Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds

109.000 Rezensionen
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Über dieses Spiel

Keep your baby occupied playing 15 safe, educational games that will help them learn while having fun.

Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds provides a safe, learning experience for preschool toddlers aged 1-3 years old, allowing them to spend time honing their motor skills whilst taking the first steps on their education journey.

Through fun, engagement and play, your 1, 2 or 3 year old toddler can learn
shapes, sizes, colors, counting and basic multiplication
► how to recognise animals, farming skills and recycling
► how to make healthy food choices

Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds is planned and tested by experts in toddler development and is designed for 1-3 year olds at Pre k learning stage to be simple, fun, educational and safe.

So whether its matching shapes, popping balloons, discovering animals or developing your baby’s inner chef, Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds has a little something for all Pre k toddlers aged between 1-3.

Why Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds?
► Our 15 learning games provide a safe and useful device experience for your 1, 2 or 3 year old toddler
► Developed and tested by baby development experts
► Designed for safety and convenience with no supervision required
► Parental Gate - code protected sections so that your child doesn’t accidentally change settings or make unwanted purchases
► All settings and outbound links are protected and only accessible for adults
► Available offline and playable without an internet connection
► 100 % Ad free with no annoying interruptions

Who says learning for your baby can't be fun?
Please support Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds by writing reviews if you like the app or letting us know about any issue or suggestions.

Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds is completely free to download.
Aktualisiert am
Verfügbar bei
Android, Windows*
*Mit Intel®-Technologie


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Bewertungen und Rezensionen

83.500 Rezensionen
be_zaubernde Jeanniii
24. Januar 2025
Tolle Lernspiele für die Kleinen, für Kognitive Fähigkeiten, Größenwahrnehmung, Sachen zuordnen, wirklich tolle App
War das hilfreich für dich?
Bebi Family: preschool learning games for kids
24. Januar 2025
Hello! We are glad to hear you enjoy our toddler learning games. Have a wonderful learning experience. Thanks.
Gina Oltmann
1. Januar 2021
An sich eine super App und die Kids haben ihren Spaß damit. Leider ist auf meinem Zweitgerät, an dem die Kinder meist spielen, die gekauften Zusatzinhalte nicht mehr verfügbar. Auch eine Neuinstallation der App und das Löschen des Playstore Caches haben nichts gebracht. Das ist Schade, da meine Kinder nicht verstehen, warum sie nicht mehr alles spielen können....
3 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich
War das hilfreich für dich?
Bebi Family: preschool learning games for kids
5. Januar 2021
Dear Gina, we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Please, consider to try to press on buy button once again to initiate the Google purchase system, but don't complete the purchase, it might unlock games after that. If it won't help, kindly write to us at [email protected]. So we can further assist you.
5. März 2022
Leider haken die Spiele, was für mein Kind sehr frustrierend ist, wenn man immer ein Spiel beginnt und es dann abbrechen muss. Wenn man mal eines geschafft hat, kommen am Schluss nicht mehr die Ballons, welche man platzen lassen kann. Schade! Bitte Fehler beheben!
8 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich
War das hilfreich für dich?
Bebi Family: preschool learning games for kids
8. März 2022
Hello! Thank you for reporting the problem! We have fixed it and will release an update today. Please, check the newest version of the app when it will be available and let us know at [email protected] if the problem won't be fixed after the update


Educational Toddler Games!