Fake News3 Dec 2024Woman sentenced in case that sparked Springfield cat-eating rumoursAllexis Ferrell, a US citizen, attacked a cat in a city far from a Haitian immigrant community in Ohio.3 Dec 2024US & Canada14 Nov 2024The Onion buys Alex Jones's Infowars at auctionInfowars was auctioned as part of a defamation ruling after Jones falsely called the Sandy Hook School shooting a hoax.14 Nov 2024US & Canada9 Nov 2024How US election fraud claims changed as Trump wonBoth Trump fans and Harris supporters baselessly claimed large-scale voter fraud in Tuesday's election.9 Nov 2024US & Canada3 Nov 2024Whirlwind of misinformation sows distrust ahead of US election dayCrowdsourced voter fraud claims and fake videos are flooding social media, as the contest remains on a knife-edge.3 Nov 2024Technology2 Nov 2024FBI issues warning over two fake election videosEvidence seen by the BBC links the videos to a Russian-based operation of election disinformation. 2 Nov 2024BBC Verify1 Nov 2024US officials say Russians faked 'Haitian voters' videoThe FBI and two other security agencies say the video is an attempt to interfere in the upcoming presidential election.1 Nov 2024World9 Sep 2024War ‘tour’, football and graffiti: How Russia is trying to influence AfricaThe African Initiative spreads misleading claims online and promotes Russian culture on the ground.9 Sep 2024World9 Aug 2024A week of unrest - and a week of silence from big techSocial media firms are accused of stoking the disorder in the UK but have not commented on it. Why?9 Aug 2024Technology3 Jul 2024A Bugatti car, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at AmericansA former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.3 Jul 2024World...