1865, North Carolina Forth Fisher. With General Grant's armies at the gates ready to take over this last impenetrable bastion, a group of bandits organized the robbery of the century. Discovering the traffic of gold inside the fort, Coyote...See more1865, North Carolina Forth Fisher. With General Grant's armies at the gates ready to take over this last impenetrable bastion, a group of bandits organized the robbery of the century. Discovering the traffic of gold inside the fort, Coyote Bourke the leader of an outlaw gang organizes a raid within its walls during the union attack. The little booty recovered from Bourke, however, was but one element of a broader and well organized plan. The good, the thief, the tycoon and the renegade cross destinies in the sand and they will be ready to take it out on each others hides for that dirty money bag. Written by
Alex Lucchesi
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