Credits Italian
Click on the links below to access data
Resident Population
by age, sex and marital status on 1st January 2003
Year 2002
Recalculation of intercensal population estimates
years 1981-1991 (italian)
Life Tables
of the Italian Population by province and region of residence. Year 2000
Population Projection
by age, sex and region of residence. Years 2001-2051
Demographic Balance
for the year 2003 and resident population on 31th December
Monthly Demographic Data
Year 2003
Foreigners resident in Italy
Demographic balance for the year 2000 and resident population by sex and citizenship on 31st December
Foreigners resident in Italy
Demographic balance for the year 1999 and resident population by sex and citizenship on 31st December

More recent official data on resident population in the Italian municipalities are available in this site. Data are collected from the Population Register Offices and will be updated from time to time with the last available year. Elaborations on main demographic phenomena are also available. For some indicators we supply also a map with the new system GEODEMO

Note: English Version is still Under Construction. For further data please consult the Italian Version

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