Life expectancy3 Mar 2025UK death rate 'reaches record low'The UK death rate reached a record low last year, according to exclusive analysis of death certificate data carried out for BBC News.3 Mar 2025BBC Verify26 Feb 2025Region's life expectancy below national averageEnvironmental factors are identified as having an impact on people's health in the region.26 Feb 2025England4 Dec 2024Glasgow no longer area with lowest male life expectancyBlackpool has replaced the city as the area in Britain where men, on average, have the shortest lives.4 Dec 2024Scotland25 Oct 2024Life expectancy two years higher than EnglandA new report says girls born today can expect to live to 85, more than three years longer than boys.25 Oct 2024Jersey23 Oct 2024Scottish life expectancy still lower than pre-pandemicScotland continues to have the lowest life expectancy in the UK, despite an increase since 2020-2022.23 Oct 2024Scotland3 Oct 2024Porridge and prunes: 106-year-old's health secretDora Green turned 106 last month and suspects she is the oldest person in the West Midlands.3 Oct 2024Wolverhampton22 Jul 2024'Disgusting' life expectancy gap in townA report says men in poorer areas are expected to live 13 years less than those in richer parts.22 Jul 2024Tees11 Jul 2024Life expectancy in region 'stubbornly low'A public health director suggested fast food outlets were impacting on people's health.11 Jul 2024England24 Apr 2024Report claims shorter, unhealthier lives in KentThe report says life expectancy is below the average for England in some parts of Kent.24 Apr 2024Kent...