My Divo

A podcast about going back to your roots, with the life of Juan Gabriel as a guide. My Divo is an Apple Original podcast produced by Futuro Studios. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.
Season 1
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Wonderful Podcast! Just Wrong On One Point
A podcast better than most biographies I’ve seen. I only disagreed with one thing and felt like Maria was too hard on herself and others. If people want to speak Spanish in the US, that’s fine. If people want to speak English in Mexico. That’s fine too. Languages are hard. People shouldn’t be hard on themselves or others.
Anything less than 5 stars is ignorant
I’m not sure why folks don’t read the about section. This is a podcast about going back to your roots with Juanga as a guide. This is a moving, personal, creative, and inspiring podcast. There are very few podcasts that are personal, artistic, and educational, this one is all 3.
Literal definition of cringe
My Divo
I grew up with the magnificent Juan Gabriel. His contribution to Latino culture (if there is such a thing) is incalculable. My grandmother’s favorite song was Amor Eternal. We played it at her funeral. Mine is Asi Fun. I love the way Maria weaves her own story and the story of Juan Gabriel together. I too am queer. Thanks to this podcast I appreciate Juan Gabriel more than ever. This is a beautiful podcast. I enjoyed it immensely. I do wish she had not referred to Juan Gabriel as "Juanga." Growing up I only heard him called Juanga as a pejorative to emphasize and make fun of his homosexuality. Maria, why do you call him Juanga?. I really want to know.
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