Colours Quotes
Quotes tagged as "colours"
Showing 1-30 of 105

“If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colours become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire.”
― Peter Pan
― Peter Pan

“I find him in the curves of certain lines, in the loveliness and subtleties of certain colours.”
― The Picture of Dorian Gray
― The Picture of Dorian Gray

“Colors shone with exceptional clarity in the rain. The ground was a deep black, the pine branches a brilliant green, the people wrapped in yellow looking like special spirits that were allowed to wander over the earth on rainy mornings only.”
― Norwegian Wood
― Norwegian Wood
“Tonight the sun has died like an Emperor ... great scarlet arcs of silk ... saffron ... green ... crimson ... and the blaze of Venus to remind one of the absolute and the infinite ... and along the lower rim of beauty lay the hard harsh line of the hills ...”
― Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters
― Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters

“May your eye go to the Sun, to the Wind your soul... You are all the colours in one, at full brightness.”

“I like flat black. It doesn't try to explain anything, and it's been hip since before I was born, I guess.”
― Closer
― Closer

“She lifts a bowl of kheer and her thoughts, flittering like dusty sparrows in a brown back alley, turn a sudden kingfisher blue.”
― The Mistress of Spices
― The Mistress of Spices

“Since he died some of the colours have disappeared. I have lost the violet of seeing him, the indigo of touching him, the blue of talking to him and the green of smelling him. But I can still see some of his colours. I still have the red of the feelings in my heart, the orange of his possessions, and the yellow of our memories.
Which is why it feels so confusing. He is gone, but not entirely. The white light is no longer with me, but a few of his colours remain; vibrant, illuminating. Sometimes I lose sight even of these colours. I search in the shadows, hungry for another glimpse, desperate that I may have lost them forever. This is my darkness.”
― Kadian Journal: A Father's Story
Which is why it feels so confusing. He is gone, but not entirely. The white light is no longer with me, but a few of his colours remain; vibrant, illuminating. Sometimes I lose sight even of these colours. I search in the shadows, hungry for another glimpse, desperate that I may have lost them forever. This is my darkness.”
― Kadian Journal: A Father's Story

“The sky was an eddy of molten amethyst, sapphire, and ruby, all bleeding into a final pool of onyx. I wanted to swim in it, wanted to bathe in its colours and feel the stars twinkling between my fingers.”
― A Court of Thorns and Roses
― A Court of Thorns and Roses

“My feelings, my race,
my smiles in my face
Are craving the same
Allure, spark and aim
To love and be loved.
While freedom’s rhymes write
Life stories in spite
Of all our roots, colours, and shapes.
We all own the grace
From our mom earth,
Amazingly embraced
In a powerful togetherness.”
― Love is Young: Poems
my smiles in my face
Are craving the same
Allure, spark and aim
To love and be loved.
While freedom’s rhymes write
Life stories in spite
Of all our roots, colours, and shapes.
We all own the grace
From our mom earth,
Amazingly embraced
In a powerful togetherness.”
― Love is Young: Poems

“A stall selling cloaks in all the colours of the sky, from the first blush of dawn to deep as midnight and spangled with stars.”
― The Stolen Heir
― The Stolen Heir

“I don't see the fire, I see colours. Beautiful colours dancing in the dark, waiting to torch the souls of many, charming them with their gentle waves until they magically transform life into the darkness of death, all with nothing but the flickering spark of the dancing flame.”
― Seven Sins
― Seven Sins

“The green earth is a symbol of hope.
Walk on it like you are going somewhere, even when you are going nowhere.”
― Song of a Nature Lover
Walk on it like you are going somewhere, even when you are going nowhere.”
― Song of a Nature Lover
“Joyce saw perhaps what Wittgenstein felt—that ‘Colours spur us to philosophize. [. . . They] seem to present us with a riddle, a riddle that stimulates us — not one that disturbs us.”
― Lots of Fun at Finnegans Wake: Unravelling Universals
― Lots of Fun at Finnegans Wake: Unravelling Universals

