Nature1 day agoCity hopes to become 'pollinator capital'Bristol is hoping to become the UK's first pollinator capital as part of a campaign to protect hoverflies1 day agoEngland3 days agoViews sought on plans to boost wildlife recoveryBats and birds are among priorities in plans aimed to help wildlife recover to its former numbers. 3 days agoWiltshire3 days agoWhat will beavers mean for the South East?What can we learn from the trials and can beavers successfully be reintroduced to England?3 days agoSussex5 days agoCornwall residents report environmental crimesA new web page lists organisations in Cornwall to contact to report crimes.5 days agoCornwall6 days agoChurchyards encouraged to embrace natureThe scheme is backed by the county's main diocese and helps communities care for wildlife.6 days agoSomerset8 days agoWild beavers reintroduced after 400-year extinction Two pairs are settling at Little Sea lake in Studland, after government granted licenced release.8 days agoDorset5 Mar 2025Brownfield site to be turned into nature reservePlans for young people to turn a former brownfield site into a wildlife reserve are under way.5 Mar 2025Bristol4 Mar 2025Ex-dairy farm to be turned into RSPB reserveChalk-loving blooms, bees, butterflies and birds will be attracted to the site, the charity says.4 Mar 2025Wiltshire1 Mar 2025Kew to open garden focusing on climate changeThe garden will show how carbon helps to sustain life on Earth and the scale of the climate crisis.1 Mar 2025London...