The Russian Ambassador receives a message of warning that there will be an attempt on his life. His daughter, Olga, advises him to consult the famous Detective Potts. He sends for Potts, who is about to bestow a diploma on his pupil, Eddie...See moreThe Russian Ambassador receives a message of warning that there will be an attempt on his life. His daughter, Olga, advises him to consult the famous Detective Potts. He sends for Potts, who is about to bestow a diploma on his pupil, Eddie. They both go to the Ambassador's house. On the way they see a suspicious looking package dropped into a barrel, and take it for a bomb. The Ambassador has disguised himself. Eddie puts on a Russian disguise and Potts takes him for the anarchist. He follows him. Olga is terrified by the appearance of three men who insist upon seeing her father. He enters in his disguise and she does not know him. He snatches it off, just as Eddie and Potts enter, too. They recognize each other, and, peeping through the curtains, see the Ambassador about to raise a bottle to his lips. They rush in, only to learn that the three men have called to get the Ambassador's opinion of a substitute for Russian vodka. In Eddie's bundle is found a pair of woman's stockings. Written by
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