Ecology2 days agoCouncil criticised for spending £50k on ecologistThe decision has come under fire from an opposition councillor in the Forest of Dean.2 days agoGloucestershire2 days agoThe women tackling India's worm poachersIndia's bristle worms are often overlooked. But they are crucial to the health of the country's wetlands – so local women are working to catch the poachers decimating their population.2 days agoFuture17 Feb 2025Bat roost plans at former brickworks housing siteA developer is planning to construct homes for displaced bats ahead of building a new community.17 Feb 2025Beds, Herts & Bucks26 Nov 2024The 1969 mission to save Vermont's wild turkeyIn 1969, a bold plan to restore Vermont's wild turkeys began with a handful of net-trapped birds from New York. What did Vermont get right?26 Nov 2024Future23 Nov 2024Chalk grassland restoration to create habitatsThe project will run until the end of 2026 on land around Dover Castle and Western Heights.23 Nov 2024Kent2 Oct 2024Tropical moths travel 4,500 miles in woman's bagThe moths, which were previously unknown to science, have been named Carmenta brachyclados.2 Oct 2024Wales1 Oct 2024Up to 5,000 salmon 'may have escaped' from farmA "rip in the net of a farmed salmon cage" was found on Sunday, according to a Stormont department.1 Oct 2024Northern Ireland22 Sep 2024Young ecologist on beauty of London's wild spacesUrban ecologist Akash Barua has been exploring London's woods to learn about the wildlife within.22 Sep 2024London19 Sep 2024Charities call for action on seabed trawlingA series of reports estimate high levels of carbon being stored within the top of seabed sediments.19 Sep 2024Cornwall...