Plastic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "plastic" Showing 1-30 of 113
George Carlin
“We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”

Plastic… asshole.”
George Carlin

Jess C. Scott
“What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?”
Jess C. Scott, I'm Pretty

Louis Tomlinson
“Remember people you may not be plastic...but you are fantastic! never forget that”
Louis Tomlinson

Jess C. Scott
“You may be married to a star, but that doesn't mean they'll treat you like one.”
Jess C. Scott, I'm Pretty

John Green
“You see how fake it all is. It's not even hard enough to be made out of plastic. It's a paper town.”
John Green, Paper Towns

Hannah Harrington
“All of them are the same type; girls with overprocessed hair and too much makeup and way too much access to Daddy’s credit cards. Girls who, if you took away the designer labels, hair dye and cover-up, wouldn’t be more than average-looking, but with all that stuff look too plastic to be pretty.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless

Susan Freinkel
“For all the environmental troubles single-use shopping bags cause, the much greater impacts are in what they contain. reducing the human footprint means addressing fundamentally unsustainable habits of food consumption, such as expecting strawberries in the depths of winter or buying of seafood that are being fished to the brink of extinction.”
Susan Freinkel, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Susan Freinkel
“Plastic should be a high value material... [It] should be in products that last a long time, and at the end of the life, you recycle it. To take oil or natural gas that took millions of years to produce and then to make a disposable product that last minutes or seconds, and then to just discard it--I think that's not a good way of using this resource. (Robert Haley)”
Susan Freinkel, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Susan Freinkel
“If you can't reuse or repair an item, do you ever really own it? Do you ever really own it? Do you ever develop the sense of pride and proprietorship that comes from maintaining an object in fine working order?

We invest something of ourselves in our material world, which in turn reflects who we are. In the era of disposability that plastic has helped us foster, we have increasingly invested ourselves in objects that have no real meaning in our lives. We think of disposable lighters as conveniences -- which they indisputably are; ask any smoker or backyard-barbecue chef -- and yet we don't think much about the tradeoffs that that convenience entails.”
Susan Freinkel, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Jarod Kintz
“I watched the cheese melt in the microwave—along with the surrounding plastic. I forgot to take it out of its package before use, just like my golf game.”
Jarod Kintz, To be good at golf you must go full koala bear

Jefferson Smith
“How do you explain plastic to a medieval forest bard?”
Jefferson Smith, Strange Places

Susan Freinkel
“Manufacturers have long chosen plastic for their products on the basis of price and functionality., But creating a more sustainable relationship with plastics will require a new dexterity on our part. It will require us to think about the entire life cycle of the products we create and use.”
Susan Freinkel, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Mark Leiren-Young
“If you are what you eat, you're part plastic - because every animal on earth is eating it.”
Mark Leiren-Young, Sharks Forever: The Mystery and History of the Planet’s Perfect Predator

Anthony T. Hincks
“No matter how far man travels in space, microplastics will have been there before him.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Microplasticosis will be result of an invasive entity residing within all living things.
What is this entity?
They're here right now in all food chains, within all life and beyond.
Will there be a cure?
Sadly, no because it will be in everything and everywhere.
We breathe them in. We ingest them. We cook with them. We drink them. We sleep with them & work with them each and every day.
Sadly, in our race to embrace technology and a life of laziness & indifference we have created our own demise.
They will change us and everything else in a way that we never thought possible.
Microplasticosis...Remember the name because you, your family, your friends, and even your pets will have it in some form or another.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Your brain will become pickled in plastic if man has his way.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Technology has given me a taste for plastics. Literally!”
Anthony T. HIncks

Anthony T. Hincks
“I just love microplastics. That's why I keep them in a special place within my heart.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“What will turn your heart to plastic?
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Microplastics will change the way man thinks.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“You can't get rid of microplastics, but they can get rid of you.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Neurological problems will stem from the microplastics that enter your bloodstream.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Barbie...A microplastic's dream girl.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Microplastics will have explored the known universe long before man ever will.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“If I was a betting man, I would bet every cent that the moon will have microplastics all over the moon.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...plastic will turn your credit card into your best friend.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“In the days before plastic containers, families took their saucepans along to be filled with takeaway food.”
Jan O'Connell, A Timeline of Australian Food: From Mutton to Masterchef

Lucy  Carter
is like plastic

It can be bent
so easily

Even if you
try to smooth out
the plastic,
there will always be a crease
where the plastic
was bent”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Daniel Kraus
“All this plastic is getting in the way of our animal duty. Which is, we've got to eat each other over and over to keep this carousel turning round.”
Daniel Kraus, Whalefall

Fuminori Nakamura
“She was thirty-two, but drew blank on various periods of her life. In her own peculiar turn of phrase, they were like holes in the ground filled with plastic.”
Fuminori Nakamura, My Annihilation

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