Crushed by the abandonment of his pet gerbil, and indifferent to his wife's betrayal, ex-reality TV show host, Max Corduroy's life and career is going nowhere fast. In an attempt to bring him out of his malaise, his ever faithful assistant...See moreCrushed by the abandonment of his pet gerbil, and indifferent to his wife's betrayal, ex-reality TV show host, Max Corduroy's life and career is going nowhere fast. In an attempt to bring him out of his malaise, his ever faithful assistant, Wendy, secures him a job as a Santa Claus. The job, part of a half arsed attempt by a local councillor to reinvigorate local Christmas spirit, is not exactly what Max had hoped for. Regardless, the duo head to the councillor's house, only to find a shoddy grotto and reams of slightly unhinged, present grabbing kids. A long day behind him, Max is keen on a return to the pub, when he is accosted by yet another young 'un. A strangely determined young 'un named Ben. Ben proceeds to take 'Santa' to task for years of terrible Christmas presents. With Ben firmly controlling the situation, the streams of accusations, something the gruff, cynical Max is not used to accepting, triggers feelings in him that he was trying to bury. Max's release allows him to see that Ben is also pained and, for the first time in a long time, he tries to make someone else's life a bit better. In the privacy of the shabby grotto, both characters can finally let out what they truly feel. Written by
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