The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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OLD TASK HELP THREADS > 30.6 (Donna Jo's Task - As Suggested By Liz Brooklyn - Character References)

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message 1: by Cynthia (last edited Feb 28, 2010 05:59PM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments 30.6 - Donna Jo's Task - As Suggested By Liz Brooklyn - Character References
A. For this task you need to read a book (fiction or non-fiction) AND a book or book written by an author that the first book references.
For example, in The Moonstone one of the characters refers to Robinson Crusoe, in The Inheritance of Loss two characters discuss V. S. Naipaul's novels, and in Northanger Abbey the protagonist is reading The Mysteries of Udolpho.

If you need suggestions OR have suggestions for books to read for this task post them here.

message 2: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Two books that could work for finding references:
Inkheart--mentions about thirty billion other books (there's a page in the back of acknowledgements)
Dear Great American Writers School--mentions several books

These are the two I can come up with off the top of my head; when I get home, I'll be able to go back and find more.

message 3: by Kim (new)

Kim  | -9 comments I just read When You Reach Me to my kids a few weeks ago and the main character is reading A Wrinkle in Time.

message 4: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments There is a cute series, "The Mother-Daughter Book Club" in which the book club is reading a different classic for each book in the series.

#1 The Mother-Daughter Book Club references Little Women

#2 Much Ado About Anne references Anne of Green Gables


message 5: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 505 comments Any of Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next books reference TONS of books, mostly classics, but not all.

message 7: by Ruby (new)

Ruby (rubina310) This might be of some help!

message 8: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 172 comments If you are a sci-fi reader, The Ghost Brigades mentions several sci-fi novels including:

The War of the Worlds
Starship Troopers
Ender's Game
The Forever War

message 9: by Nicole (last edited Feb 17, 2010 04:23PM) (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments The Hemingway Book Club of Kosovo sounds fascinating. The Old Man and the Sea would be the obvious choice to pair with it, but do you know any other books they mentioned? I am trying for no rereads this challenge. I want to read as many new books as I can!!!

ETA: I just answered my own question. If you look on Amazon, they have a list of Citations- books mentioned within other books. useful tool for this task!

message 10: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Ruby, the Goodreads list is for titles that quote other sources (often a line of a poem or phrase from a play), not a book that is recommended by a character in a novel or the author of a non-fiction work.

Fahrenheit 451 mentions several
books -- Montag stole and tries to memorize the bible, a book By Jefferson, Thoreau. Also mentioned are Millay, Whitman, Faulkner

In Special Topics in Calamity Physics, each chapter title is a work of literature

Lolita -- several references to French literature, including the authors Gustave Flaubert, Marcel Proust, François Rabelais, Charles Baudelaire, Prosper Mérimée, Remy Belleau and Pierre de Ronsard.

Catch-22 -- Also mentioned are Moby-Dick, the works of psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing read by the sexually obsessed Mrs Scheisskopf, Edwin Arlington Robinson's Miniver Cheevy, T.S. Eliot's name is mentioned by Ex-PFC Wintergreen as a poet that makes money

A Room with a View -- Byron. The Way of All Flesh. Gibbon. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

The Eyre Affair -- Martin Chuzzlewit, Jane Eyre, the text of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".

Early in the The Plague, Cottard refers to Kafka's The Trial

Persuasion is referenced in John Fowles' The French Lieutenant's Woman.

The Jane Austen Book Club – Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion

High Fidelity -- Rob Gordon makes reference to Love in the Time of Cholera along with The Unbearable Lightness of Being,

Cry, the Beloved Country -- Arthur Jarvis is described as having a large collection of books on Abraham Lincoln, and the writings of Lincoln figure heavily in the novel.

Norwegian Wood -- One of the favorite books of Toru and his older friend Nagasawa is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. But before said book became Toru's favorite, he liked John Updike's The Centaur, which he read several times. Toru is reading Thomas Mann's novel The Magic Mountain.

"Native Son" is mentioned in Chapter 22 of Ralph Ellison's masterpiece novel "Invisible Man" published in 1952.

In Vanity fair, Becky is reading Smollett's Humphrey Clinker to her students.

message 11: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Can the character mention just the author of another book, or does the character have to mention an actual book title?

message 12: by TMBookluvr (new)

TMBookluvr (tmb1981) | 271 comments Magic Hourmentions a few different books also such as the secret garden, alice in wonderland, and the velvetten rabbit, among a few

message 13: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Ms Anderson wrote: "Can the character mention just the author of another book, or does the character have to mention an actual book title?"

