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Shop online while retaining your privacy

4.5 Excellent
IronVest - IronVest
4.5 Excellent

Bottom Line

IronVest lets you shop and communicate online without revealing your true email address, phone number, or credit card details, and it manages your passwords, too.
  • Pros

    • Stops spam calls and emails
    • Hides credit card details
    • Protects and automates SMS passcode authentication
    • Manages passwords
    • Blocks tracking of your browsing activities
  • Cons

    • Local-only password storage can be lost if you don't back up
    • Some minor rough edges

IronVest Specs

Active Do Not Track
Forwards to Multiple Addresses
Free Account Offered
Multi-Factor Authentication
Online Mailbox
Protection Type Identity Protection
Reply From Alias

Security experts tell you not to reveal anything personal on the internet. That's good advice, but how does it work when you want to shop online? You’ve no choice but to give etailers your credit card to pay for the purchase, and they need your home address to ship your purchase. Add your email address to track shipments and you’ve given away a boatload of personal data. So, does protecting your privacy mean you have to just stop shopping online? Fortunately, no. IronVest is a privacy and temporary email service that lets you shop while protecting your email address, credit card number, and more. In its previous incarnation as Abine Blur, IronVest perfected communicating and shopping online while giving away minimal personal information. In its latest incarnation, IronVest Plus is an Editors' Choice winner for protecting your privacy.

How Much Does IronVest Cost?

IronVest's free edition blocks web trackers, masks your email address, and manages passwords. Once you try it, though, you'll almost certainly want the $39 per year Plus edition, which adds masked credit cards, masked phone numbers, and more. Each masked credit card costs an additional $2 to cover transaction-handling costs.

The $99 IronVest Ultimate gives you two masked credit cards for free and lets you create unlimited masked cards backed directly by your bank account. With a Plus account, you can have 50 custom-masked email addresses active at once; at the Ultimate level, there’s no limit.

Getting Started With IronVest

As a new IronVest user, you can sign up for a 30-day trial of the Plus tier. That lets you try the product before committing to paying for it. Note that during the trial period, you don’t get access to masked phone numbers. Sign up online, create a password, verify with an emailed code, and you’re ready to begin. Note also that this master password protects access to your saved credential sets in the password manager component and protects your masked emails. Make it a long, strong, and memorable password.

After initial signup, IronVest offers to set up facial biometric authentication, a feature I’ll discuss later. You can skip this step altogether, or do it later.

A banner across the top of the page offers advice on using IronVest. Initially, it directs you to install the IronVest extension right away. This extension is available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, with Safari coming soon. I found that after I installed the extension, the banner changed to suggesting I import passwords into the product.

The browser extension puts a single, simple button on the toolbar. Clicking the toolbar button brings up a small panel that in turn lets you disable or enable four major program functions: Accounts, Wallet, Masking, and Tracking. Those function toggles are a holdover from Blur and don’t entirely match IronVest’s style. Clicking Wallet or Masking just opens the main dashboard. When you’ve just started with IronVest, a button in the popup panel invites you to install the mobile edition. Your private data is all stored locally and synced between devices over an encrypted connection.

IronVest Dashboard

For full access to the program's dashboard, simply click the word IronVest at the bottom left of the pop-up panel. The dashboard contains large panels that offer access to five areas: Access Guard, Identity, Privacy, Pay, and Tracking. Two additional panels for Crypto Wallet and Phishing are marked as coming soon.

Each panel includes buttons to dig into one or two features. For example, in the Privacy panel, you can manage masked emails or masked phone numbers. Under Pay, you can record actual credit card numbers for form filling or manage your masked credit cards.

IronVest Login Sessions

Each time you log in to a new device, IronVest sends an email requesting a verification code. If you get such a request when you didn’t ask for it, that's a red flag. Change your master password right away. If you get the message that “your device was authorized successfully” when you weren’t trying to authorize a device, that’s a top-level emergency. Click the link in the message to view your IronVest login sessions and immediately terminate any that don’t look familiar. It’s very unlikely you’ll have this experience, but nice to know IronVest is prepared to help.

