The Weather Channel - Radar

Iqukethe izikhangisoUkuthenga ngaphakathi nohlelo
3.21M izibuyekezo
Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Wonke umuntu
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu Siyisibikezelo Esinembe Kakhulu Emhlabeni*. Lungiselela isizini yesiphepho nge-radar yethu yendawo yemvula kanye nezibuyekezo ezibukhoma ukuze uhlale unolwazi futhi uphephile. Thola izibikezelo zakamuva kanye nezici zokulandelela isiphepho nesiphepho ezisiza ukulungiselela iziphepho nemvula enkulu. Thola izexwayiso zesiphepho nezixwayiso zesimo sezulu esibi ngemvula, iqhwa, nokuningi. Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu sihlinzeka ngakho konke okudingayo ukuze uhlale unesinyathelo esisodwa phambili - izibuyekezo ze-radar ezibukhoma, i-tracker yemvula yangehora, izindaba ze-radar yesiphepho, nesimo sezulu sasendaweni.

Thola amamephu esiphepho esibukhoma, izibuyekezo ze-radar yemvula, nezaziso zesimo sezulu esinembile sasendaweni kuhlelo lokusebenza lwesimo sezulu oluphelele. Thola izexwayiso zesimo sezulu esibi kakhulu ngemvula enkulu, iqhwa nokunye okwengeziwe ngenxa yezici ezithembekile ze-radar yesiphepho. Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu sihlinzeka ngokulungela kwesiphepho ngezaziso kanye nesibikezelo sakho sasendaweni ngisho nesimo sezulu esibi kakhulu.

I-tracker yethu yesimo sezulu yansuku zonke inikeza ulwazi lwakamuva lwemvula ukuze ukwazi ukuhlela ngokuzethemba. Jabulela isibikezelo sezulu esingafika kwezinsuku eziyi-15 esivela kwisibikezelo sezulu esinembe kakhulu emhlabeni*. Gada inkomba yethu yekhwalithi yomoya ukuze uhlale unolwazi ngalesi sikhathi somlilo wequbula. I-radar yethu ebukhoma ye-Doppler ibuyekeza iwijethi yakho yesimo sezulu futhi ikwazise ukuthi ubikezele izinguquko esikrinini sakho sasekhaya. Amamephu wesimo sezulu endawo ahlinzeka ngokufundwa kwe-radar bukhoma, izexwayiso ze-radar yesiphepho, nezixwayiso zesiphepho nokunye ukukusiza ukuthi ubhekane nanoma yini amafu angakulethela yona.

Izici Zesiteshi Sesimo Sezulu:

I-Weather Tracker & Storm Radar:
- I-radar yemvula ne-tracker yesiphepho
- 24-Hour Future Radar
- Izaziso ze-radar yesiphepho zikugcina unolwazi
- Imvula noma ilanga - irada yethu yesimo sezulu yasendaweni isiza ukuhlela imisebenzi yangaphandle kalula
- Lungisa imvunulo yanamuhla ngesici esithi ‘Feels Like’
- Isibikezelo sibuyekezwa njalo ngehora & nsuku zonke ukuze ukwazi ukuhlela kusengaphambili ngokuzethemba

Izici zesimo sezulu esibi:
- I-radar ebukhoma ne-tracker yesiphepho ikuvumela ukuthi ulandele amaphethini wesimo sezulu
- Amamephu eziphepho asiza ukulandelela iziphepho ezingenayo nesimo sezulu esibi
- Thola i-radar yesiphepho nezixwayiso zesimo sezulu sendawo mayelana nemvula, iqhwa, nezinye izimo zesimo sezulu esingesihle
- Izaziso zesibikezelo samahora angu-3 alandelayo - zitholakala esikrinini sakho sasekhaya

Izici ezengeziwe:
- Iwijethi yesimo sezulu nezici ezihambisana nemodi emnyama
- Imininingwane yesibikezelo nezikhathi zokushona kwelanga, ukungezwani komzimba nezinto ezithile kanye nempova
- Gada inkomba yethu yezinga lomoya
- Thola izindaba zakamuva zesimo sezulu sendawo

Thola i-Premium Yesiteshi Sesimo Sezulu ukuze uthole ulwazi lwethu lwesimo sezulu olubanzi, olushukumisayo, nolunembayo ukuze uthole ukufinyelela okukhethekile ku-:
- Isimo sezulu esingenazikhangiso
- Imininingwane yesimo sezulu esiyimizuzu engu-15
- I-radar ethuthukisiwe
- & Okuningi!

Ubumfihlo Nempendulo
- Inqubomgomo yethu Yobumfihlo ingabukwa lapha:
- Imigomo Yethu Yokusebenzisa ingabonwa lapha:
- Uma unemibuzo noma iziphakamiso, sicela uthinte [email protected]

*Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu Siyisibikezelo Esinembe Kakhulu Emhlabeni.
I-ForecastWatch, Ukubuka Konke Kokunemba Kwesimo Sezulu Sezulu Nesifunda, 2017-2022,, kugunyazwe yi-The Weather Company.

**Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu siwumthombo Wezindaba Othenjwa Kakhulu EMelika.
Ngokusho kwe-YouGov 2024 Trust in Media poll:

***Umhlinzeki Wesimo Sezulu Ohamba Phambili Emhlabeni: Ngokusho kwe-Comscore, Inkampani Yesimo Sezulu, umzali we-The Weather Channel, ingumnikezeli omkhulu wezibikezelo zesimo sezulu emhlabeni wonke ngokusekelwe ezivakashini eziyingqayizivele zanyanga zonke ngo-2020. I-Comscore Media Metrix®, i-Worldwide Rollup Media Trend, Izindaba/Ulwazi - Isigaba sezulu sihlanganisa. [P] Inkampani Yesimo Sezulu, Isiteshi Sesimo Sezulu kanye [M], The, Jan-Dec. 2020 isilinganiso.
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Mas 8, 2025
Izindaba ezifakiwe

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Ukuphepha kuqala ngokuqonda ukuthi onjiniyela baqoqa futhi babelane kanjani ngedatha yakho. Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. Unjiniyela unikeze lolu lwazi futhi angalubuyekeza ngokuhamba kwesikhathi.
Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle
Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana
Le app ingaqoqa lezi zinhlobo zedatha
Indawo, Ulwazi lomuntu siqu nabanye abangu-3
Idatha ibetheliwe lapho ithunyelwa
Ungacela ukuthi leyo datha isulwe

Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo

3.04M izibuyekezo

Yini entsha

All-new, beautiful design; redesigned to help you make better decisions through weather.
It’s loaded with insights and features that connect the dots between wellness and weather:
-Help protect your skin, with UV and dry skin insights
-Monitor air quality and breathing conditions
-Prioritize the weather data most helpful to you
-Save and organize all your locations
Of course, you’ll still have quick access to daily forecasts, hourly details and 24-Hour Future Radar