On the Wisdom of Crowds
(of Economists)
Abstract: We study the properties of macroeconomic survey forecast response averages as the number of survey respondents grows. Such averages are “portfolios” of forecasts. We characterize the speed and pattern of the gains from diversification and their eventual decrease with portfolio size (the number of survey respondents) in both (1) the key real-world data-based environment of the U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), and (2) the theoretical model-based environment of equicorrelated forecast errors. We proceed by proposing and comparing various direct and model-based “crowd size signature plots”, which summarize the forecasting performance of -average forecasts as a function of , where is the number of forecasts in the average. We then estimate the equicorrelation model for growth and inflation forecast errors by choosing model parameters to minimize the divergence between direct and model-based signature plots. The results indicate near-perfect equicorrelation model fit for both growth and inflation, which we explicate by showing analytically that, under conditions, the direct and fitted equicorrelation model-based signature plots are identical at a particular model parameter configuration. We find that the gains from diversification are greater for inflation forecasts than for growth forecasts, but that both gains nevertheless decrease quite quickly, so that fewer SPF respondents than currently used may be adequate.
Acknowledgments: For helpful comments and discussions we thank seminar and conference participants at the University of Washington and Cornell University, the International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (Rethimno, Crete), and the Conference on Real-Time Data Analysis, Methods and Applications in Macroeconomics and Finance (Bank of Canada, Ottawa). For research assistance we thank Jacob Broussard. Any remaining errors are ours alone.
Key words: Macroeconomic surveys of professional forecasters, forecast combination, model averaging, equicorrelation
JEL codes: C5, C8, E3, E6
Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
1 Introduction and Basic Framework
The wisdom of crowds, or lack thereof, is traditionally and presently a central issue in psychology, history, and political science; see for example Surowiecki (2005) regarding wisdom, and Aliber et al. (2023) regarding lack thereof. Perhaps most prominently, however, the wisdom of crowds is also—and again, traditionally and presently—a central issue in economics and finance, where heterogeneous information and expectations formation take center stage.111Interestingly, moreover, it also features prominently in new disciplines like machine learning and artificial intelligence, via forecast combination methods like ensemble averaging (e.g., Diebold et al., 2023).
In this paper we focus on economics and finance, studying the “wisdom” of “crowds” of professional economists. We focus on the U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), which is important not only in facilitating empirical academic research in macroeconomics and financial economics, but also—and crucially—in guiding real-time policy, business, and investment management decisions.222On real-time policy and its evaluation, see John Tayor’s inaugural NBER Feldstein Lecture at https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/gmwg-empirically-evaluating-economic-policy-in-real-time.pdf.,333For an introduction to the SPF, see the materials at https://www.philadelphiafed.org/surveys-and-data/real-time-data-research/survey-of-professional-forecasters.
In particular, we study SPF crowd behavior as crowd size grows, asking precisely the same sorts of questions of SPF “forecast portfolios” that one asks of financial asset portfolios: How quickly, and with what patterns, do diversification benefits become operative, and eventually dissipate, as portfolio size (the number of forecasters) grows, and why? Do the results differ across variables (e.g., growth vs. inflation), and if so, why? What are the implications for survey size and design? We are of course not the first to ask such questions. Classic early work on which we build includes, for example, Makridakis and Winkler (1983) and Batchelor and Dua (1995). We progress much farther, however, particularly as regards analytic characterization.
We answer the above questions using what we call “crowd size signature plots”, which summarize the forecasting performance of -average forecasts as a function of , where is the number of forecasts in the average. We examine not only direct signature plots (empirically), but also model-based signature plots (analytically, based on a simple model of forecast-error equicorrelation), after which we proceed to estimate and assess the equicorrelation model.
To fix ideas and notation, let us sketch the basic framework with some precision. Let refer to a set of forecasts with zero-mean time- error vector , , and let refer to a subset of forecasts. We consider -forecast averages, and we seek to characterize -forecast mean-squared forecast error (). For a particular -forecast average corresponding to group , the forecast error is just the average of the individual forecast errors, so we have
(1) |
For any choice of , however, there are possible -forecast averages. We focus on the -average given by equation (1), averaged across all groups of size ,
(2) |
where is an arbitrary member of the set of groups of size .
