BarterMachine is available
on blockchains (click button to use it):
Avalanche Testnet Bloxberg (slow rpc) Ropsten (deprecated)
You should install Metamask first before using BarterMachine (BM).
BarterMachine is provided as is without any warranty. Use at your own risk.
BarterMachine is an autonomous decentralized exchange that can be used to collectively barter fungible and non-fungible tokens. It also provides features such as clubs which are communities and browser based solution miner that let users find bartering solutions and submit them in order to earn excess tokens as rewards. BarterMachine is a proof-of-concept, academic/educational system that has been developed to teach about and to experiment with decentralized Barter Economy on blockchains.
Bartering of tokenized Real World Assets (RWAs).
Can Özturan, Barter Machine: An Autonomous, Distributed Barter Exchange on the Ethereum Blockchain. Ledger, 5. 2020. https://doi.org/10.5195/ledger.2020.148 ( paper, open review , preprint version )
1. Questioning difficulty of double/multiple concidences of wants.
2. Install Metamask (metamask video).
3. What is BarterMachine ?.
4. Getting Started with BarterMachine, Part-1.
5. Consumable Dummy Tokens.
6. Solution Mining.
7. BarterMachine Clubs (Communities).
8. Getting Started with BarterMachine, Part-2.
9. Getting Started with BarterMachine, Part-3.
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Tweets and Other Links:
- https://twitter.com/canozturan/status/1447471197646737411
- https://twitter.com/naval/status/1447435096131203079
- https://twitter.com/RobinBrooksIIF/status/1608490007647469568
- https://twitter.com/RobinBrooksIIF/status/1608495999097491456
- https://hbr.org/2021/07/the-data-economy-is-a-barter-economy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_economy