Ceasefire Quotes
Quotes tagged as "ceasefire"
Showing 1-16 of 16

“War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs from both sides, it is also the shower of blood and bones on both sides.”
― Wealth of Words
― Wealth of Words

“— Что вы делаете? — кричал Евгений. — Тут же свои! Свои тут! Свои!
И выстрелы прекратились. Каждый подумал, что свои — это действительно свои, а своих убивать никто не хотел.”
― Гений
И выстрелы прекратились. Каждый подумал, что свои — это действительно свои, а своих убивать никто не хотел.”
― Гений

“If you really want peace, what is there to talk about? It’s when you really don’t want peace, that you want to keep holding talks of peace.”
― Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather
― Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather

“Centurion Sermon (Sonnet 1005)
Peace is an act of ceasefire,
Peace is an act of disarmament.
If you don't get this simple fact,
You need lessons on common sense.
Beer is no bravery,
Guns ain't no gallantry,
Dump your bazookas in museum,
Smell the roses with some coffee.
Dump your scripture, pick up a sport,
You'll learn a lot about honor and camaraderie.
Dump your constitution, pick up gardening,
You'll learn plenty about preserving life 'n liberty.
Nationalism is the greatest threat to peace.
Fundamentalism is the greatest threat to harmony.”
― The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo
Peace is an act of ceasefire,
Peace is an act of disarmament.
If you don't get this simple fact,
You need lessons on common sense.
Beer is no bravery,
Guns ain't no gallantry,
Dump your bazookas in museum,
Smell the roses with some coffee.
Dump your scripture, pick up a sport,
You'll learn a lot about honor and camaraderie.
Dump your constitution, pick up gardening,
You'll learn plenty about preserving life 'n liberty.
Nationalism is the greatest threat to peace.
Fundamentalism is the greatest threat to harmony.”
― The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo

“When faced by an international conflict, forget diplomacy, forget statecraft, forget strategies and policies and ask yourself, what would a human do in this situation, not a politician, not a bureaucrat, not a law enforcement official, but a human?”
― Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace
― Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

“There is no time for patience - there is no time for diplomacy - there is no time for policies, legislations and meaningless paperwork. It's enough already. Either stand up and rush to the aid of these war-stricken communities through whichever means possible or keep your mouth shut for the rest of your life.”
― Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace
― Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

“Military is Legal Terrorism
(Ceasefire Sonnet)
Any planet that confuses guns
with gallantry is a planet of apes.
Prioritizing military over education,
we only build a world full of terrorists.
Military is just legal terrorism,
To fathom this you gotta be human.
What do monkeys know of peace and love,
When guns are their emblem of patriotism!
We don't need civilian disarmament,
We need absolute universal disarmament.
Only a worldwide ban on firearms production,
Can facilitate a paradigm of peaceful coexistence.
Let's see which nation has the heart and backbone,
To legislate absolute ban on firearms manufacture!
Let's see who are the first civilized people,
Let's see which nation is the first peacemaker!
What's the point of one ceasefire,
Let's pull the plug on all war.
Let's disband all military, and siphon
those funds to housing, education and healthcare.”
― Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn
(Ceasefire Sonnet)
Any planet that confuses guns
with gallantry is a planet of apes.
Prioritizing military over education,
we only build a world full of terrorists.
Military is just legal terrorism,
To fathom this you gotta be human.
What do monkeys know of peace and love,
When guns are their emblem of patriotism!
We don't need civilian disarmament,
We need absolute universal disarmament.
Only a worldwide ban on firearms production,
Can facilitate a paradigm of peaceful coexistence.
Let's see which nation has the heart and backbone,
To legislate absolute ban on firearms manufacture!
Let's see who are the first civilized people,
Let's see which nation is the first peacemaker!
What's the point of one ceasefire,
Let's pull the plug on all war.
Let's disband all military, and siphon
those funds to housing, education and healthcare.”
― Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

“When liberty is branded terrorism,
And terrorism is declared self defense,
Ceasefire is vetoed as taboo,
Geopolitics is fancy talk for arms race.”
― Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch
And terrorism is declared self defense,
Ceasefire is vetoed as taboo,
Geopolitics is fancy talk for arms race.”
― Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

“Ceasefire only postpones war,
What’s needed is demilitarization.
Till borderly apes wake apart national pride,
Democracy only sustains a paradigm of poison.”
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets
What’s needed is demilitarization.
Till borderly apes wake apart national pride,
Democracy only sustains a paradigm of poison.”
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

“Ceasefire only postpones war, what’s needed is demilitarization.”
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

