ONTD: Oh No They Didn't!

1:19 am - 12/24/2010

TMZ blocks visitors in UK

Earlier this evening, TMZ.com started showing this message to visitors from the United Kingdom:

Who else is seeing this? State your country and see if we can figure out if this is a temporary glitch or a perplexing new policy.

No idea what laws they are vaguely reffering to. No-one outside UK seems to be getting this message.

Update: Well it's true folks. TMZ got back to me and confirm the site is no longer available in the UK due to legal restrictions. No elaboration.

I understand this won't matter much to anyone outside the UK but we can all agree websites blocking countries isn't what the Internet promised us :(
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[info]panther_style 24th-Dec-2010 01:29 am (UTC)
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[info]memskitch 24th-Dec-2010 01:30 am (UTC)
Australia is fine.

Stay classy, Australia.
[info]whatthecurtains 24th-Dec-2010 10:14 am (UTC)
Well don't they show it on tv? So it would be stupid to air the programme in the region but not allow them on the site?
[info]affliction 24th-Dec-2010 01:31 am (UTC)
i dislike the font used in their logo thingy
[info]my_own_sharon 24th-Dec-2010 01:31 am (UTC)
i can see it and im @ betty ford
[info]sapitacherry 24th-Dec-2010 01:33 am (UTC)
hay gurl, hows tricks??
[info]panther_style 24th-Dec-2010 01:33 am (UTC)
[info]calvinct 24th-Dec-2010 01:34 am (UTC)
How many staffers have you hit today?
[info]heartofclass 24th-Dec-2010 02:00 am (UTC)
[info]mark91 24th-Dec-2010 01:32 am (UTC)
Can't see this in Canada :/
[info]grande_latte 24th-Dec-2010 01:32 am (UTC)
this isn't a bad thing
[info]chasitydoll85 24th-Dec-2010 01:34 am (UTC)
[info]anti_moralist 24th-Dec-2010 01:32 am (UTC)
[info]galyuhalead 24th-Dec-2010 02:31 am (UTC)
lmao i may steal your icon.

Edited at 2010-12-24 02:31 am (UTC)
[info]amoramoamitto 24th-Dec-2010 01:32 am (UTC)
[info]namehereplz 24th-Dec-2010 01:34 am (UTC)
Ireland is grand.
[info]badwolfx 24th-Dec-2010 01:34 am (UTC)
Wow, rude.

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[info]davejohn 24th-Dec-2010 01:35 am (UTC)
ZEE GERMANS are still free to zee TMZ
[info]dnfrommn 24th-Dec-2010 04:36 am (UTC)
you're in Germany?
[info]davejohn 24th-Dec-2010 08:48 am (UTC)
[info]lovepollution 24th-Dec-2010 01:35 am (UTC)
I'm in the UK and going to TMZ.com is redirecting me to http://www.warnerbros.com/
[info]badwolfx 24th-Dec-2010 01:36 am (UTC)
yeah, it redirected me there too =/
[info]toilet_roll 24th-Dec-2010 01:38 am (UTC)
[info]thecraven 24th-Dec-2010 01:40 am (UTC)
www.tmz.com did come back OK for a few minutes just now but is now again showing the message. tmz.com (without the www) is going to warnerbros.com for me too (don't think it used to, why would it do that?)

Hopefully a temporary Domain Name Server problem.
[info]xeatxep 24th-Dec-2010 12:28 pm (UTC)
I never got redirected.
[info]facett 24th-Dec-2010 01:36 am (UTC)
speaking of blocking things, is there a way to block the bing thing?
[info]lalameanslove 24th-Dec-2010 01:37 am (UTC)
[info]srsmoonlight 24th-Dec-2010 01:50 am (UTC)
if you have adblock

right click it and it should say

Ablock Plus: Block Frame...
[info]lalameanslove 24th-Dec-2010 01:37 am (UTC)
why tho
[info]nomoneyfun 24th-Dec-2010 03:23 am (UTC)
Bishes should be coming to ONTD anyways.
[info]cigarettelover 24th-Dec-2010 01:37 am (UTC)
I'm Serbian and it works fine for me. Makes sense since we're pretty much a lawless nation.
[info]dicklerlikewhoa 24th-Dec-2010 02:14 am (UTC)
i want to visit your country
[info]nothingisnow 24th-Dec-2010 07:25 am (UTC)
lmao I love this comment
[info]pageeglantine 24th-Dec-2010 11:02 am (UTC)
I'll say, I watched half of A Serbian Film last Sunday and still it haunts me.
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