Do Not Track Me

Your web surfing habits are nobody's business but your own. However, advertisers, social media sites, and web analytics groups all profit by tracking your activities online. Your browser can send a Do Not Track header, but it's toothless. Websites can and do ignore it. Abine pioneered the idea of a Do Not Track system that actively prevents this kind of tracking, and IronVest continues the tradition.

Norton AntiTrack, Avast AntiTrack, and Ghostery Privacy Suite employ a similar active Do Not Track system, as do some traditional device-level security suites and antivirus products. The Avast and Ghostery products also work to disrupt tracking via browser fingerprinting, something IronVest does not attempt.

IronVest Trackers

For each website you visit, the IronVest toolbar button in the browser displays how many trackers it detected and blocked. Clicking the button brings up the access panel for IronVest services; clicking Tracking in that panel displays full details. You can see exactly which ad aggregators, social media sites, and web analytics systems didn't get to track you, thanks to IronVest. This panel also lets you turn off blocking for any specific tracker or the entire website.

Clicking the Settings link at the bottom of the browser extension pop-up brings up a lengthy list of per-site settings, not all of them related to tracking. At the top is an option to turn off tracker blocking for the site. Next comes an option titled Global Privacy Control, turned off by default. Flipping this switch on causes IronVest to communicate privacy preferences to the site using a still-in-beta proposed protocol. I tried enabling this option on several well-known websites, but each time I got the message that the site “has seen your GPC privacy request but does not yet support it.” When GPC gains more traction, IronVest will be ready.

IronVest Extension Settings

Continuing down the list of per-site settings you’ll find a handful related to password management and form filling, items such as whether IronVest should auto-fill credentials, suggest strong passwords, or auto-fill identity data. Finally, switches control whether IronVest masks emails, credit cards, or phone numbers on this site. Most users will probably go with global settings rather than digging in on the settings for each site.

How to Manage Your Passwords With IronVest

As a new IronVest user, you experience an initial push to import your existing passwords. In addition to importing its own exported data, IronVest can import from 1Password, Dashlane, KeePass, LastPass, PasswordWallet, RoboForm, and Chrome. It can also import a properly formatted CSV file. You also install the extension in the browsers you use. After that, you create a long, strong master password. Provided you remember that master password, IronVest takes care of the rest.

By the same token, if you forget your master password, you lose all your saved passwords. To avoid that awkward situation, IronVest generates what it calls a Backup Passphrase. Mine consisted of 12 words, more than 70 characters. You can use this passphrase to regain access to your passwords in an emergency—but so can anyone else who gets hold of it. I suggest you print it off and store it in a fireproof lockbox or other secure location.

As a password manager, IronVest works as expected, capturing credentials when you log in and filling those credentials when you revisit the site. If you've saved more than one set of credentials, it offers a menu of available logins. In my testing, it did not capture Google’s two-page login, so I had to enter it manually. Even with manual entry, automated login failed with an odd error message from Google. My IronVest contact confirmed this behavior and suggested disabling Auto Submit for Google as a quick fix.

From the online dashboard, you can view a list of all your passwords and optionally edit or delete entries. Like LastPass, Dashlane, and many others, IronVest lets you assign a friendly label to each saved password. You can't organize entries into groups or categories, but IronVest does include icons to access any masked emails or cards related to the entry.

As noted, if you’re switching to IronVest from another password manager you can import passwords from LastPass, Dashlane, RoboForm, and several others. That's good, but Bitwarden imports from more than 30 competitors, and KeePass from nearly 40.

You can enhance the protection of your stored passwords by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA). IronVest supports authentication using Google Authenticator or a work-alike such as Twilio Authy or Duo Mobile. You can also set it to lock automatically after a period of inactivity or when the browser restarts.

All of our top password manager picks support MFA. That's logical, given the world of trouble you'd have if someone cracked your password vault. Quite a few temporary email services also offer MFA, specifically Burner Mail. IronVest, SimpleLogin, and StartMail.

IronVest offers to generate a strong password when you're signing up for a new service or changing an existing password. Initially, it offers a 10-character password using uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. Just ten characters is unusually short, given that you don't have to remember the generated password, and that many users just accept the default. Password Boss and 1Password default to 20 characters, while F-Secure Key and the free Enpass Password Manager both generate passwords of 32 characters by default.

