
DANA POINT : Council Will Review City Budget Tonight

The City Council tonight will review its proposed $12.8-million annual operating budget at a public hearing.

The budget is almost 4% higher than last year’s, mostly because of increases in police services and street and park maintenance, City Manager Stephen B. Julian said.

The city will pay about $132,000 more this year--a total of about $4.3 million--for police services for which it contracts with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.


The city also will pay about $277,000 more this year for street work and park maintenance.

Despite the increases, the city’s projected general fund revenue--what it collects in taxes, licenses and fines--is $800,000 higher than general fund expenditures. That $800,000 surplus will either be put in the city’s general fund reserves or used for capital-improvement projects, Julian said.

The budget meeting will be at 6 p.m. in council chambers at 33282 Street of the Golden Lantern.