“You don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

“Politicians don't have race, politicians don't have religion, politicians don't have nationality. You may think, this is a good thing - well, in this case, it's not. You know why? Because their race is self-interest - their religion is self-interest - their nationality is self-interest. Politicians can be white, black, brown or martian - but once a moron, always a moron. Some monkeys are white, some monkeys are colored, but inside they are not white or colored - they are politicians - which means, they are all monkeys.
And the exception to this norm often comes from not so popular parts of the world - for example, South Africa. Which only proves that, you don't need to be a so-called geopolitical superpower to do what's right - you don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker. In fact in most cases, the so-called superpowers are the most morally bankrupt states in the world. Because guess what - governments don't exist to do the right thing, governments exist to do whatever keeps them in power. And the day the politics of self-interest comes to an end, there will be no longer any need for activists, humanitarians and reformers.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets
And the exception to this norm often comes from not so popular parts of the world - for example, South Africa. Which only proves that, you don't need to be a so-called geopolitical superpower to do what's right - you don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker. In fact in most cases, the so-called superpowers are the most morally bankrupt states in the world. Because guess what - governments don't exist to do the right thing, governments exist to do whatever keeps them in power. And the day the politics of self-interest comes to an end, there will be no longer any need for activists, humanitarians and reformers.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

“for Falasteen
the boy i adored at sixteen gifted me his keffiyeh
feeling guilty for living when others were killed
simply for existing i haven’t seen him in sixteen years
but think of him often these days his grandmother’s purse
still carrying keys to their home believing they’d return
in weeks can it even be called a key
if what it unlocked is no longer there?
we’d sneak onto mall rooftops & pretend shooting
only happened with stars! 'we have a duty of memory,'
he said, 'so they’ll kill us all until only the soil
is witness' how could i reply? i sat in my liquid silence
today there are nurseries of martyrs
they bomb babies for they fear enemies
hiding between pacifiers & tiny wrists
bomb hospitals because enemies hide in ICU bedpans
bomb schools because enemies hide in children’s bags
bomb the oldest mosques & churches because enemies
hide in rosary beads & votive candles
they bomb journalists because enemies are hiding
under their PRESS vests & helmets
bomb poets because enemies hide in pages
of peace poems the elderly are bombed
because enemies hide under their canes
the disabled are bombed because they harbour
enemies in their artificial limbs
they raze & burn all the ancient trees
because enemies make bombs from olives
they bomb water treatment plants
because enemies are now water
& so it goes: justification provided
exoneration granted business as usual
& the boy I adored has green-grey eyes
the colour of fig leaves
we don’t speak but i wish to tell him
'i’m sorry the world is a blade i’m sorry
home is blood & bones i’m sorry music
is sirens & wails i’m sorry night is infinite'
but the boy I adored has grey-green eyes
the colour of forgotten ash”
the boy i adored at sixteen gifted me his keffiyeh
feeling guilty for living when others were killed
simply for existing i haven’t seen him in sixteen years
but think of him often these days his grandmother’s purse
still carrying keys to their home believing they’d return
in weeks can it even be called a key
if what it unlocked is no longer there?
we’d sneak onto mall rooftops & pretend shooting
only happened with stars! 'we have a duty of memory,'
he said, 'so they’ll kill us all until only the soil
is witness' how could i reply? i sat in my liquid silence
today there are nurseries of martyrs
they bomb babies for they fear enemies
hiding between pacifiers & tiny wrists
bomb hospitals because enemies hide in ICU bedpans
bomb schools because enemies hide in children’s bags
bomb the oldest mosques & churches because enemies
hide in rosary beads & votive candles
they bomb journalists because enemies are hiding
under their PRESS vests & helmets
bomb poets because enemies hide in pages
of peace poems the elderly are bombed
because enemies hide under their canes
the disabled are bombed because they harbour
enemies in their artificial limbs
they raze & burn all the ancient trees
because enemies make bombs from olives
they bomb water treatment plants
because enemies are now water
& so it goes: justification provided
exoneration granted business as usual
& the boy I adored has green-grey eyes
the colour of fig leaves
we don’t speak but i wish to tell him
'i’m sorry the world is a blade i’m sorry
home is blood & bones i’m sorry music
is sirens & wails i’m sorry night is infinite'
but the boy I adored has grey-green eyes
the colour of forgotten ash”

“Armistice Sonnet
Ceasefire is a diplomatic gimmick,
They cease only to hit back harder.
Demilitarization is what we need,
We got no use for one more ceasefire.
Ceasefire only postpones war,
disarmament instills peace.
Armistice empowers armament,
demilitarization plants peace.
Tyrants don't call truce to allow aid,
but only to rearm themselves,
so they can call in more ammunition,
from their apely imperialist friends.
One more ceasefire we could do without,
World is wailing for the final ceasefire.
Disown every statesman who prides military,
Builders of military are merchants of murder.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets
Ceasefire is a diplomatic gimmick,
They cease only to hit back harder.
Demilitarization is what we need,
We got no use for one more ceasefire.
Ceasefire only postpones war,
disarmament instills peace.
Armistice empowers armament,
demilitarization plants peace.
Tyrants don't call truce to allow aid,
but only to rearm themselves,
so they can call in more ammunition,
from their apely imperialist friends.
One more ceasefire we could do without,
World is wailing for the final ceasefire.
Disown every statesman who prides military,
Builders of military are merchants of murder.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

“Ceasefire only postpones war,
disarmament instills peace.
Armistice empowers armament,
demilitarization plants peace.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets
disarmament instills peace.
Armistice empowers armament,
demilitarization plants peace.”
― World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets
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