Zarate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zarate" Showing 1-6 of 6
Alex G. Zarate
“I never talk to myself. I talk to the voices in my head, the characters in my stories and, of course, the other-dimensional beings who sometimes swing by on their way to another reality.”
Alex G Zarate

Alex G. Zarate
“I only read books with words on the pages. I'm picky like that.”
Alex G Zarate

Alex G. Zarate
“I’m single. Well, no. I’m a writer so I am one person with many others always running around my noggin, so I guess I’m a... plural?”
Alex G Zarate

Alex G. Zarate
“I speak English, bad English, Spanish, Spanglish, Pig-Latin, Gibberish, Mumbling, Double-speak, Sub-text, Body Language and significant glances no one ever sees. Once in a blue moon, I can understand the opposite sex and manage open communication for a while but by the next moon-rise I'm back to being clueless.”
Alex G Zarate

Alex G. Zarate
“We are all shaped by the content we absorb. Like a radio tuned into the station of life. When you select the best content, you absorb greatness”
Alex G Zarate

Alex G. Zarate
“Do not allow doubt, fear or failure to affect your dreams. They are the slippery slopes you must ignore on the path to success.”
Alex G Zarate