Among other things, we are interested in:
Tracking and visualizing as grows (“ crowd size signature plots”);
Tracking and visualizing the change (improvement) in from adding one more forecast to the pool (i.e., moving from to forecasts),
(3) as grows (“ crowd size signature plots”);
Tracking and visualizing the average performance from -averaging () relative to the performance from no averaging,
(4) as grows (“ crowd size signature plots”, where we use “” to denote “ratio”);
Tracking and visualizing not just mean squared-error performance as grows, as in all of the above signature plots, but rather the complete distributional squared-error performance as grows (“ crowd size signature plots”, where is the average empirical distribution of for crowd size );
Understanding paths and patterns in the above signature plots as grows, whether obtained by direct analysis of the SPF data, or by analysis of (equicorrelation) models fit to the SPF data;
Assessing the equicorrelation model by comparing direct and model-based SPF signature plot estimates;
Understanding similarities and differences in results across variables (growth vs. inflation);
Drawing practical implications for SPF design.
We proceed as follows. In section 2 we study the SPF, and we estimate its crowd size signature plots directly. In section 3 we study an equicorrelation model, and we characterize its crowd size signature plots analytically for any parameter configuration. In section 4 we estimate and assess the equicorrelation model by choosing its parameters to minimize divergence between direct and model-based signature plots. In section 5 we conclude and sketch several directions for future research.
2 Direct Crowd Size Signature Plots

1cm1cm Notes: We show the number of participants in the U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters, 1968Q4-2023Q2.
Growth Mean Growth S.D.

Inflation Mean Inflation S.D.

1cm1cm Notes: We show time series of cross-sectional means and standard deviations of individual 1-step-ahead forecast errors, 1968Q4-2023Q2. Gray shaded regions denote recessions.
The U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters is a quarterly survey covering several U.S. macroeconomic variables. It was started in 1968Q4 and is currently conducted and maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.444For a recent introduction see Croushore and Stark (2019). In Figure 1 we show the evolution of the number of forecast participants, which declined until 1990Q2, when the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia took control of the survey, after which it has had approximately 40 participants. Participants stayed for 15 quarters on average, with a minimum of 1 quarter and a maximum of 125 quarters.
We will analyze SPF point forecasts for real output growth (“growth”) and GDP deflator inflation (“inflation”), for forecast horizons , corresponding to short-, medium-, and longer-term forecasts.555The SPF contains quarterly level forecasts of real GDP and the GDP implicit price deflator. We transform the level forecasts into growth and inflation forecasts by computing annualized quarter-on-quarter growth rates, and we compute the corresponding forecast errors using realized values as of December 2023. See Appendix A for details. Our sample period is 1968Q4-2023Q2, during which the survey panel had 38 participants per survey on average.
2.1 SPF Forecast Errors
Because individual forecast errors drive our analysis, as per equation (2), we begin by examining their evolving period-by-period cross-sectional distributions. In Figure 2 we show the time-series of cross-sectional means and standard deviations. Several features are apparent:
The Great Moderation is clearly reflected in both the growth and inflation error distributions, which have noticeably reduced variability from the end of the Volcker Recession to the start of the Great Recession.
Growth tends to be over-predicted when entering recessions; that is, the mean growth error (actual minus predicted) distribution tends to be negative. Hence recessions tend to catch forecasters by surprise. The Pandemic Recession provides the most extreme example, as the mean growth error plunges.
Growth is, however, sometimes systematically under-predicted during recoveries. The Pandemic Recession again provides the most extreme example, as the mean growth error leaps skyward.
Inflation shows little such systematic over- or under-prediction when entering or exiting recessions, except for the entry into the Oil Shock Recession, when inflation was noticeably under-predicted.
The variability of the growth error distribution increases during recessions, most notably during the Great Recession and the Pandemic Recession, reflecting greater disagreement among forecasters. The same is true of the inflation error distribution during those two recessions.
The unusual behavior of the inflation error distribution following the Pandemic Recession is clearly revealed. The mean error is always positive there (i.e., forecasters tended to under-predict), with the amount of under-prediction first growing and then shrinking. The inflation error variability follows a similar path.
