Xavier Bartlett to Mohammad Rizwan, OUT! TAKEN! This guy keeps on taking wickets. Strikes on his first ball. On middle. Rizwan looks to go over the leg side. This goes off the top edge, hits the helmet and lobs to point. Jake Fraser-McGurk moves to his left and takes it. Pakistan now in big trouble.
Xavier Bartlett to operate from the other end.
Spencer Johnson to Mohammad Rizwan, A run to end then! 12 from the over and a wicket too! On the pads. Rizwan looks to flick but misses. It hits the pad. Rolls on the leg side. A leg bye taken.
Spencer Johnson to Babar Azam, Three! Nice way to get off the mark! On middle. Azam pulls it through mid-wicket. The mid-wicket fielder runs, slides and keeps it down to three.
Babar Azam walks in at number 3.
Spencer Johnson to Sahibzada Farhan, OUT! TAKEN! Spencer Johnson keeps peppering Sahibzada Farhan with the short stuff and eventually, gets the wicket as well. Dug in short over middle and leg, Farhan makes room to take on the pull but skies it off the top edge around the mid-wicket region. Xavier Bartlett there settles under it and takes it reverse-cup to draw first blood for the Aussies.
Spencer Johnson to Sahibzada Farhan, That's quick! Spencer gave him the stare too. A quick short ball on middle. Farhan looks to pull but misses. Risky bowling short balls on this ground. A top edge will fly over the fence.
Spencer Johnson to Sahibzada Farhan, FOUR! Two in two! Johnson goes short now! On middle. Farhan pulls it over mid-wicket and this races away to the fence. Despite the rain, the outfield is quite fast.
Spencer Johnson to Sahibzada Farhan, FOUR! Stand and deliver! Perfect start for Pakistan! Length and outside off. This is smacked past mid off and this races away.
We are back for the chase! The umpires are back out in the middle and the players of Australia have taken their places on the field. It will be Sahibzada Farhan to partner skipper Mohammad Rizwan up top for Pakistan. Spencer Johnson will get proceedings underway with the ball. Let's go...
... The Run Chase ...
Right then, 94 is what Pakistan need in 7 overs to pull off yet another upset down under. This should be an excellent battle between bat and ball given it is such a curtailed game and anything can happen. Stick around as the exciting run chase is up next.
Pakistan went in with an in-form pace attack but were dealt with a few lusty blows, especially early in the innings. Haris Rauf though brought some control back in the 3rd over and picked up a wicket as Shaheen Afridi followed up with a quiet over as well. Rauf went for plenty in his 2nd and final over and it was Abbas Afridi who impressed in the penultimate over with a double breakthrough. Surprisingly, Naseem was handed the final over but he conceded 20 runs which has now handed all the momentum to the Aussies.
Pheww! That was fast and furious and I guess that's what you get when it is just 7 overs to play with and there are some big names on showcase. Australia were quick off the blocks, scoring 33 in the first couple of overs but did lose Jake Fraser-McGurk early. Glenn Maxwell then came in and played a quickfire knock of 43 runs from just 19 balls before getting out. However, the screws started to come off the wheels towards the end but that blitz of 20 runs in the final over from Marcus Stoinis has put the hosts in a great position at the interval.
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Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, FOUR MORE! That's a massive last over! Australia cross the 90-run mark! On middle, Stoinis makes room and flays it over point. This races away to the fence.
Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, SIX! Massive! That's the power of this guy! A slower one on middle. Stoinis waits and then lofts it over the long on fence for a biggie.
Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, TWO AGAIN! On off. This is pushed wide of cover. Two taken.
Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, That's a fine effort! Really good effort! On middle. Stoinis pulls. This goes more off the splice between the fielders at long on and deep mid-wicket. The latter makes a lot of ground to his left. Dives but can't hang on. Two taken.
Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, Two! Slower and shorter! On middle. This is pulled wide of long on for a couple.
Naseem Shah to Marcus Stoinis, MISFIELD AND FOUR! That's poor from Azam. Pressure on the bowler now! A low full toss on middle. This is hit down to the right of long on. Azam runs there and slides but lets it through.
