Un Quotes
Quotes tagged as "un"
Showing 1-30 of 35

“It was just one of those things," I said, "You know, that just happen. You don't think or plan. You just do it.”
― The Truth About Forever
― The Truth About Forever

“In the time that we're here today, more women and children will die violently in the Darfur region than in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel or Lebanon. So, after September 30, you won't need the UN - you will simply need men with shovels and bleached white linen and headstones.”
“If blue helmeted UN peacekeepers show up in your town or village and offer to protect you, run.”
― Emergency Sex (And Other Desperate Measures) : True Stories from a War Zone
― Emergency Sex (And Other Desperate Measures) : True Stories from a War Zone
“I always have believed that we should not call it an Arab-Israeli issue or a Palestinian-Arab dispute or a peace negotiation. I think we should call it what it is: an occupation of Palestine, full stop. This is not a popular position in mixed company.”
― Blankets become Jackets
― Blankets become Jackets

“Marcia Wilson was a good example of Omega’s core strategy for creating a New World Order. It involved placing their people, or moles, in positions of power within the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, the White House and global organizations like the UN, the IMF and the World Bank. This enabled Omega to pull some of the strings of these organizations and to direct American, and world politics, to an extent.”
― The Ninth Orphan
― The Ninth Orphan
“History has been witness to heart wrenching barbaric violations from time immemorial throughout the world where battles and wars have been fought, not just among States but even the Big Powers, megalomania, ‘folie de grandeur’ .All this lead us only to understand of the meager contribution to the subject of International Humanitarian Laws, and all these failures have built and would continue to lay precedents and build the laws.”
― Rudiments of International Humanitarian Law
― Rudiments of International Humanitarian Law

“The United Nations leave alone those who set Africa on fire, but quarrels with those who do their best to put out the fires.”

“National sovereignty, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, had been considered as absolute in theory. When it was combined with national power, as the case of the USSR, it was absolute. National sovereignty buttressed by real national power could be bound or regulated only by two things: a sense of responsibility, or a fear of consequences.”
― This kind of peace
― This kind of peace

“Harry Truman, and the men around him, were learning the necessity of acting first and talking later. Harry Truman was learning there are times when peoples have to be saved whether they want such salvation or not.”
― This kind of peace
― This kind of peace

“These are all good things, I said. But no one knows where your country is or who you are. You don't have a familiar ethnic cuisine; your diaspora , from what I understand, is mostly in Southern California, three time zones removed from the national media in New York; and you don't have a recognizable, long-simmering conflict like the one between the Israelis and the Palestinians, where people in the richer nations can take sides and argue over at the dinner table. The best you can do is get the United Nations involved, as in East Timor. Maybe they'll send troops."
"We don't want the United Nations" Mr. Nanabragov said. "We don't want Sri Lankan troops patrolling our streets. We're better tan that. We want America.”
― Absurdistan
"We don't want the United Nations" Mr. Nanabragov said. "We don't want Sri Lankan troops patrolling our streets. We're better tan that. We want America.”
― Absurdistan
“One look, all is said. One word, all is lived. (Un regard, tout est dit. - Une parole, tout se vit.)”

“The end of superpower patronage to client movements worldwide created a power vacuum whose inevitable results included the spread of violence and the emergence of disparate groups, ostensibly fighting in the name of ideology, religion or ethnicity, but now seeking their finance through local taxes, plunder and pillage.”
― Letters to Gabriella: Angola's Last War for Peace, What the UN Did and Why
― Letters to Gabriella: Angola's Last War for Peace, What the UN Did and Why
“Le montant des dépenses mondiales de publicité et de sponsoring approchait 600 milliards de dollars en 2008, soit quatre à cinq fois ce que permettrait de régler, sur le plan financier, les problèmes les plus urgents des pays en développement (les « objectifs du millénaire » des Nations Unies). (p.70)”
― Adieu à la croissance
― Adieu à la croissance
“We have a thousand possible, but only one is the target. (Nous avons mille possibles, - Mais un seul est la cible)”
“A continent once described as the white man’s grave, can now be suitably dubbed the white man’s harem.”
“From an early age children play 'cowboys and Indians',
Nobody ever plays 'UN peacekeeping force'.
(From: Kinderpraat)”
Nobody ever plays 'UN peacekeeping force'.
(From: Kinderpraat)”

“When love touches us, it dissolves the walls of mis understanding and builds a bridge that helps us walk towards each other.”
― Guidebook To Your Heart
― Guidebook To Your Heart

