Allergy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "allergy" Showing 1-19 of 19
“I seem to be allergic to whatever that terrible smell is," said Gateman when the urge to sneeze had finally subsided.
"What terrible smell?"
"The air," said Gateman. "It smells...different."
"That's called oxygen," said Professor Boxley. "Freh air. No cars, no buses, no factories; just pure, clean oxygen.”
Cuthbert Soup, Another Whole Nother Story

Sherry A. Rogers
“Food allergy is one of the least diagnosed and most prevalent causes of symptoms, especially depression.”
Sherry Rogers, The High Blood Pressure Hoax

“In Marin County, north of San Francisco, the search for a safe haven resulted in a new apartment complex - the first, and only, such government-sponsored project aimed at MCS.”
Peter Radetsky, Allergic to the Twentieth Century: The Explosion in Environmental Allergies--From Sick Buildings to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Laura Tempest Zakroff
“If the k in magic(K) gives you hives, take an allergy pill and move onward to focus on more important things.”
Laura Tempest Zakroff, Sigil Witchery: A Witch's Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols

Wynne McLaughlin
“If anaphylactic shock is wrong, I don't wanna bee bite.”
Wynne McLaughlin

“Never expect to enjoy alcohol without ill effects if you have allergy.”
Dr. Blake F. Donaldson, Strong Medicine

Neil Leckman
“He thought it was cool he could go back in time whenever he sneezed until allergy season started!!”
Neil Leckman

“If life were a nut I'd no doubt have an allergy!!”
Neil Leckman, Wurms

“Another thing that can make flour and dairy products so pleasurable and addictive, ironically, is their ability to cause more uncomfortable reactions than just about any other foods. . .They can comfort us from both digestive and/or respiratory distress. Remember how endorphins are released when we've had an injury? Same principle here. . .the body begins to comfort us from this chronic allergic irritation and damage. Ironically, this makes these foods irresistible.

. . .After the extraction process, most of [the] beneficial nutrients are gone. What's left are the crystallized concentrate, not unlike other plant concentrates we're familiar with, like cocaine or opium . . .

. . .[Vegetable oils are] very unstable - that is, they can become dangerously rancid very quickly. Rancid means oxidized, and in your body, oxidized means damage to your cells and tissues. . . If you eat vegetable oils that are already oxidized from heat and light in processing, you are exposing your own healthy tissues to a volatile substance that will damage them,”
Julia Ross, The Mood Cure

Steven Magee
“After living an allergy free life, I developed seasonal allergies after having a CT X-Ray radiation scan of my lungs.”
Steven Magee

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Beware of nostalgic stimulus if you’re allergic to the logic of strategic comedy.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Sol Luckman
“cancer: (n.) often deadly allergic reaction to modern life.”
Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

Steven Magee
“I developed atopic asthma after living an allergy free life until my forties.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Allergies, it seems like everyone is developing them. I lived an allergy free life until I passed through a computed tomography X-ray scanner having my lungs examined. Afterwards I was extremely reactive to pollen with a runny nose and heavy sneezing every spring. It does respond to allergy medication and in my medicine cupboard you will find numerous allergy medications. Research into X-Ray radiation revealed that allergies are a known side effect of the exposure.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“My allergies completely disappeared after moving to Hawaii. I had suspected Tucson was causing them, as much of the pollen is coming from cactus, which I know I have no genetic adaptation to. Numerous people report the development of seasonal allergies when they start living in Tucson. It is a known aspect of living there for many.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“By May 2020, I was becoming increasingly forgetful. We were finding things in the kitchen that had been put into the wrong places. My fatigue had ramped up, allergy season was in full swing and I was routinely taking allergy medicines. The pulse oximeter was showing that I was having a few bouts of low oxygen that would last over an hour each time during sleep.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Kody Keplinger
“Is this me?” he asked.


He laughed. “And I’m eating cake in the picture.”

“A big piece,” I told him. “I figured if you can’t eat cake in real life, might as well get to in a drawing.”
Kody Keplinger, The Swift Boys & Me

Steven Magee
“I am allergic to dying!”
Steven Magee

“Allergy on Nostalgia: Poison for the Heart.”
Sino Melo