Skipper, Josh Inglis is in next.
Abbas Afridi to Tim David, OUT! TAKEN! That's a seriously good catch! Wow! Massive wicket too as David just was getting a move on. Afridi gets another. A fine over by him. A slower one. On middle. David looks to pull. It goes off the splice towards wide long on. Both deep mid-wicket and long on go for it. In the end, the long on fielder, Sahibzada Farhan hangs on.
Abbas Afridi to Tim David, SIX! Kaboom! That's massive! That's really big. This is angled into the pads. David pulls it well over the square leg fence. First one for him. Australia would love a couple more from him.
Abbas Afridi to Marcus Stoinis, Only one! Fuller and on middle. This is timed down the ground towards long on. A run taken.
Marcus Stoinis is the next batter in.
Abbas Afridi to Glenn Maxwell, OUT! TAKEN! Maxwell falls. The Big Show though did put in a good show. A well-directed short ball. On the body. Maxwell plays the duck-pull but it goes off the top edge and straight to deep square leg. Easy catch.
Abbas Afridi to Glenn Maxwell, Two! Outside off. Maxwell slashes. It goes more off the toe end but over cover for two.
Abbas Afridi to Glenn Maxwell, Swing and a miss! Goes for another reverse sweep. This is a slower one outside off. He misses. For once he misses the reverse sweep.
With all three frontline quicks now bowled out, Abbas Afridi comes on to bowl.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, Just the single to end then! Still though, a massive over! Angled into middle. Maxwell looks to go over the leg side this time. He gets an inside edge onto the body. It rolls on the off side for one.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, SIX! Banged down the ground! A little too full this time and it goes all the way! This is slammed down the ground and it clears the long off fence.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, A slower one outside off. Maxwell swings but is beaten by the extra bounce.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, SIX! Well over the fence! Massive! On middle. This is lofted over the long on fence for a biggie.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, FOUR! Off the outside edge! Maxwell really won't care how they come! Outside off. Maxwell swings but it flies off the outside edge and goes down to the third man fence.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, WIDE! Down the leg side. Wided.
Haris Rauf to Tim David, A slower one this time! On middle. David looks to go big on the leg side but misses. He gets hit on the body. It rolls on the off side. A leg bye taken.
Shaheen Afridi to Tim David, Just the one! Fuller and on middle. This is hit down to long on for one.
Shaheen Afridi to Tim David, Dots are absolute gold! A yorker outside off. David looks to jam it out. It goes off the inner half back to the bowler.
Shaheen Afridi to Glenn Maxwell, Just the one this time! On the pads. Maxwell pulls it down to fine leg for one.
Shaheen Afridi to Glenn Maxwell, SIX! That's just brilliant! That's just outstanding! On middle. Maxwell plays the reverse sweep again. This time he smacks it flat over the deep third fielder and it goes all the way.
Shaheen Afridi to Tim David, Shorter and on middle. This is pulled past square leg for one.
Shaheen Afridi to Tim David, That held in the surface too! On middle. This lands and holds its line. David plays it back to the bowler.
Shaheen Afridi switches ends now.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, Swing and a miss again! That's a fine over from Rauf! Shorter and outside off. Maxwell slashes but misses. Gets his team back in the game with that 6 balls.
Haris Rauf to Tim David, Outside off. David guides it past point for one.
Tim David is in next.
Haris Rauf to Matthew Short, OUT! TAKEN! Short now falls! This is angled into the pads. Short plays the pick-up shot but straight to Babar Azam deep square leg. Big square boundaries at The Gabba. Not easy to clear. He holes out. Rauf's good form continues.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, A slower one! On the pads. Maxwell swings again. He's early in the shot. It goes off the back of the bat and down to third man for one.
Haris Rauf to Glenn Maxwell, Big swing and a miss! Shorter and on middle. Maxwell swings but misses.
Haris Rauf to Matthew Short, Fuller and on the pads. Short looks to flick but misses. It hits the pad and rolls on the off side. A leg bye taken.