You can click Show Password Preferences to take more control over the password generator, starting with the ability to raise the password length as high as 25 characters. You can also disable digits or special characters for sites that don't accept them. However, your generated passwords always include capital and small letters, and any customization you do doesn't stick around for the next time you need a random password. Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault, Dashlane, LastPass, and many others give you full control over the character sets used.

IronVest syncs your stored data across multiple PC, Mac, or mobile devices. It encrypts your data locally, so nothing is exposed to the company. You can also opt for local-only storage, but even IronVest's own FAQ advises caution, as you could lose your saved passwords. If you must use local-only storage, be sure to export your data frequently.

The list of passwords reports the total number of accounts, the number with reused passwords, and the number using masked emails. Surprisingly, it doesn’t flag those with weak passwords. LastPass, Keeper, LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Ultimate, and a few others have an actionable password strength report that lists all your passwords from weakest to strongest. Some go even further, automating updating passwords on popular websites.

What Other Protection Does IronVest Offer?

IronVest doesn't include typical advanced password manager features like secure sharing of passwords or digital password inheritance after your death, but it does offer some unusual features like Passcode Protection and Biometric Protection. Both are disabled by default, so your first step is to open Settings and turn them on.

IronVest Biometric Protection

Biometric Protection refers to enabling authentication by facial recognition. The process starts with a few explanatory pages, including a statement that IronVest “deconstructs and manages your biometrics on a decentralized network” for maximum security. I set this up using a Mac, as my virtual machine testbeds don’t have webcams.

This proved awkward because, thereafter, IronVest expected to use facial recognition on all devices. To log in on my virtual machine, I had to request a biometric override using an emailed code. Biometric Backup is extremely similar. It uses facial recognition specifically to fill in your backup passphrase when needed.

IronVest Passcode Protection

As for Passcode Protection, it turns out to be a beta feature, but a very cool one. It adds a level of protection to all logins that require you to enter a passcode texted to your phone. For any site where you want this protection, you must switch the phone number for receiving those texts to your IronVest masked phone number. Now when you log in, IronVest captures the code from your masked phone number and fills it in automatically. The passcode text never even reaches your actual phone number. Wow!

How to Hide Your Email Address With IronVest

Every time you give your email address to a website, you risk the possibility that the site owner will sell it to spammers or that hackers will steal your data from the site. IronVest solves that problem with masked email addresses. Instead of giving the site your actual address, you generate a temporary address, along with a descriptive reminder of where you used this specific address. Messages sent to the masked address arrive in your inbox, and your replies seem to come from the masked address. The merchant or other website never sees your true address.

This kind of temporary email address protection isn’t unique to IronVest. Bulc Club and ManyMe offer a similar service at no charge, though with some limits on features. You can’t reply to messages received with Bulc Club, and you can’t change your main account email address with ManyMe. These two don’t put any limits on the number of email aliases you create, and both let you spin up a new one on the fly without invoking the program. That last feature is something IronVest can’t do.

Burner Mail and SimpleLogin aren’t free, but neither are they expensive. They provide a service much like Bulc Club and ManyMe, with the added option to protect your account using multi-factor authentication. With StartMail, you get encryption to protect email with trusted correspondents and email aliases to shield your actual email address from those outside your trust circle.

If you just create a random masked email, you’ll get something like [email protected]. In most cases, that’s fine—you just want to communicate with privacy and don’t need to remember the temporary email. But if you want something more easily shareable, you can create a custom-masked email. You choose from one of several domains, such as opayq.com or donottrackplus.info. You enter the custom part of the address, plus a label, and you’re done.

Well, almost. You can’t choose a custom-masked email someone else has used. Sorry, [email protected] isn’t available! But you can always try a variation on the custom part or choose a different domain. Free users get just three custom addresses, those at the Plus level get 50, and those opting for Ultimate have no limits. All three tiers can create any number of random masked emails.

IronVest Masked Emails

From the dashboard, click Masked Emails in the Privacy panel. This brings up a list of your masked email addresses, along with the number of times you've used each. If you start getting spam via one of these masked addresses, simply turn off mail forwarding or delete the address completely.

