Population growth3 days agoGuernsey's birth rate falls: What do people think?A falling birth rate could cause economic decline unless there is work to reverse it, experts say.3 days agoGuernsey14 Feb 2025Kent's population increases by 18% in 20 yearsLife expectancies of both men and women across the county are higher than the English average. 14 Feb 2025Kent28 Jan 2025Net migration could push UK population to 72.5m - ONSProjections suggest the UK population could grow by almost five million over the next decade.28 Jan 2025UK28 Jan 2025Northern Ireland population to 'peak in 2033' Northern Ireland's population is projected to peak at 1.95m before declining, a new report suggests.28 Jan 2025Northern Ireland28 Jan 2025Migration to fuel Scotland's population growth Inward migration will fuel Scotland's population growth over the next 23 years, a new report predicts. 28 Jan 2025Scotland16 Dec 2024Why a nation of 1.45 billion wants more childrenIndia, the world's most populous country, is seeing a debate about having more babies.16 Dec 2024Asia8 Oct 2024Scotland's population rising at fastest rate since 1940sThe main driver of population growth was people moving to Scotland from other parts of the UK and abroad.8 Oct 2024Scotland3 Oct 2024Up productivity to boost economy, lobby group saysThe Manx Chamber of Commerce says upskilling workers should be pushed ahead of job creation targets.3 Oct 2024Isle of Man25 Sep 2024Migrant numbers from outside Europe increaseThere were about 103,650 people living in Jersey at the end of 2023, a population report showed.25 Sep 2024Jersey...