I reside in Sacramento, C
I was diagnosed with Secondary Progressive in 2014 at age 65 after trying to solve my symptoms since 2005. It was
frustrating. I saw at least 5 neurologists who insisted I was fine and that I needed to “go home” and have a long talk with myself . I felt dismissed
Three years ago I transitioned to
Primary Progressive . I am slowly getting worse. Due to may age I never was able to take any DMT medication. I am now 78. I have good days about once a week. Other days I have much discomfort, my legs are quite wobbly and I have Cognitive Impairment. It is a crap shoot how each day will unfold.
On top of it all I lost my life partner of 32 yrs to prostate cancer, had my gall bladder removed and had a lobectomy as I was found to have lung cancer. So I now mark time between scans. Having that surgery was the worst challenge of my life.
Some days my fatigue is intense
I simply let it have its way. I sleep and pamper myself.I also take Provigil which certainly helps
I am fortunate to have one of three Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Centers in my town. The MSAC is a support that I have found to be invaluable. When I go to our 5 hr program once a week I am able to experience time with other MS patients of all ages. When I speak, they know…they just know