1:19 am - 12/24/2010
TMZ blocks visitors in UK
Earlier this evening, TMZ.com started showing this message to visitors from the United Kingdom:

Who else is seeing this? State your country and see if we can figure out if this is a temporary glitch or a perplexing new policy.
No idea what laws they are vaguely reffering to. No-one outside UK seems to be getting this message.
Update: Well it's true folks. TMZ got back to me and confirm the site is no longer available in the UK due to legal restrictions. No elaboration.
I understand this won't matter much to anyone outside the UK but we can all agree websites blocking countries isn't what the Internet promised us :(

Who else is seeing this? State your country and see if we can figure out if this is a temporary glitch or a perplexing new policy.
No idea what laws they are vaguely reffering to. No-one outside UK seems to be getting this message.
Update: Well it's true folks. TMZ got back to me and confirm the site is no longer available in the UK due to legal restrictions. No elaboration.
I understand this won't matter much to anyone outside the UK but we can all agree websites blocking countries isn't what the Internet promised us :(
Stay classy, Australia.
Edited at 2010-12-24 02:31 am (UTC)
Hopefully a temporary Domain Name Server problem.
right click it and it should say
Ablock Plus: Block Frame...