Uranus Exodus

Maysam Yabandeh · Нарација со AI од Morgan (од Google)
12 рецензии
4 ч. 39 мин.
целосна верзија
Нарација од AI
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За аудиокнигава

LYNDA is trapped in a prototype of an advanced VR game called URANUS, a simulation of life so realistic that before entering it the gamers are put into an induced coma. The only way to wake up from it is that she voluntarily exits the game. Not realizing the difference between the lifelike game and the real life, however, Lynda is unwilling to exit. To save her, another gamer must risk his life, enter the game, and convince her of the truth. Seven of the best VR gamers have already attempted that, but they themselves ended up getting trapped in the game. The last hope is RYAN, Lynda's ex and also a champion in video game tournaments. This is an opportunity for him to make use of his gaming talents, become a hero, and also hopefully win Lynda's heart back.

Оцени и рецензии

12 рецензии

За авторот

Dr. Maysam Yabandeh is a computer scientist graduated from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland.

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