Abraham Hoyt
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We now have to have the membership for almost everything! there is 3 Different types of memberships now! One is enough. back then the game was actually a good experience for learning now it's just a money grabber and don't forget that this is a math game it shouldn't be full of these offers 😕 it's kinda disappointing.The battle tactics were different back then and they also changed the graphics.They were fine back then. I miss the old version of the game.We haft to have tokens to get items now.
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Ollie Weisshaar
Okay, I used to really like this game; it had simple controls, fun ways to study math and English, everything an educational game needed. But the new update with the new character design is really awful. Compared to the old design, the new character just looks so lifeless and boring. To add onto it, the controls became more difficult to figure out. It also seems way more pay-to-play then before, with promotions of the membership everywhere.
61 people found this review helpful

Lauralee Celi
I really love Prodigy, I really do! But, I just HATE the fact that we have to be a member to evolve pets, and climb the Dark Tower. Also, can you at least make the rescue pet option for free after wasting other pets on it? It's annoying, and unfair. I play this at school sometimes, and other classmates can agree, some of them even quit because mostly everything needs membership. I understand you need to make money, but, if you want to have more people playing your game, make it fun and free!
847 people found this review helpful
Prodigy Education Inc.
September 14, 2020
We've forwarded your feedback to our developers. Thank you for taking out the time to send us your suggestions!