2.2 Directly-Estimated Crowd Size Signature Plots
Growth Inflation
Notes: We show crowd size signature plots for SPF growth and inflation forecasts at horizons , for group sizes . For each , we produce the figure by randomly drawing groups of size for each .
Growth Inflation
Notes: We show crowd size signature plots for SPF growth and inflation forecasts at horizons , for group sizes . For each , we produce the figure by randomly drawing groups of size for each .
In principle we want to compute , but that is impossible in practice unless is very small, due to the potentially huge number of different -average forecasts.666For example, for , which is a realistic value for surveys of forecasters, and , we obtain . Hence we proceed by approximating as follows:
Randomly select a -average forecast , and calculate .
Repeat times, and average the values across the draws, where is large, but not so large as to be computationally intractable.777In this paper we use .
We show direct crowd size signature plots for growth and inflation, for horizons , in Figure 3 ( plots) and Figure 4 ( plots). Several features are apparent:
For both growth and inflation, the signature plot is lowest for , with the signature plots for = 2, 3, and 4 progressively farther above the plot in roughly parallel upward shifts, reflecting the fact that the near future is generally easier to predict than the more-distant future.
The growth signature plot does not rise much from to , in contrast to the inflation signature plot, suggesting that growth predictability drops with horizon more quickly than inflation predictability, effectively vanishing by .
For both growth and inflation and all forecast horizons, the reduction in from to dwarfs the improvement from moving from to , as visually emphasized by the signature plots in Figure 4. Hence there is little benefit from adding representative forecasters to the pool beyond .
For both growth and inflation and all forecast horizons, the signature plots are approximately the same (i.e., no upward shifts), which is expected because the signature plots shift with horizon in approximately parallel fashion, leaving the “first derivative” () unchanged.
Growth Inflation
Notes: We show direct crowd size signature plots for SPF growth and inflation forecasts at horizon , for group sizes . For each , we produce the figure by randomly drawing groups of size for each .
We show direct growth and inflation crowd size signature plots in Figure 5. They are simply the plots of Figure 3, scaled by (the benchmark MSE corresponding to no averaging), so that . The plots facilitate comparisons across growth and inflation, particularly when a common vertical scale is used, as in Figure 5. It is immediately apparent that the growth vs inflation plots asymptote to very different levels as increases – approximately 80% for growth and 60% for inflation – which highlights an important result not discussed thus far: The benefits of SPF “portfolio diversification” appear substantially greater for inflation than for growth, presumably due to lower correlation among the inflation forecasts. We will return to this issue when we study and estimate models of equicorrelated forecast errors in sections 3 and 4 below.
Growth Inflation

Notes: We show crowd size signature plots for SPF growth and inflation forecasts at horizon , for group sizes . For each , we produce the figure by randomly drawing groups of size for each .
Finally, we show growth and inflation crowd size signature plots in Figure 6. In particular, we show boxplots of squared 1-step-ahead -average forecast errors for .888The boxplots display the median, the first and third quartiles, the lower extreme value (first quartile minus 1.5 times interquartile range), the upper extreme value (third quartile plus 1.5 times the interquartile range), and outliers. Both the growth and inflation forecast error distributions are highly right-skewed for small k, but they become less variable and more symmetric as k grows and the central limit theorem (CLT) becomes operative, which happens noticeably less quickly for growth than for inflation. It is interesting to note, moreover, that for both growth and inflation the worst-case (maximum) is dropping in (“bad luck” resulting in high happens easily for small but is reduced as increases and the CLT becomes operative), but best-case (minimum) is increasing in (“good luck” resulting in low happens easily for small but is reduced as increases and the CLT becomes operative).
3 Model-Based Crowd Size Signature Plots
Having empirically characterized crowd size signature plots directly in the SPF data, we now proceed to characterize them analytically in a simple covariance-stationary equicorrelation model, in which , where is the zero vector and is an forecast-error covariance matrix displaying equicorrelation, by which we mean that all variances are identical and all implied correlations are identical.
