Family entertainment centres can reopen from July 15, says Ismail Sabri

  • Nation
  • Friday, 10 Jul 2020

PUTRAJAYA: Family entertainment centres such as game arcades and family-oriented karaoke centres can resume operations from July 15, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Other outlets under this category include indoor funfairs, edutainment centres for children and kids’ gymnasiums.

The Senior Minister said the special Cabinet meeting had heard a proposal from the Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister on the re-opening of such services, noting that the closure due to movement control order (MCO) had affected some 3,000 workers.

"He pointed out that this sector contributes RM500mil to the country’s coffers annually.

“So we have decided to allow these businesses to operate from July 15 but operators are to ensure that standard operating procedures are practised, not just by them but also by their customers.

“However, discos, pubs and nightclubs cannot open their doors for business just yet, ” he said on Friday (July 10).

Outlet operators are to check the body temperature of their patrons, sell tickets via online, limit the number of customers according to the size of the premises and get them to download the MySejahtera application.

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