Pigs14 Feb 2025Zoo's new house for critically endangered pigsThe pig house opened to the public on Friday after being closed for two-months, says Jersey Zoo.14 Feb 2025Jersey13 Feb 2025Why were the Cairngorms feral pigs killed?The culling of the illegally released pigs has caused outcry with hundreds of people questioning why they could not be rescued.13 Feb 2025Highlands & Islands12 Feb 2025Feral pigs roaming Cairngorms park caught and killedForestry and Land Scotland said the group of eight animals were humanely culled. 12 Feb 2025Highlands & Islands4 Feb 2025Stray pigs 'leave gardens looking like Himalayas'The runaway swine have been causing havoc by digging up villagers' lawns.4 Feb 2025Norfolk2 Feb 2025Pigs create mini ponds in drive for wetlandsMore wetlands are being created in Hertfordshire to protect against drought.2 Feb 202521 Jan 2025European foot-and-mouth cases prompt restrictionsLivestock imports from Germany are banned by the Isle of Man to prevent the spread of the virus.21 Jan 2025Isle of Man17 Jan 2025Joy as French wild boar facing death given reprieveRillette was found as a piglet after apparently being abandoned by its mother.17 Jan 2025Europe14 Jan 2025UK bans cattle, pigs and sheep imports from Germany after foot-and-mouth caseThe disease is contagious in livestock like cattle, but poses no risk to humans or food safety.14 Jan 2025Europe6 Dec 2024Police seek owners of 'on the loose' boarThe animal, described as a wild boar-domestic pig mix, was captured in Caithness.6 Dec 2024Highlands & Islands...