3.1 Equicorrelated Forecast Errors
A trivial equicorrelation example occurs when , where denotes the identity matrix, so that all variances are equal (), and all correlations are equal (0). Of course the zero-correlation case is unrealistic, because, for example, economic forecast errors are invariably positively correlated due to overlap of information sets, but it will serve as a useful benchmark, so we begin with it.
Simple averaging is the fully optimal forecast combination in the zero-correlation environment, which is obvious since the forecasts are exchangeable. More formally, the optimality of simple averaging (equal combining weights) follows from the multivariate Bates and Granger (1969) formula for -optimal combining weights,
(5) |
where is a -dimensional column vector of ones. For the optimal weights collapse to
Analytical results for are straightforward for simple averages in the zero-correlation environment. Immediately, for sufficiently large, we have
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(Notice that cancels in the calculation, so we simply write .)
We now move to a richer equicorrelation case with equal but nonzero correlations, but still with equal variances (we refer to it as “strong equicorrelation”, or simply “equicorrelation” when the meaning is clear from context), so that instead of we have
(9) |
(10) |
and .999 is positive definite if and only if . See Lemma 2.1 of Engle and Kelly (2012). Recent work, in particular Engle and Kelly (2012), has made use of equicorrelation in the context of modeling multivariate financial asset return volatility.
Importantly, the optimality of simple averaging under zero correlation is preserved under equicorrelation.101010That is, equicorrelation is sufficient for the optimality of simple averaging. Elliott (2011) shows that a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality of simple averaging is that row sums of be equal. Equicorrelation is one such case, although there are of course others, obtained by manipulating correlations in their relation to variances to keep row sums equal, but none are nearly so compelling and readily interpretable as equicorrelation. To see why, consider the inverse covariance matrix in the expression for the optimal combining weight vector, (5). In the equicorrelation case we have
(11) |
where111111See Lemma 2.1 of Engle and Kelly (2012).
(12) |
Then, using equation (12), the first part of the optimal combining weight (5) is
(13) |
and the second part is
(14) |
Inserting equations (13) and (14) into equation (5) yields
(15) |
establishing the optimality of equal weights.
Having now introduced equicorrelation and shown that it implies optimality of simple average forecast combinations, it is of interest to assess whether it is a potentially reasonable model for sets of survey forecast errors. The answer is yes. First, obviously but importantly, the information sets of economic forecasters are quite highly overlapping, so it is not an unreasonable approximation to suppose that various pairs of forecast errors will be positively and similarly correlated.
Second, less obviously but also importantly, equicorrelation is closely linked to factor structure, which is a great workhorse of modern macroeconomics and business-cycle analysis (e.g., Stock and Watson, 2016). In particular, equicorrelation arises when forecast errors have single-factor structure with equal factor loadings and equal idiosyncratic shock variances, as in:
(16) |
where , , and , , , . In Appendix B we also explore a less-restrictive form of factor structure that produces a less-restrictive form of equicorrelation (“weak equicorrelation”).
Finally, a large literature from the 1980s onward documents the routine outstanding empirical performance of simple average forecast combinations, despite the fact that simple averages are not optimal in general (e.g., Clemen, 1989; Genre et al., 2013; Elliott and Timmermann, 2016; Diebold and Shin, 2019). As we have seen, however, equicorrelation is sufficient (and almost necessary) for optimality of simple averages, so that if simple averages routinely perform well, then the equicorrelation model is routinely reasonable – and the natural model to pair with the simple averages embodied in the SPF.
3.2 Analytic Equicorrelation Crowd Size Signature Plots
Analytical results for , and are easy to obtain under equicorrelation, just as they were under zero correlation. Immediately, for sufficiently large,
(17) |
(18) |
(19) |
(Note that cancels in the calculation, so we simply write .) If , the result (17) for in the equicorrelation case of course collapses to the earlier result (6) for in the zero-correlation case.

1cm1cm Notes: We show equicorrelation crowd size signature plots for group sizes , and equicorrelations .
In Figure 7 we show as a function of , for various equicorrelations, , with . From equation (17), the height of each curve at is simply , and the curves decrease for any fixed to a limiting value () as the combining pool grows ().121212Indeed under equicorrelation with , as here, . Indeed the gains from increasing are initially large but decrease quickly. The improvement, for example, in moving from to consistently dwarfs that of moving from to .
