The pop performance in two branches of "Fools We Are All," one can say, is a truly historical performance. Please note that it premiered in April 1991, when the Soviet Union still existed, and the shooting took place in October of the same...See moreThe pop performance in two branches of "Fools We Are All," one can say, is a truly historical performance. Please note that it premiered in April 1991, when the Soviet Union still existed, and the shooting took place in October of the same year after the August coup, which made the name of the performance very relevant. A huge introductory feuilleton lasting 45 minutes by A. Khayt, M. Zadornov and O. Nazarov, reviewing our history, has become an unprecedented fact of modern Russian variety entertainment. All of the acts had not only an acutely social sound, but, as always with the performer, were filled with humor and satire. The final feuilleton "It Is Not the Name" by A. Hight and I. Vinogradsky became a model of high journalism on the stage. It is very likely for the young people to watch this show. Written by
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