All Quotes

Quotes tagged as "all" Showing 61-90 of 209
Kate McGahan
“I know it sounds so simple but Love Is All There Is.”
Kate McGahan, JACK McAFGHAN: Reflections on Life with my Master

“In this life, one can choose to make themselves visible for the world to see, or invisibly slither along like a wraith in the night.”
K.O. Bailey, Save Them All: A Novel

“another sunset
edges towards the trails end
all brings that opportunity for a rewind ahead
plug for the recharge,
loosen the laces for needed relief
a beverage, a nutritional morsel,
and a soft pillow
life is good, thanks once again”
levi paul taylor

Steven Magee
“We are in the process of finding out what filling the sky with hundreds of thousands of satellites does to all life on Earth.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I dread having to call the police, as I have no idea if they will send good cop, bad cop, lying cop, incompetent cop, aggressive cop, assaulting cop, corrupt cop, or the worst one of them all, the terminator cop.”
Steven Magee

“There are people that I love
I am all of them”
Goitsemang Mvula

Enock Maregesi
“ATP hutumika katika kipindi ambapo mtu anakuwa amekata tamaa kabisa katika jambo lolote analolifanya, na yeyote anayetumia ATP ana uwezo mkubwa wa kufanikiwa katika maisha yake. Hivyo, usikate tamaa, jitahidi kwa kadiri ya uwezo wako WOTE.”
Enock Maregesi

Deyth Banger
“Mr.Nobody is perfect for the Scenario

"All as None".”
Deyth Banger, All As None

Enock Maregesi
“Kuna nguzo saba ambazo hazina budi kuzingatiwa kama unataka kuheshimiwa na kuwaheshimu wengine. Kwanza kabisa jitambue: wewe ni nani na unafanya nini hapa duniani. Halafu, kabla ya kusema jambo lolote kwa mtu yoyote fikiria kwanza maana au madhara ya hilo unalotaka kulisema. Kisha jifunze tamaduni mbalimbali na watendee wengine kama vile unavyotaka kutendewa au kama vile wanavyotaka kutendewa. Jifunze kusamehe na kusuluhisha migogoro katika jamii unamoishi huku ukidumisha heshima na utu kwa binadamu wenzako. Jijengee imani kwa watu, punguza upendeleo, fanya kazi kama timu kwani hakuna ‘mimi’ katika umoja ila kuna ‘sisi’, na jitahidi kwa kadiri ya uwezo wako WOTE kwa manufaa ya wote. Kuwa kiongozi katika kila jambo unalofanya na katika kila kitu unachofanya. Jitahidi kufanya jambo au kitu kwa usahihi kwa kadiri utakavyoweza.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“Boresha maisha ya watu kwa kadiri utakavyoweza. Ukisaidia mtu 1 watahurumiwa watu 10. Ukisaidia watu 10 watahurumiwa watu 100. Ukisaidia watu 100 watahurumiwa watu 1000. Kila mmoja wetu akitambua wajibu wake katika jamii, Mungu atatuhurumia sisi wote. Maisha ya mtu mmoja yakiboreka, mmoja huyo ataboresha na ya wengine wengi. Hivyo, endelea kuogelea lakini usisahau kurudi nyuma katika jamii.”
Enock Maregesi

Steven Magee
“It is unreasonable to expect all children to develop correctly in unnatural man-made electromagnetic radiation fields.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We are all disciples of the light.”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“Large Squares, 1965 -Last Beetle
The body is much the same as the previous model, aside from increase in window size all round. Door handles and lock mechanisms also changed as well as seat and dashboard designs. Chrome beading became thinner, mounting holes for these also smaller. Chrome was later replaced by black anodizing or plastic to try and modernize the Bug. Tail light clusters changed from the oval shape to the ‘headstone’ and then the ‘elephant’s foot’ jumbo units the bug saw its last days with. In 1965 new larger windows all round. 1966 saw the last 6v bug, and also the first 1300cc motor. Those horrible little air vents behind the rear side windows came out in 1971 that caused lots of rusty bugs. Sloping headlights looked much nicer but went out in 1967.”
Christina Engela, Bugspray

Christina Engela
“An idea was forming in his mind. It was only rudimentary, but in the circumstances, it could be called a plan. He loathed the alien for attacking them, without any provocation. He hated the way it was smashing up his ship – and all of them – with hardly any effort or regard for life at all.
“How’s that message coming?”
“Umm – they must be jamming us, sir – I can’t get through.”
Christina Engela, Space Sucks!

Christina Engela
“The TSA liked having fresh agents on the job. Fresh agents with a clear mind and steady hand. Time travel wasn’t for the faint of heart. The pay was good though, but as Scrooby had decided long ago, that even if he didn’t get paid for it, the thrill alone was payment enough. Then again, the TSA realized they couldn’t afford to have disgruntled employees with too much time on their hands and the power of the gods at their fingertips, so the pay was very, very good. Debriefing was routine. And how he hated routine! His supervisor was a senior agent called Guy Krummeck, a rather drab character who liked his shiny silver suits almost as much as he liked to go over every little detail at least three times. Minimum. This time everything went right, so it went quick. Twenty minutes later, tired, he clocked out and went home to his small apartment. Tomorrow, after all, was another day again.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Enock Maregesi
“Kuna aina tatu za upendo hapa ulimwenguni. Kuna upendo wa ‘agape’, upendo kati ya Mungu na binadamu na kati ya binadamu na binadamu mwenzake lakini hao binadamu shuruti wawe marafiki wa msalaba wa Yesu Kristo. Aidha kuna upendo wa ‘phileo’, upendo kati ya mtu na mtu au kati ya mtu na kitu au kati ya mtu na jambo; na kuna upendo wa ‘philadelphia’, upendo wa wanachama wa mashirika ya siri ambapo mtu humpenda mwenzake kama ndugu yake wakati si ndugu yake. Heri upendo wa ‘agape’ kuliko upendo ajmaina.”
Enock Maregesi

Saim .A. Cheeda
“Your marks don’t matter when your radiance is overwhelming. When we’re our best selves we forget all those imperfections and appreciate beauty for how it is.”
Saim .A. Cheeda

Deyth Banger
“Everyone got a follower, how good or bad is all this shit, it's another topic… JUst leave it for later.”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Quantum is what's going to be all about… FUTURE”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Your logic is what limit all your abilities.”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“We all get the same amount of time.”
Deyth Banger
tags: all, get, same, time, we

Petra Hermans
“All has been seen, heard and known.”
Petra Hermans
tags: all

Enock Maregesi
“Ukila chakula mwili wote unafaidi! Ukiomba kitu kwa Mungu omba kwa ajili ya wote.”
Enock Maregesi

Petra Hermans
“There was one thing, I never understood.”
Petra Hermans
tags: all

“He leapt off Deception Pass Bridge with his arms spread as if he were an eagle, only to be spared to become an angel of death.”
K.O. Bailey, Save Them All: A Novel

Deyth Banger
“School is all about this labels... ranks... high status that if you are no-one you ain't gonna get anywhere.”
Deyth Banger

“When you’re giving all the time,
You’re the best, you’re very sweet,
The minute the giving stops,
You become obsolete.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Steven Magee
“We are all in the era that will be remembered by historians as the 'Silent Corporate Government War On Humanity”
Steven Magee

“Research makes you discover a lot of things and all must draw you closer to God.”
kingsley Ofosu-Ampong