Overall, then, the value of increasing the pool size (i.e., increasing ) is highest when is small (small pool), when is low (weakly-correlated forecast errors), or when is high (volatile forecast errors). In particular, for realistic values of , around 0.5, say, most gains from increasing are obtained by .
Several additional remarks are in order:
The fact that, for realistic values of , most gains from increasing are obtained by does not necessarily indicate that typical surveys use too many forecasters. is an average across all -forecast combinations, and the best and worst -average combinations, for example, will have very different MSEs. Figure 8 speaks to this; it shows , , and ) under equicorrelation with and , for .131313We use as an approximation to the average number of forecasters participating in the SPF in any given quarter, and we use to mimic the total sample size when working with 40 years of quarterly data, as in the SPF.
The equicorrelation case is the only one for which analytic results are readily obtainable. For example, even if we maintain the assumption of equal correlations but simply allow different forecast error variances (“weak equicorrelation”), the of the -person average forecast becomes a function of , and little more can be said.141414See Appendix C for derivation of optimal combining weights in the weak equicorrelation case.
As mentioned earlier, the equicorrelation case naturally matches the provision of survey averages, because in that case simple averages are optimal. Hence, as we now proceed to a model-based empirical analysis of real forecasters, we work with the equicorrelation model, asking what values of and make the equicorrelation model-based signature plot as close as possible to the direct signature plot.
4 Estimating the Equicorrelation Model
Here we estimate the equicorrelation model by choosing its parameters and to make the equicorrelation as close as possible to the SPF . This estimation strategy is closely related to, but different from, GMM estimation. Rather than matching model and data moments, it matches more interesting and interpretable functions of those moments, namely model-based and direct crowd size signature plots – as per the “indirect inference” of Smith Jr (1993) and Gourieroux et al. (1993). Henceforth we refer to it simply as the “matching estimator”.
Specifically, we solve for such that
(20) |
and the minimization is constrained such that and .
4.1 Calculating the Solution
Calculating the minimum in equation (20) is very simple, because the bivariate minimization can be reduced to a univariate mimimization in . To see this, recall that , so that the first-order condition for is
(21) |
and the first-order condition for is
(22) |
Combining equations (21) and (22) yields
(23) |
where , and . Hence, at the optimum and conditional on the data, there is a deterministic inverse relationship between and (see Figure 9), enabling one to restrict the parameter search to the small open interval , as well as to explore the objective function visually as a function of alone (see Figure 10).

1cm1cm Notes: We show the relationship between and given by equation (23), for 1-step-ahead growth forecast errors. The highlighted values of and are the estimated values.
in a Neighborhood of | |
![]() |
![]() |
1cm1cm Notes: We show the objective function of the matching estimator expressed as a function of , for 1-step-ahead growth forecast errors. The highlighted value of is the estimated value.
Growth | ||||
18.562 | 21.170 | 22.713 | 23.275 | |
(0.606) | (0.546) | (0.589) | (0.646) | |
0.801 | 0.843 | 0.842 | 0.831 | |
(0.036) | (0.028) | (0.028) | (0.030) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | |
0.841 | 0.874 | 0.874 | 0.865 | |
0.815 | 0.853 | 0.853 | 0.842 | |
5.99E-05 | 3.95E-06 | 7.95E-06 | 1.01E-05 | |
Inflation | ||||
3.662 | 4.343 | 5.123 | 6.094 | |
(0.253) | (0.255) | (0.295) | (0.370) | |
0.580 | 0.644 | 0.650 | 0.630 | |
(0.082) | (0.068) | (0.066) | (0.071) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | |
0.664 | 0.715 | 0.720 | 0.704 | |
0.608 | 0.668 | 0.673 | 0.655 | |
2.21E-06 | 9.56E-07 | 1.82E-06 | 4.36E-05 |
1cm1cm Notes: We show equicorrelation model parameter estimates for SPF growth and inflation forecast errors at various horizons, with standard errors computed via 1000 bootstrap samples. We also show estimated relative with respect to no averaging, for . In the final line of each panel we show the value of the objective function evaluated at the estimated parameters, .