“Allow each lamp you light to bring a smile to your face and to enlighten your soul. Allow the earthen lamp’s flame to cleanse your heart, mind, and soul. May the Diwali lamps brighten your life and the rangoli add more colours to it. May the sound of crackers and sweets bring more glee and cheer. The mirth, merriment, and joy of this divine festival surround you for the rest of your life. Happy Deepavali.”
― Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories
― Twenty + One - 21 Short Stories

“I suppose the study was more of a library, as I couldn't see any of the walls thanks to the small labyrinths of stacks flanking the main area and a mezzanine dangling above, covered wall to wall in books. But study sounded less intimidating. I meandered through some of the stacks, following a trickle of sunlight to a bank of windows on the far side. I found myself overlooking a rose garden, filled with dozens of hues of crimson and pink and white and yellow.
I might have allowed myself a moment to take in the colours, gleaming with dew under the morning sun, had I not glimpsed the painting that stretched along the wall beside the window.”
― A Court of Thorns and Roses
I might have allowed myself a moment to take in the colours, gleaming with dew under the morning sun, had I not glimpsed the painting that stretched along the wall beside the window.”
― A Court of Thorns and Roses

“The firelight danced on his mask, warming the gold, setting the emeralds glinting. Such colour and variation- colours I didn't know the names of, colours I wanted to catalog and weave together. Colours I had no reason not to explore now.”
― A Court of Thorns and Roses
― A Court of Thorns and Roses

“NOBODY taught me how to swim.
So, I swam and followed the rivers,
hoping that I'd end up in the ocean; the calm seas.
To see some dolphins and the colourful fish.”
So, I swam and followed the rivers,
hoping that I'd end up in the ocean; the calm seas.
To see some dolphins and the colourful fish.”

“The river that chose me was long
with hard turns, blockages, and fishing traps.
On some days, the river would run dry,
leaving me nowhere but in the middle of hard cracks.”
with hard turns, blockages, and fishing traps.
On some days, the river would run dry,
leaving me nowhere but in the middle of hard cracks.”

“But I had a dream that was heavier than my challenges.
So I continued with my journey,
following the stream of the river.
Hoping to reach the ocean; the calm seas.”
So I continued with my journey,
following the stream of the river.
Hoping to reach the ocean; the calm seas.”

“Dreams for everyone are free,
dreams will always bring you glee,
when you dream, you’re always happy,
life is coloured, not grey or crappy.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...
dreams will always bring you glee,
when you dream, you’re always happy,
life is coloured, not grey or crappy.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

“Dreams are something that for everyone is free,
dreams are what will always bring you glee,
when you dream, you’re always happy,
life is coloured, not grey or crappy.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...
dreams are what will always bring you glee,
when you dream, you’re always happy,
life is coloured, not grey or crappy.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

“Bright blue/green eyes I adore,
with me for them admiration I store,
yet I have a woman in my life,
brightly eyed, that I love, like a wife.
I love the sky at early dawn,
when ancient sorrow it makes gone,
I love the sea, where birds would soar,
ever moments with her I adore.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...
with me for them admiration I store,
yet I have a woman in my life,
brightly eyed, that I love, like a wife.
I love the sky at early dawn,
when ancient sorrow it makes gone,
I love the sea, where birds would soar,
ever moments with her I adore.”
― На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

“Ás vegadas, por facer festa, o señor Merlin saía á eira, e nunha copa de cristal chea de auga verquía dúas ou tres gotas do licor que il chamaba "clos países", e sorrindo, con aquela aberta sorrisa que lle enchía a franca faciana como enche o sol a mañán, preguntábanos de qué coor queríamos velo mundo, e sempre que a min me tocaba responder, eu decía que de azul, i entón don Merlin botaba a iauga, ao áer, e por un segundo o mundo todo, Esmelle todo arredor, as brancas torres de Belvís, as pombas i o can Ney, o roxo pelo de Manoeliña, a branca barba de mi amo, o cabalo tordo, as bidueiras de Quintás i o toxo da coroa do Castro, todo era unha longa nuben azul que pouco a pouco se esvaía.”
― Merlín e familia
― Merlín e familia

“A triumphal arch rises in the sky, a bridge of colours that dispels sorrow.”
― Mountain poems: Musings on stone, forest, and snow
― Mountain poems: Musings on stone, forest, and snow
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