Postman who groped multiple women jailed

A "disgusting" postman who abused his position to grope multiple women, with one of his victims killing themselves, has been jailed for six and a half years.
Michael Stewart, 63, targeted several women when he was making deliveries in Northumberland, Newcastle Crown Court heard.
Two of his five victims have since died, with Judge Robert Spragg saying one of them had taken their own life as a "direct result" of Stewart's actions and Royal Mail's failure to respond to complaints about him.
One of his victims told the BBC Royal Mail took no appropriate action against Stewart. The firm has since apologised and said it had made changes.
Stewart, of Windsor Terrace in Amble, was found guilty of 12 offences including sexual assault, exposure and harassment.
In a statement read to the court, the family of one of his victims said: "We blame Stewart's offending against [the woman] for her mental state and eventual suicide."
'Severe psychological harm'
The woman's mother said their lives had been "destroyed" by her death, which she said was also contributed to by Royal Mail's failure to take action against Stewart.
Judge Robert Spragg said while there were numerous factors involved in a suicide, he was "satisfied" the woman's death was a "direct result" of what Stewart did.
"Had you not behaved in this manner towards her, it is clear she would not have suffered the severe psychological harm she did leading to the loss of her life," the judge told Stewart.
The judge also said Royal Mail's inadequate response contributed to her distress.

Another victim said she felt guilt, anger and sadness that "two of his victims took their own lives".
She said Stewart went from a "nice guy who delivered the post" and "who had kind a word and cheeky smile" to someone she "had to hide from because I was scared".
The woman said she was "disgusted" by Stewart, a grandfather who had worked for Royal Mail for 22 years, and he had "tainted lives".
The court heard the woman complained to the Royal Mail that he sexually assaulted her but, after initially being moved, he was soon put back on her round.
'Hid in plain sight'
The other woman, who has since died, said she had "trusted" Stewart as a "Royal Mail person" and he "took advantage of his position".
She said he ogled her chest like a "kid in a sweetshop" before putting his foot inside her front door to prevent it being closed and grabbing her breast.
Judge Spragg said it was an "appalling catalogue of abuse" against lone women for Stewart's own "sexual gratification".
He said Stewart was popular and "hid in plain sight behind a facade of respectability" and his victims were often afraid to report him due to his status.
When they did, they were "not listened to properly", Judge Spragg added.
'He was not bothered'
One of his victims, whose identity cannot be revealed, told the BBC Stewart was initially "really nice and friendly" and "always had a joke".
But one day, when handing her a package, he walked into her home and grabbed her breast, she said.
She said she told him to "get off" but he was "not even bothered by what he'd done", adding: "He said that I wanted it. I didn't.
"I didn't encourage it.
"That's the bit that upsets me."
The woman said she complained to Royal Mail but they failed to inform police and just "swept it under a rock".
She is now seeking compensation from Royal Mail.
'Abused position of trust'
Det Con Anthony Gourley said Stewart was a "calculating predator" who "abused his position and subjected his victims to horrific ordeals".
Praising the victims for their courage in coming forward, he said it was tragic two of them had not lived to see justice served.
A Royal Mail spokesperson said: "These crimes were abhorrent and had significant, and in cases tragic, consequences for the victims.
"Stewart abused his position of trust.
"We would like to publicly apologise to the victims, their families and to others who were targeted."
The firm said protection of other people was of the "utmost priority" and it had followed the recommendations of an independent review.
"We implemented changes across the organisation," the spokesperson said, "including a multi-year campaign on sexual harassment and culture in the workplace, new internal reporting tools and clearer codes of conduct and expected behaviours."
A restraining order banning Stewart from contacting his three surviving victims was also made to last indefinitely.
Full inquests are yet to take place.