Growth Inflation

1cm1cm Notes: We show estimated equicorrelation crowd size signature plots for SPF growth and inflation forecasts at horizons , for group sizes .
Direct, Growth Est. Equicorrelation, Growth
Direct, Inflation Est. Equicorrelation, Inflation
1cm1cm Notes: We show direct and estimated equicorrelation ratio crowd size signature plots ( and , respectively) for growth and inflation forecasts at horizons , for group sizes .
In Table 1 we show the complete set of estimates (for and , for growth and inflation, for ). increases with forecast horizon, reflecting the fact that the distant future is harder to forecast than the near future, and implying that the fitted equicorrelation signature plots, , should shift upward with horizon, as confirmed in Figure 11. Comparison of the direct signature plots in Figure 3 with the equicorrelation model-based signature plots in Figure 11 reveals a remarkably good equicorrelation model fit. We emphasize this in Figure 12, in which we show side-by-side direct (left column) and equicorrelation model-based (right column) signature plots.
4.2 Understanding the Near-Perfect Equicorrelation Fit
Here we present a closed-form solution for the direct crowd size signature plot. The result is significant in its own right and reveals why our numerical matching estimates for the equicorrelation model produce fitted signature plots that align so closely with direct signature plots. To maintain precision it will prove useful to state it as a formal theorem.
Theorem: Let be any covariance stationary vector with mean zero and covariance matrix , given by
and define the -average ,
where represents any subset of of size (). Then
(24) |
(25) |
Proof: We have:
First consider the term related to variance. Note that, of the groups, there are groups that include . The sum of over all groups is therefore
(26) |
Now consider the term related to covariance. When summing across all groups , covariances between all possible pairs of and are accounted for. Because we are summing over all arbitrary groups , each pair appears the same number of times in the grand summation. To compute this number we observe that each group contains pairwise covariances and that there are possible groups. Hence the total number of individual covariance terms in the grand sum is . The number of times that each individual covariance term appears in the grand sum is , where is the total number of distinct pairs . The grand sum of covariances is therefore
(27) |
This completes the proof.
Several remarks are in order:
Equation (24) reveals that the direct crowd size signature plot is simply the equicorrelation model-based signature plot evaluated at particular values of the equicorrelation model parameters. This is true despite the fact that (24) does not require the forecast errors to be truly equicorrelated. Hence the “best-matching” equicorrelation model-based signature plot will always match the direct plot perfectly, regardless of whether the forecast errors are truly equicorrelated.
Equation (24) suggests an alternative, closed-form, matching estimator for the equicorrelation model:
(28) (29) -
Assessment of whether the forecast errors are truly equicorrelated could be done (under much stronger assumptions) by maximum-likelihood estimation of a dynamic-factor model, followed by likelihood-ratio tests of the restrictions implied by equicorrelation, as sketched in Appendix B for both weak and strong equicorrelation.
5 Summary, Conclusions, and Directions for Future Research
We have studied the properties of macroeconomic survey forecast response averages as the number of survey respondents grows, characterizing the speed and pattern of the “gains from diversification” and their eventual decrease with “portfolio size” (the number of survey respondents) in both (1) the key real-world data-based environment of the U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), and (2) the theoretical model-based environment of equicorrelated forecast errors. We proceeded by proposing and comparing various direct and model-based “crowd size signature plots”, which summarize the forecasting performance of -average forecasts as a function of , where is the number of forecasts in the average. We then estimated the equicorrelation model for growth and inflation forecast errors by choosing model parameters to minimize the divergence between direct and model-based signature plots.
The results indicate near-perfect equicorrelation model fit for both growth and inflation, which we explicated by showing analytically that, under conditions, the direct and fitted equicorrelation model-based signature plots are identical at a particular model parameter configuration, which we characterize. We find that the gains from diversification are greater for inflation forecasts than for growth forecasts, but that both the inflation and growth diversification gains nevertheless decrease quite quickly, so that fewer SPF respondents than currently used may be adequate.
