Exorcist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "exorcist" Showing 1-13 of 13
William Peter Blatty
“But if all of the evil in the world makes you think that there might be a devil, Chris, how do you account for all the good?”
William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist

William Peter Blatty
“No, I tend to see possession most often in the little things, Damien: in the senseless, petty spites and misunderstandings; the cruel and cutting word that leaps unbidden to the tongue between friends. Between lovers. Between husbands and wives. Enough of these and we have no need of Satan to manage our wars; these we manage for ourselves.”
William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist

Grady Hendrix
“Brother Lemon and Abby looked at each other, eyes gleaming in the shadows, and then he stood up. Rummaging in one of his duffle bags, he pulled out an athletic cup and slid it down the front of his pants. He caught Abby staring.
"First place they go for," he explained. He adjusted himself and picked up a well worn bible.”
Grady Hendrix, My Best Friend's Exorcism

William Peter Blatty
“(…)The void and the unspeakable loneliness, the stillness and the silence and the darkness that awaited beneath the sod: no, no movement; no breathing; nothing. Too much … too much.”
William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist

William Peter Blatty
“...at last I realised that God would never ask of me that which I know to be psychologically impossible; that the love which He asked was in my will and not meant to be felt as emotion at all. Not at all. He was asking that I act with love; that I do unto others; and that I should do it unto those who repelled me, I believe, was a greater act of love than any other.”
William Peter Blatty

E.A. Bucchianeri
“The phrase 'battling' the principalities and powers took on a whole new aspect, prayer becoming as physical as any piece of steel or iron they could wield against an enemy along with their holy water and crucifixes.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

E.A. Bucchianeri
“His apprentice was just beginning to grapple with this experience, coming face to face with the sombre realities of their ministry, that there was an entire unseen universe not any less real simply because it was invisible to mortal eyes most of the time. An ancient war was yet raging against enemies that never sleep, always plotting, continually ensnaring, sadistically feeding off destruction, despair and death, physical and eternal, glutted and glutting, never filled, never satisfied.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

E.A. Bucchianeri
“There was nothing so harrowing as that fiendish sadistic laugh revealing the entity taking gluttonous delight in causing him excruciating pain and fear.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

E.A. Bucchianeri
“Pray and wait like Our Lord in Gethsemane, that's all he could do, but at least Christ knew the hour, he did not. That would be one of the quiet agonies too, waiting for the metaphorical executioners to come, not knowing when the hour would strike and from quarter they would appear.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

E.A. Bucchianeri
“The Darkness was going to take quite some getting used to, if ever.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

Stewart Stafford
“A Demon Over Crumpets by Stewart Stafford

While taking tea with my physician father,
He pressed me on what was ailing me,
I imparted my supernatural experiences,
Laughing, he recommended fresh air and rest.

Just then, he stopped chewing his crumpet,
A demon’s image scorched the wall beside us,
I rushed over and scraped the hot soot away,
And saw two bloodshot eyes surveying the room.

I invoked the name of my protector, Jesus Christ,
And bade the dark spirit leave us and, with that,
The blackened image vanished from the wall,
Crackling fireplace flames were the only sound.

My father leapt up, made his excuses, and left,
I last saw his stooping gait and balding pate,
As they fled down the garden path by the hedge,
Darting looks over his shoulder, he was gone.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“What Walks By Night by Stewart Stafford

Jealous looks at earthly prowl,
Or unbound by fleshly form,
Seen under darkness’ cowl:
Agitated ghost or hellspawn?

Violence torments it from sleep,
Or trapped inside by exorcist bait,
Hexed glances corrupted, weep,
As redress or perdition state.

Jinxed trails of ashen flame,
Unheard wails for living aid,
Or gatecrash our human frame,
As night and sunrise trade.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford