A dizzying world of lies, conspiracies, madness, myth and murder. What is it about the Lucan story that makes it one of the most fascinating crimes of the 20th Century?
What is it about the Lucan story that makes it so fascinating?
2 mins
There were hundreds of deaths in 1974 but the story of Lord Lucan gripped the nation. Why?
13 mins
What really happened on the night of 7th November 1974 when Sandra Rivett was murdered?
Who really was Lord Lucan behind that charming façade?
Despite all the press attention, Lady Lucan remained enigmatic. Who was she really?
What is going on behind the façade of the Lucan’s Belgravia home that ignites this story?
Lord Lucan vanishes in the hour after the murder. But where did he go?
How thorough was the investigation into Sandra Rivett’s murder?
The nation is gripped by the press coverage of the inquest into Sandra Rivett’s death.
Did Lord Lucan escape from the UK?