Several directions for future research appear promising, including, in no particular order:
Instead of considering s across possible -average forecasts and averaging to obtain a “representative -average” forecast as a function of , one may want to consider “best -average” forecast as a function of , where the unique best -average forecast is obtained in each period as the -average that performed best historically.
One may want to allow for time-varying equicorrelation parameters, as might, for example, move downward with the Great Moderation, while might move counter-cyclically. The strong equicorrelation model in dynamic-factor form becomes
where , , and . Immediately,
One may want to complement our exploration of the U.S. SPF with a comparative exploration of the European SPF.151515For an introduction to the European SPF, see the materials at https://data.ecb.europa.eu/methodology/survey-professional-forecasters-spf. Doing so appears feasible but non-trivial, due to cross-survey differences in sample periods, economic indicator concepts (e.g., inflation), and timing conventions, and we reserve it for future work.
Appendix A Data Definitions and Sources
We obtain U.S. quarterly level forecasts of real output and the GDP deflator from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Individual Forecasts: Survey of Professional Forecasters (variables and , respectively). We transform the level forecasts into annualized growth rate forecasts using:
(A1) |
where is a quarterly level forecast (either or ) for quarter made using information available in quarter . For additional information, see https://www.philadelphiafed.org/surveys-and-data/real-time-data-research/individual-forecasts.
We obtain the corresponding realizations from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Forecast Error Statistics for the Survey of Professional Forecasters (December 2023 vintage). The realizations are reported as annualized growth rates, as in equation (A1) above, so there is no need for additional transformation. For additional information, see https://www.philadelphiafed.org/surveys-and-data/real-time-data-research/error-statistics.
Appendix B Strong Equicorrelation, Weak Equicorrelation, and Factor Structure
Consider a standard model of dynamic single-factor structure,
(B1) |
(B2) |
where , , and , . The implied forecast error covariance matrix fails to satisfy equicorrelation; that is,
because the forecast error variances generally vary with , and their correlations generally vary with and . In particular, simple calculations reveal that
where , and
(B3) |
Nevertheless, certain simple restrictions on the dynamic factor model (DFM) (B1)-(B2) produce certain forms of equicorrelation. First, from equation (B3), it is apparent that if and only if
(B4) |
so that imposition of the constraint (B4) on the measurement equation (B1) produces a “weak” form of equicorrelation with identical correlations () but potentially different idiosyncratic shock variances (). That is,
Second, it is also apparent from equation (B3) that if we impose the stronger restriction,
(B5) |
which of course implies the weaker restriction (B4), then we obtain (“strong”) equicorrelation as we have defined it throughout this paper, with identical correlations () and idiosyncratic shock variances (). That is,
Although we do not pursue maximum-likelihood estimation in this paper, we note that one may estimate the unrestricted DFM (B1)-(B2) by exact Gaussian pseudo maximum likelihood (ML). It is already in state-space form, and one pass of the Kalman filter yields the innovations needed for likelihood construction and evaluation, and it also accounts for missing observations associated with survey entry and exit. One may also impose weak or strong equicorrelation restrictions (B4) or (B5), respectively, and assess them using likelihood-ratio tests.
Appendix C Optimal Combining Weights Under Weak Equicorrelation
Here we briefly consider the “weak equicorrelation” case, with correlation and variances ; that is,
where . We can decompose the covariance matrix as
where is positive definite if and only if . The inverse of the covariance matrix is
stands for an identity matrix, and is a -vector of ones.
Recall that, as noted in the text, the optimal combining weight is
(C1) |
The first part of the optimal combining weight (C1) is
(C2) |
and the second part is
(C3) |
Inserting equations (C2) and (C3) into equation (C1), we get the optimal weight for the th forecast as
(C4) |
To check the formula, note that for we obtain the standard Bates and Granger (1969) optimal bivariate combining weight,
and for any , but with (equicorrelation), we obtain weights,
- (1)
- Aliber et al. (2023) Aliber, R.Z., C.P. Kindleberger, and R.N. McCauley (2023), Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, 8th Edition, Palgrave MacMillan.
- Batchelor and Dua (1995) Batchelor, R. and P. Dua (1995), “Forecaster Diversity and the Benefits of Combining Forecasts,” Management Science, 41, 68–75.
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