Murphy's Romance

1985. • 107 minuta
201 recenzija
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O ovom filmu

Sally Field and James Garner star in this charming comedy about a young divorcee, with a 12-year old son, who moves to a small Arizona town and falls in love with an older, widowed pharmacist. An unwanted visit from ex-husband doesn't prevent her from pursuing a relationship with the charismatic James Garner. © 1985 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ocjene i recenzije

201 recenzija
Roy Rainey
21. august 2015.
A really old guy falling in love with a middle aged woman and vice versa.
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Zack Pannell
1. april 2022.
A movie with James Garner and Sally Field has got to be good! This is a fun, romantic movie.
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Ciji Lambert
21. juli 2014.
I love James Garner and Sally Field. ..they are amazing.
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