“- On the day of human rights, I dare to say that since 1948, the United Nations fail, to adopt the universal solidification of human rights notion within its precise context of a free and equal world. Indeed, human exists; however, not the rights yet.”
“The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.
Assistance for population moderation should give primary emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is special U.S. political and strategic interest. Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia
At the same time, the U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, especially the U.N. Fund for Population Activities which already has projects in over 80 countries to increase population assistance on a broader basis with increased U.S. contributions. This is desirable in terms of U.S. interests and necessary in political terms in the United Nations.
young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,’ ‘imperialists,’ multinational corporations, or other — often foreign — influences blamed for their troubles.
Without diminishing in any way the effort to reach these adults, the obvious increased focus of attention should be to change the attitudes of the next generation, those who are now in elementary school or younger.
There is also the danger that some LDC [less developed countries] leaders will see developed country pressures for family planning as a form of economic or racial imperialism; this could well create a serious backlash.… The U.S. can help to minimize charges of an imperialist motivation behind its support of population activities by repeatedly asserting that such support derives from a concern with:
(a) The right of the individual couple to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children and to have information, education, and means to do so; and
(b) The fundamental social and economic development of poor countries in which rapid population growth is both a contributing cause and a consequence of widespread poverty.”
― The Kissinger Report: NSSM-200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security Interests
Assistance for population moderation should give primary emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is special U.S. political and strategic interest. Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia
At the same time, the U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, especially the U.N. Fund for Population Activities which already has projects in over 80 countries to increase population assistance on a broader basis with increased U.S. contributions. This is desirable in terms of U.S. interests and necessary in political terms in the United Nations.
young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,’ ‘imperialists,’ multinational corporations, or other — often foreign — influences blamed for their troubles.
Without diminishing in any way the effort to reach these adults, the obvious increased focus of attention should be to change the attitudes of the next generation, those who are now in elementary school or younger.
There is also the danger that some LDC [less developed countries] leaders will see developed country pressures for family planning as a form of economic or racial imperialism; this could well create a serious backlash.… The U.S. can help to minimize charges of an imperialist motivation behind its support of population activities by repeatedly asserting that such support derives from a concern with:
(a) The right of the individual couple to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children and to have information, education, and means to do so; and
(b) The fundamental social and economic development of poor countries in which rapid population growth is both a contributing cause and a consequence of widespread poverty.”
― The Kissinger Report: NSSM-200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security Interests

“Bir BM AJansı taradından yapılan çalışma, kadınlar kaynaklara erkeklerle aynı düzeyde erişme şansına sahip olsalardı, çiftliklerinde yüzde 20-30 daha fazla ürün yetiştirebileceklerini ve dünyadaki aç insanların sayısını yüzde 12-17 arasında azaltabileceklerini gösterdi.”
― How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, The New Climate War, The Rare Metals War 3 Books Collection Set
― How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, The New Climate War, The Rare Metals War 3 Books Collection Set

“We want to stay in Ruanda-Urundi because in the lives of peoples and people there are interests other than purely economic interests. We want to stay there just because there is still much to do, because we have begun a great human work in that country that we want to bring to a successful conclusion; because we have accepted a mission of guardianship that we want to fulfil to the end. And when the objectives laid down in the [UN] Charter are achieved, thanks to us, thanks to our help, that people will be able to decide its future in full awareness and in full freedom.”

“Belgian Congo forms with the motherland a single state with a single nationality. The Congolese people live within the national borders of the Belgian state. No other country has the right to intervene in the way a sovereign state governs itself. To reinforce its argument, Belgium decided to stop transmitting information about its colony and stop participating in the meetings of the Special Committee - and for that we do not need the approval of the General Assembly.”

“The rule of law could not apply abroad; the first thing a lawyer learns, or ought to learn, is that there can be no law without government. And the UN was not conceived as, nor would it ever be, a world government.”
― This kind of peace
― This kind of peace

“The Security Council, the peace-keeping arm of the UN, emerged designed for only two functions: to prevent wars between small powers, and to crush any renewed threat from the old Axis enemy.”
― This kind of peace
― This kind of peace

“The great-power veto, which paralyzed the security arrangements of the Council, had not been unrealistic. It was merely a sublimation of the veto power actually held by powerful countries in the field of action, in the same way that ballots are not sacred, but only a sublimation of clubs or bullets, in the domestic arena.”
― This kind of peace
― This kind of peace

“The United Nations: A specter of bureaucratic behemoth looming over the fractured landscape of international relations.”

“This was my time at the MUN; not just a symbol of international cooperation, but a dark and mysterious nexus of conspiracy and intrigue. Indeed, a place where the forces of chaos and order collide in an endless struggle for dominance. But let's not kid ourselves, behind the facade of diplomatic protocols and bureaucratic banalities lurks a dark underbelly. A shadow world of secret meetings and covert operations, where the true rulers of the world pull the strings of fate like puppeteers in a grand cosmic theater. Here, in the labyrinthine corridors and dimly lit backrooms, the fate of nations is not decided by the will of the people, but by the whims of those who dwell in the shadows.”

“The plan is a simple one which has been in existence for nearly three hundred years. Delete all white fighting age men, then the UN will takeover to form the One World Government. Death to white soldiers by poison jabs and wars. Both do not apply to the fighting age "refugees" who will form a significant part of the great replacement.”

“According to the UN, the number of people living under colonial rule fell from 750 million in 1945 to 2 million in 2020.”
― On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence, and Justice
― On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence, and Justice
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