Michael takes trains trough northern Italy, which was only partially integrated into the present country. He starts in Genoa, the world class main port of Liguria, with grand monuments from its golden age around 1700 and later industrial ...See moreMichael takes trains trough northern Italy, which was only partially integrated into the present country. He starts in Genoa, the world class main port of Liguria, with grand monuments from its golden age around 1700 and later industrial boom. Next along the Italian Riviera to the luxury marina resort of Portofino, key in the occupation of Libya and preserved miraculously thanks to a Britton, finally to the vast naval base of La Spezzia. Up the Po plain to ancient university city Parma, famous for its aged ham. Then to Trento, capital of a part of Tyrol Austria lost in World War I. Finally to the Alpine town of Brenner, which gave its name to the mega-tunnel at the Swiss border. Written by
KGF Vissers
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