Click the Inbox button to view a temporary inbox that retains messages received via masked email addresses in the past two months. Typically, you'll review messages in your regular email client, but this view does give you a quick way to notice and disable a masked email that's become a spam sink.

Like Burner Mail and SimpleLogin, IronVest lets you define multiple target addresses to receive mail forwarded from masked emails. Bulc Club just allows one target at a time, and with ManyMe, you can never change your original target address.

If necessary, you can start a conversation from a masked address rather than wait for a merchant to initiate the connection. SimpleLogin offers a similar feature, which it calls Reverse Alias.

Filling Web Forms With IronVest

It’s a short step from filling in credentials on login pages to filling in personal data in web forms. IronVest separates personal data for form filling into three areas. Addresses and Identity Profiles are found in the Dashboard’s Identity panel, while Credit Cards appear in the Pay panel.

Addresses are simple snail mail addresses with name, street, apartment, city/state/zip, and country. Cleverly, IronVest just asks for the zip code and automatically fills in the corresponding state and city. There's no option for a second address line, but you might be able to use the apartment field.

IronVest Identity Profile

Each Identity Profile has two tabs, Auto-Fill Preferences, and Your Info. On the first of those pages, you enter a full name, select an existing address (or create a new one), and indicate whether you want to use a specific email and phone number or use a masked one. By default, IronVest automatically generates a strong password for password fields and a masked card for credit card fields, though you can turn these options off.

On the Your Info page, you can enter your gender, date of birth, preferred username for new accounts, website URL, company, title, SSN, and driver's license number. Other products offer a wider variety of data fields. For example, with Keeper, you can enter Home, Mobile, and Work phone numbers. RoboForm Everywhere allows multiple instances of any field. But IronVest covers the basics.

You can only have one credit card backing your masked cards, but you can record details for any number of non-masked cards in the IronVest Wallet. You start by saving one or more snail-mail addresses, then enter each credit card's details and associate it with one of your addresses. That's it! The pop-up dialog that offers the masked credit card feature also lets you choose a non-masked card and fill in the details.

In testing on a Windows desktop, IronVest filled in almost all fields correctly and offered to gin up a masked credit card. Regardless of platform, every field IronVest fills is one you don't have to type.

When It’s Too Late to Hide

Unless you just sprang to life on this planet full-grown, you have a history online. You can start protecting your privacy with IronVest, but that won’t help claw back information you’ve already made public. Businesses called data brokers or data aggregators cash in on your public information, scraping it from legitimate sources and packaging it into a profile of you they can then sell. And it’s all perfectly legal.

However, to stay on the bright side of the law, these brokers must remove your information from their databases on request. Of course, you can’t make such a request if you don’t know who has your data. Abine DeleteMe was a pioneer in the field of data broker opt-out as a service. And yes, that’s the same Abine that launched IronVest’s predecessor, Blur. DeleteMe searches common data broker sites for your data, sends an opt-out request on your behalf, and periodically checks in case the broker re-acquired a profile on you.

While DeleteMe pioneered this type of service, it hasn’t entirely kept up. Optery and Privacy Bee check vastly more sites than DeleteMe does. And Optery will report on the brokers that have your data at no charge, provided you’re prepared to handle the opt-out requests manually.

IronVest doesn’t attempt to chase down data that’s already loose on the internet. For comprehensive privacy protection, you may want to pair it with a data broker opt-out service.

Protect Your Credit Card Details With IronVest

Tracker blocking, password management, and masked email addresses are all available to users of IronVest's free edition. For access to masked credit cards and other advanced features, you must upgrade to the premium edition. New users get to try most premium features for free for 30 days.

Masked credit cards work much the same way as masked email addresses. You register an actual credit or debit card with IronVest. When you click in the credit card field to pay online, IronVest pops up and offers to create a masked card. The online merchant never sees your real credit card number. You can also fund masked cards directly from your bank account, though doing so is a beta feature. The big benefit here is that there’s no use fee when your masked cards are backed by the bank. If you feed cash to your masked cards from another credit card, you pay a $2 fee each time, plus 1.5% of transactions more than $100.

