The Calculator app on your iPhone can be used for more than simple calculations or figuring out the tip. It also has a scientific version, stores a history of past calculations, and can convert currency. Plus, with iPadOS 18, you can finally use the app on your iPad, draw formulas with an Apple Pencil, and use Math Notes to store equations.
To tap into all of these features, make sure you’re running iOS 18 or higher on your iPhone and iPadOS 18 or higher on your iPad by going to Settings > General > Software Update. If there's an update available, allow the latest version of the OS to install.
1. Change Values
You don't have to start from scratch to turn a positive number into a negative one. Simply tap the +/- button after you’ve typed the number, and it will change. The same can be done with percentages. After entering a number, press the % symbol to turn the number into a percentage.

2. Switch to the Scientific Calculator
For more advanced equations, turn to the scientific calculator. Tap the calculator icon at the lower left and select Scientific. The scientific calculator pops up with keys for more complex exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions with such symbols as sine, cosine, tangent, exponent, square, cube, and parentheses.

3. Work With Stored Values
With the Scientific Calculator, you can store other values to reuse in an equation. After performing a calculation, add the value to memory by tapping the m+ key. Now, let’s say you want to retrieve that number for another calculation. To recall it from memory, tap the mr key. To subtract a value retrieve from memory, tap m-. To clear a value stored in memory, tap mc.

4. Manage Your History
After you've finished a calculation, tap the AC button to erase the results. That calculation is then stored in your history, which you can easily access. Tap the three-lined icon in the upper left and swipe through the list. Tap a specific entry that you want to view. From there, you can even continue the calculation by adding another number or symbol.

You can also manage the history of your calculations by deleting them. To do this, access your history list and tap Edit at the top. Select the calculations you wish to remove and tap Delete at the bottom. Tap Delete All to remove all the entries.

5. Convert Currency
Need to figure out how much your money is worth in euros? You can do that through the calculator. Tap the calculator icon at the bottom and enable Convert. Now, tap the top number, select the Currency heading under the search bar, and pick the currency—let's say US dollars. Do the same with the bottom number but choose the other currency—we'll pick euros.
Make sure the number of US dollars is highlighted. Type the amount of dollars you want to convert, and the bottom number will display the result in euros based on current rates. To go the other way, tap the entry for euros and type the amount to be converted. The result will then show the correct amount in dollars.

6. Convert Other Values
Beyond converting currency, the calculator can also handle many other types of values. With the Convert switch on, tap one of the numbers displayed. You can then change the value to angle, area, data, energy, force, fuel, length, power, press, speed, temperature, and time. Some of these are especially helpful if you’re travelling abroad and need to convert between US numbers and those in another country.

7. Create Math Notes
With a device running iOS/iPadOS 18, you can create a Math Note with calculations, which gets stored in Apple's Notes app. The idea is to help you save and work with scenarios that might be lengthier or more complex than regular equations.

On your iPhone, tap the calculator icon at the bottom and select Math Notes. Tap the Note icon in the lower right to start a new note. You can switch between the regular, numeric, and symbols keyboard to type the full equation. By default, the note will predict that you want to calculate the result. Type the equals (=) sign to confirm the calculation and include the result. You can also add text to the note. When finished, tap Done.
You can then access your Math Notes from the Calculator app by tapping the calculator icon and selecting Math Notes. From the list of notes, tap the one you want to view.

8. Draw Numbers With an Apple Pencil
If you have an Apple Pencil and a supported iPad, it can draw numbers in a Math Note. Launch the Calculator app on your iPad, tap the calculator icon, and select Math Notes. At the blank screen, start a new note and use your Apple Pencil to draw the numbers you want to calculate.
After you type an equals (=) sign, the equation is automatically calculated with the result shown on the screen. Tap the three-dot circle icon at the top to turn the suggested results off or on again, display recent notes, add lines and grids, use a light background, or delete the note you just created.