On a busy main street, in the heart of a gentrifying neighbourhood in Sydney, sits a laundrette. 'Come in Spinner'- open until late, seven days a week. From the outside it looks like any other laundrette; cold white light and whirring ...See moreOn a busy main street, in the heart of a gentrifying neighbourhood in Sydney, sits a laundrette. 'Come in Spinner'- open until late, seven days a week. From the outside it looks like any other laundrette; cold white light and whirring machines. But when you set foot inside, dozens of cartoon-like portraits line every available wall space - customers of the laundrette over the years, hand-drawn by the owner, 67 year-old Lisa Liu. Follow Lisa downstairs and you will find her makeshift art studio, with dozens of cartoons and comic strips based on stories and characters from the laundrette. But, laments Lisa, nothing is ever finished.
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