.K., Van Wettere, A.J., Wise, A.G., Lim, A.L., 2023. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus clade infections in wild terrestrial mammals, United States, 2022. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29, 2451-2460.
- Gass, J.D., Jr., Dusek, R.J., Hall, J.S., Hallgrimsson, G.T., Halldórsson, H.P., Vignisson, S.R., Ragnarsdottir, S.B., Jónsson, J.E., Krauss, S., Wong, S.-S., Wan, X.-F., Akter, S., Sreevatsan, S., Trovão, N.S., Nutter, F.B., Runstadler, J.A., Hill, N.J., 2023. Global dissemination of Influenza A virus is driven by wild bird migration through arctic and subarctic zones. Molecular Ecology 32, 198-213.
- Hall, J.S., Grear, D.A., Krauss, S., Seiler, P., Dusek, R.J., Nashold, S., Webster, R.G., 2021. Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N2 (Clade challenge of mallards age appropriate to the 2015 midwestern poultry outbreak. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 15, 767-777.
- Hill, N.J., Bishop, M.A., Trovao, N.S., Ineson, K., Schaefer, A., Puryear, W.B., Zhou, K., Foss, A., Clark, D., McKenzie, K., Gass, J.D., Jr., Borkenhagen, L., Hall, J.S., Runstadler, J.A., 2022. Ecological divergence of wild birds drives avian influenza spillover and global spread. PLoS Pathogens18.
- Ip, H.S., Uhm, S., Killian, M.L., Torchetti, M.K., 2023. An evaluation of avian influenza virus whole-genome sequencing approaches using nanopore technology. Microorganisms 11.
- Kent, C.M., Ramey, A.M., Ackerman, J.T., Bahl, J., Bevins, S.N., Bowman, A.S., Boyce, W., Cardona, C., Casazza, M.L., Cline, T.D., De La Cruz, S.E.W., Hall, J.S., Hill, N.J., Ip, H.S., Krauss, S., Mullinax, J.M., Nolting, J.M., Plancarte, M., Poulson, R.L., Runstadler, J.A., Slemons, R.D., Stallknecht, D.E., Sullivan, J.D., Takekawa, J.Y., Webby, R.J., Webster, R.G., Prosser, D.J., 2022. Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle. Scientific Reports 12.
- Prosser, D., Chen, J., Ahlstrom, C., Reeves, A.B., Poulson, R.L., Sullivan, J.D., McAuley, D., Callahan, C.R., McGowan, P.C., Bahl, J., Stallknecht, D.E., Ramey, A.M., 2022. Maintenance and dissemination of avian-origin influenza A virus within the northern Atlantic Flyway of North America. PLoS Pathogens 18.
- Ramey, A.M., Hill, N.J., DeLiberto, T.J., Gibbs, S.E.J., Hopkins, M.C., Lang, A.S., Poulson, R.L., Prosser, D., Sleeman, J.M., Stallknecht, D.E., Wan, X.-F., 2022. Highly pathogenic avian influenza is an emerging disease threat to wild birds in North America. Journal of Wildlife Management 86.
- Tawidian, P., Torchetti, M.K., Killian, M.L., Lantz, K., Dilione, K.E., Ringenberg, J.M., Bevins, S.N., Lenoch, J., Ip, H.S., 2024. Genotypic clustering of H5N1 avian Influenza viruses in North America evaluated by ordination analysis. Viruses 16.
- Youk, S., Torchetti, M.K., Lantz, K., Lenoch, J.B., Killian, M.L., Leyson, C., Bevins, S.N., Dilione, K., Ip, H.S., Stallknecht, D.E., Poulson, R.L., Suarez, D.L., Swayne, D.E., Pantin-Jackwood, M.J., 2023. H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza clade in wild and domestic birds: Introductions into the United States and reassortments, December 2021–April 2022. Virology 587.
Learn about other NWHC work on avian influenza.
Avian Influenza
Below are photos related to avian influenza surveillance.

Blue-winged teal in Texas. Inset shows avian influenza virus
Blue-winged teal in Texas. Inset shows avian influenza virus
A USGS scientist takes a sample from a northern pintail duck (Anas acuta) to be tested for avian influenza.
A USGS scientist takes a sample from a northern pintail duck (Anas acuta) to be tested for avian influenza.

USGS biologists swab a hen mallard duck for avian influenza in Rio Grande County, Colorado.
USGS biologists swab a hen mallard duck for avian influenza in Rio Grande County, Colorado.
Below are publications related to avian influenza surveillance.
Global dissemination of Influenza A virus is driven by wild bird migration through arctic and subarctic zones
Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle
Maintenance and dissemination of avian-origin influenza A virus within the northern Atlantic Flyway of North America
Ecological divergence of wild birds drives avian influenza spillover and global spread
Highly pathogenic avian influenza is an emerging disease threat to wild birds in North America
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N2 (Clade challenge of mallards age appropriate to the 2015 midwestern poultry outbreak
Genesis and spread of multiple reassortants during the 2016/2017 H5 avian influenza epidemic in Eurasia
Serosurvey of coyotes (Canis latrans), foxes (Vulpes vulpes, Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) for exposure to influenza A viruses in the USA
Avian influenza virus prevalence in marine birds is dependent on ocean temperatures
Artificial intelligence and avian influenza: Using machine learning to enhance active surveillance for avian influenza viruses
Aerosol transmission of gull-origin Iceland subtype H10N7 influenza A virus in ferrets
Predicting the initial spread of novel Asian origin influenza A viruses in the continental USA by wild waterfowl
Below are news stories related to avian influenza.
Below are FAQs related to avian influenza.