
Sheldon’s Proposal

Re “Rev. Sheldon Unveils Proposal, Irking Allies” (May 23): We already have a constitutional amendment allowing freedom of religion and speech, it’s called the First Amendment. Apparently those currently drafting the proposed amendment overlooked that part of the Constitution, or seek to destroy that same amendment and my individual rights by abrogating the segment forbidding the government to establish a religion.

Here in America, many of the hate organizations espousing racism and domestic terrorism hide behind the cloak of “Christianity.” Fueling the fire of this already explosive situation with a debate over the reverend’s unnecessary amendment, establishing “Christian rights” to public prayer, only increases the hatred that stands poised to rip this nation apart.

Wake up, Reverend, forget your own glory and do God’s bidding to seek peace and unity, rather than hatred and division.



Yorba Linda
