147 books
30 voters
Biographical Books
Showing 1-50 of 29,074

by (shelved 360 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.20 — 3,986,806 ratings — published 1947

by (shelved 188 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.47 — 1,707,864 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 166 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.44 — 1,134,265 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 145 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.49 — 757,427 ratings — published 2016

by (shelved 145 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.96 — 1,033,332 ratings — published 2011

by (shelved 143 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.38 — 1,310,785 ratings — published 1956

by (shelved 136 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.15 — 1,309,820 ratings — published 2011

by (shelved 132 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.02 — 1,146,445 ratings — published 1996

by (shelved 131 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.45 — 1,268,676 ratings — published 2022

by (shelved 131 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.38 — 801,013 ratings — published 1946

by (shelved 123 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.12 — 772,189 ratings — published 2010

by (shelved 122 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.30 — 557,175 ratings — published 1969

by (shelved 118 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.39 — 977,256 ratings — published 2010

by (shelved 116 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.32 — 1,297,333 ratings — published 2005

by (shelved 112 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.27 — 209,830 ratings — published 1985

by (shelved 109 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.16 — 604,311 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 103 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.41 — 741,441 ratings — published 2016

by (shelved 98 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.85 — 473,441 ratings — published 2016

by (shelved 94 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.37 — 280,286 ratings — published 1965

by (shelved 93 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.06 — 837,774 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 92 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.85 — 543,030 ratings — published 2014

by (shelved 90 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.47 — 342,253 ratings — published 1971

by (shelved 85 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.14 — 425,702 ratings — published 2015

by (shelved 84 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.40 — 350,998 ratings — published 2015

by (shelved 82 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.17 — 193,727 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 82 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.15 — 645,448 ratings — published 1996

by (shelved 82 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.18 — 347,864 ratings — published 2000

by (shelved 79 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.64 — 1,802,268 ratings — published 2006

by (shelved 77 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.19 — 1,118,072 ratings — published 1997

by (shelved 74 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.33 — 255,023 ratings — published 2020

by (shelved 74 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.86 — 88,307 ratings — published 1791

by (shelved 74 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.34 — 303,965 ratings — published 2000

by (shelved 72 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.40 — 195,006 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 72 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.01 — 709,954 ratings — published 2000

by (shelved 67 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.86 — 506,616 ratings — published 2011

by (shelved 67 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.08 — 192,636 ratings — published 2006

by (shelved 66 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.08 — 369,778 ratings — published 2001

by (shelved 65 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.21 — 401,039 ratings — published 2020

by (shelved 63 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.22 — 121,613 ratings — published 1853

by (shelved 63 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.36 — 90,878 ratings — published 1994

by (shelved 62 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.22 — 319,181 ratings — published 2010

by (shelved 62 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.22 — 190,912 ratings — published 2004

by (shelved 62 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.27 — 220,427 ratings — published 2003

by (shelved 61 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.12 — 130,062 ratings — published 1845

by (shelved 60 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.94 — 228,462 ratings — published 1995

by (shelved 59 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.84 — 523,053 ratings — published 2023

by (shelved 59 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.25 — 516,636 ratings — published 2021

by (shelved 59 times as biographical)
avg rating 3.70 — 87,092 ratings — published 2016

by (shelved 59 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.58 — 238,832 ratings — published 1980

by (shelved 59 times as biographical)
avg rating 4.25 — 537,845 ratings — published 1997

“Now I must give one smirk, and then we may be rational again." Catherine turned away her head, not knowing whether she might venture to laugh. "I see what you think of me," said he gravely -- "I shall make but a poor figure in your journal tomorrow."
My journal!"
Yes, I know exactly what you will say: Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings -- plain black shoes -- appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense."
Indeed I shall say no such thing."
Shall I tell you what you ought to say?"
If you please."
I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King; had a great deal of conversation with him -- seems a most extraordinary genius -- hope I may know more of him. That, madam, is what I wish you to say."
But, perhaps, I keep no journal."
Perhaps you are not sitting in this room, and I am not sitting by you. These are points in which a doubt is equally possible. Not keep a journal! How are your absent cousins to understand the tenour of your life in Bath without one? How are the civilities and compliments of every day to be related as they ought to be, unless noted down every evening in a journal? How are your various dresses to be remembered, and the particular state of your complexion, and curl of your hair to be described in all their diversities, without having constant recourse to a journal? My dear madam, I am not so ignorant of young ladies' ways as you wish to believe me; it is this delightful habit of journaling which largely contributes to form the easy style of writing for which ladies are so generally celebrated. Everybody allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is peculiarly female. Nature may have done something, but I am sure it must be essentially assisted by the practice of keeping a journal.”
― Northanger Abbey
My journal!"
Yes, I know exactly what you will say: Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings -- plain black shoes -- appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense."
Indeed I shall say no such thing."
Shall I tell you what you ought to say?"
If you please."
I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King; had a great deal of conversation with him -- seems a most extraordinary genius -- hope I may know more of him. That, madam, is what I wish you to say."
But, perhaps, I keep no journal."
Perhaps you are not sitting in this room, and I am not sitting by you. These are points in which a doubt is equally possible. Not keep a journal! How are your absent cousins to understand the tenour of your life in Bath without one? How are the civilities and compliments of every day to be related as they ought to be, unless noted down every evening in a journal? How are your various dresses to be remembered, and the particular state of your complexion, and curl of your hair to be described in all their diversities, without having constant recourse to a journal? My dear madam, I am not so ignorant of young ladies' ways as you wish to believe me; it is this delightful habit of journaling which largely contributes to form the easy style of writing for which ladies are so generally celebrated. Everybody allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is peculiarly female. Nature may have done something, but I am sure it must be essentially assisted by the practice of keeping a journal.”
― Northanger Abbey

“To now is to love, to see is a joy, but to lose is hurtful.”
― Bam Bam's Story: A Celebrated Life: A Beloved Pet and Companion
― Bam Bam's Story: A Celebrated Life: A Beloved Pet and Companion