
2024 г. • 84 минути
11 рецензии
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Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, арапски, виетнамски, германски, грчки, дански, естонски, исландски, италијански, кинески (поедноставено), кинески (традиционално), корејски, норвешки, полски, португалски (Бразил), португалски (Португалија), руски, словачки, словенечки, тајландски, турски, украински, унгарски, фински, француски (Франција), холандски, хрватски, чешки, шведски, шпански и шпански (Латинска Америка).

За филмов

From Blumhouse, producer of M3gan and The Black Phone, comes AFRAID. Curtis (John Cho) and his family are selected to test a revolutionary new home device: a digital family assistant called AIA. Taking smart home to the next level, once the unit and all its sensors and cameras are installed in their home, AIA seems able to do it all. She learns the family's behaviors and begins to anticipate their needs. And she can make sure nothing – and no one – gets in her family's way.

Оцени и рецензии

11 рецензии
Pat Clayton
17 септември 2024 г.
I was disappointed with Afraid. The plot was convoluted and hard to follow, and the characters were underdeveloped. The scares were few and far between, and the overall atmosphere was underwhelming. While the premise was promising, the execution fell flat
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25 октомври 2024 г.
Afraid is a scary movie that will make you jump out of your seat! It's about a group of friends who get trapped in a haunted house. The suspense is great and the scares are really effective. If you like horror movies, you'll love this one.
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Gail Burgess
23 септември 2024 г.
Afraid is a haunting and atmospheric film that will stay with you long after you've watched it. The cinematography is stunning, and the sound design is absolutely terrifying. The film effectively builds a sense of dread and unease, and the performances are top-notch. If you're looking for a horror film that will scare you, this is it
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