アーノルド, マシュー (アーノルド, マシュー)
แมธธิว อาร์โนลด์
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R. Vaughan Williams ; words by Matthew Arnold ; completed and orchestrated by Martin Yates
Stainer & Bell 2022, c2019
Printed Music (Full Score)
Available at 2 libraries
Printed Music (Accompaniment Reduced for Keyboard)
マシュー・アーノルド著 ; 西原洋子訳
英宝社 2022.6
Available at 16 libraries
edited by Seamus Perry
Oxford University Press 2020 21st-century Oxford authors
: [hardback]
Available at 4 libraries
Mat[t]hew Arnold ; edited and introduced by P.J. Keating
Penguin Classics/Penguin 2015, c1970 Penguin classics . Penguin literature
: [pbk.]
Available at 3 libraries
Matthew Arnold ; traduit de l'anglais et présenté par Pascal Aquien
Différence c2012 Éd. bilingue Orphée . 3e sér. ; 224
Available at 1 libraries
Matthew Arnold
Cambridge University Press 2011 Cambridge library collection . Philosophy
: pbk
Matthew Arnold ; edited with an introduction and notes by Jane Garnett
Oxford University Press 2006 Oxford world's classics
Available at 6 libraries
selected and introduced by Brian Crick & Michael DiSanto
Edgeways c2004
แมธธิว อาร์โนลด์ ; แปลโดย มนตรี อุมะวิชนี = Matthew Arnold ; in the Thai of Montri Umavijani
ชมรมการประชุมสภากวีโลก [2002]
Matthew Arnold . Donald Masson . Thomas de Courcy Atkins
Routledge 2001, c2002 The development of Celtic linguistics 1850-1900 / selection and introduction by Daniel R. Davis v. 6
Available at 10 libraries
[マシュー・アーノルド著] ; 村松眞一訳
リーベル出版 2001.3
Available at 35 libraries
Linda Ray Pratt
Twayne Publishers c2000 Twayne's English authors series / Sylvia E. Bowman, editor TEAS 560
Available at 37 libraries
マシュー・アーノルド著 ; 小林虎五郎訳
東洋館出版社 2000.6
Available at 33 libraries
edited by Cecil Y. Lang
University Press of Virginia 1996-2001 Victorian literature and culture series
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6
Available at 48 libraries
John Keats ; con un ensayo preliminar de Matthew Arnold ; selección, traducción literal y notas de José María Marín Triana
Visor 1995 2a. ed Colección Visor de poesía 134
by Matthew Arnold ; with a rejoinder by Mark Twain ; edited with an introduction by John Y. Simon
Kent State University Press c1995 [2nd ed.]
Available at 5 libraries
Dover Publications 1994 Dover thrift editions
Matthew Arnold ; edited with an introduction by Timothy Peltason
Penguin c1994 Penguin classics
Matthew Arnold ; introduced by Jeffrey Stern
Thoemmes Press , Unifacmanu 1994 Classics in education 2
Available at 24 libraries