At the time you create the masked card, you fill in the precise amount you're about to pay online. In truth, a masked credit card is more like a prepaid gift card that happens to hold precisely the amount needed for your current transaction. An unscrupulous merchant can't pad the bill, because the card's value is capped at the amount of the transaction.

IronVest Masked Card

When you confirm the creation of the masked card, IronVest bills your actual credit card for the amount you chose. On the shopping site, IronVest fills in its own address for billing and the address you select for shipping. The transaction appears on your credit card bill as a charge from IronVest. If you wind up not using the masked card, you can cancel it and request a refund with one click.

I tried the service, right up to the point of spending money. It worked very smoothly, and I had no trouble getting the correct amount refunded. Note that you can't create a masked card worth less than 10 dollars, but if you truly need to charge a smaller amount, you can spend it and then refund the remainder.

Keep Your Phone Number Private With IronVest

You can install IronVest on your Android or iOS phone or tablet and sync your data through the company's servers. Syncing is seamless, once you've set it up on your desktop. You get all the same features as the desktop edition, though the layout and precise functionality can differ slightly. For example, the password generator on Android defaults to 12 alphabetic characters with a maximum length of 30, while on the desktop it starts at 10 characters using all character sets and a maximum of 25 characters.

In addition, if you want features such as filling in masked emails and replaying passwords, you must register IronVest as an AutoFill source. I’m surprised the app itself doesn’t make this clear. But whether you’re running Android or iOS, it’s easy enough to search for AutoFill in settings and make the necessary adjustment.

The smartphone edition adds one major new feature—the ability to make calls while masking your phone number. Unlike masked emails and credit cards, the masked phone number is a singular new phone number that forwards calls, texts, and voicemails to your actual phone number. When filling out web forms, you can click Mask My Phone to enter the masked number.

IronVest on Android

All callers appear in the IronVest dashboard. If you don't want to receive any more calls from a number, just set forwarding to OFF for that number. The caller will hear a message stating the number is no longer available. You can make calls from the masked number, and receive texts, but you can't send texts. You can't use masked phone numbers everywhere, but IronVest supports use in the US and the UK, as well as in 18 other countries, including Brazil, France, Germany, and New Zealand.

Your subscription gets you $3 per month for masked phone usage. Each call and text costs one cent, and each minute of talking costs another penny. If you run out, you can add more in increments of $1, $2.50, or $5 directly from the app.

On an iPhone, if you want tracker blocking and access to all IronVest features you use the built-in browser or work in Safari via IronVest's extension. IronVest also offers instructions on how to tweak your iPhone's settings to limit advertiser tracking and location tracking. Android users can choose to enable IronVest in Chrome and other apps using Android's Accessibility feature. But in general, the feature sets are very similar between iPhone and Android.

Clear Data Privacy Policies

The point of using IronVest is to protect your online privacy, but you necessarily give a ton of personal information to IronVest. Should you worry? IronVest's clear data privacy policy details precisely which data items IronVest necessarily retains, and which items are completely out of the company's reach.

For example, the policy points out that IronVest must retain your email address and your masked email addresses, to seamlessly ensure that mail reaches your inbox. However, it encrypts your passwords locally on your device and transmits them in encrypted form for syncing, so IronVest has no access to them. The US government requires payment processors to retain purchase records, but IronVest won't share those (or anything else) with third parties. If served with a subpoena, the company would of course provide information to law enforcement, and that would include purchase records.

IronVest's policy page includes what's called a warrant canary, or canary post—a statement that IronVest has not been served with a FISA warrant or other secret subpoena. Recipients of such orders are forbidden to disclose them, but nothing says they can't delete the canary post.

IronVest Is an Excellent Keeper of Personal Information

Even more than its predecessor, Blur, IronVest Plus integrates the related services of managing and masking your personal information. It both remembers login credentials you’ve saved and spins up masked emails as needed. You can have it fill in an existing credit card number or create a one-use masked credit card. You can shop and communicate online seamlessly, while only sharing the necessary minimum of personal information. The product does have a few rough edges—things like references to Blur that didn’t get updated and oddly sized dialog boxes. But really, there’s nothing else quite like IronVest, making it an Editors’ Choice winner for privacy protection.

About Neil J. Rubenking