Author or book title

message 14: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments I'm going to go check out the chapter titles in my copy of Special Topics in Calamity Physics. If I don't use something from that, I'll be reading Persuasion and The French Lieutenant's Woman, which are both on my TBR. Thanks so much for all the great suggestions Liz!

message 15: by Nicole (last edited Feb 17, 2010 08:51PM) (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Cait wrote: "I'm going to go check out the chapter titles in my copy of Special Topics in Calamity Physics. If I don't use something from that, I'll be reading Persuasion and The ..."</i>

I have been meaning to read [book:Special Topics in Calamity Physics
and there are a LOT of choices with that one!

message 16: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Cait wrote: "I'm going to go check out the chapter titles in my copy of Special Topics in Calamity Physics. If I don't use something from that, I'll be reading Persuasion and The ..."</i>

I just checked out the index on Amazon. I recommend [book:A Moveable Feast
if you never read it! I may re-read it. It's been a while!

message 17: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments A Moveable Feast sounds really fascinating! I added it to my TBR.

message 19: by Bunny (last edited Feb 17, 2010 11:59PM) (new)

Bunny (neonbunny) | 72 comments 84, charing cross road is one of my favorite books ever, and references tons of other books! i can't recommend it enough. it's wonderful. here is a partial list of books that are mentioned in it.

message 20: by Katie (new)

Katie | 1 comments Liz wrote: "Ms Anderson wrote: "Can the character mention just the author of another book, or does the character have to mention an actual book title?"

Author or book title"

Hi Liz,
I re-read the task and it currently states:
"For this task you need to read a book (fiction or non-fiction) AND A book that the first book references."
Maybe you could ask Cynthia to amend it to include "or author," if that was the intent of the task, as a clarification for those who aren't reading this thread.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense...I'm reeeeallly tired.

message 21: by Deedee (last edited Feb 18, 2010 05:22AM) (new)

Deedee | 2311 comments Nicole wrote: " I just checked out the index on Amazon .... i>

Hi Nicole! Can you post a link (or directions) to that "index on Amazon"? Thanks!

message 22: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments If you look up Special Topics in Calamity Physics on Amazon and click on the cover to "Look Inside This Book". The Index is one of the pages you can look at.

Or you could look at the handy list Cait posted above!

Sarah (Mood Reader) (bookworm1887) | 458 comments In Shrinking Violet the main character is reading The Story of My Life and Stephen King is mentioned as well as Judy Blume.

message 25: by Patricia (last edited Feb 23, 2010 10:43AM) (new)

Patricia | 680 comments In The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble they mention all the books the club reads each month.

Jan. - Heartburn by Nora Ephron
Feb. - I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Mar. - Atonement by Ian McEwan
Apr. - The Woman Who Walked into Doors by Roddy Doyle
May - Guppies for Tea by Marika Cobbold
Jun. - My Antonia by Willa Cather
Jul. - The Memory Box by Margaret Forster
Aug. - Eden Close by Anita Shreve
Sept. - An Instance of the Fingerpost: A Novel by Iain Pears
Oct. - Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Nov. - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Dec. - Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

message 26: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Tammy wrote: "I just thumbed through American Wife: A Novel and there are a lot of books mentioned. To name a few:

Peyton Place
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

I loved American Wife.

message 27: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2311 comments Nicole wrote: "If you look up Special Topics in Calamity Physics on Amazon and click on the cover to "Look Inside This Book". The Index is one of the pages you can look at.

Or you could look at the..."

Thanks Nicole!

message 28: by Donna Jo (new)

Donna Jo Atwood | 2412 comments Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik has a ton of books mentioned. I can't find my copy right now to list them, but they are in the chapter headings and not embedded in the text.

message 29: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) So as long as the book your going to read has a mention of an author or a book that they are reading, thats ok to read?

message 30: by Katie (new)

Katie | 1 comments I'm wondering, you know how some books have quotes from other books in the front or as chapter headings? Would that count?

(Also, should we be asking questions of Donna Jo, Liz, or both? Not sure how this works...)


Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 306 comments I'm thinking that Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books would work..?

I haven't read it but I'm pretty Lolita and The Great Gatsby are mentioned. Also, I think Jane Austen is mentioned..which would be great for me..anybody know if particular works are mentioned?

message 32: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Katie wrote: "I'm wondering, you know how some books have quotes from other books in the front or as chapter headings? Would that count?

(Also, should we be asking questions of Donna Jo, Liz, or both? Not sure ..."

Not quotes or epigraphs from other books; it's a little too far from what I was trying to do.

The intention was that the second book was recommended by a character in the first book (because they themselves read/were reading it), but that seemed too difficult and restrictive. It made sense to broaden the intent to be a book or author mentioned. The book-title chapter headings for Special Topics, I believe are supposed to be representative of what the character is reading (and I assume this is also the case for Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons) which is idea behind the task.

And I don't know how this works either! Donna Jo & I had exchanged a couple of PMs but I had no idea she was going to chose my task until it was posted. *does a little happy dance*

Fiona (Titch) wrote: "So as long as the book your going to read has a mention of an author or a book that they are reading, thats ok to read?"

As far as I am concerned, yes.

And thank you guys for your patience & help clarifying the task!

message 33: by Donna Jo (new)

Donna Jo Atwood | 2412 comments Since Liz framed the task, I'm letting her answer the questions. I just thought it sounded like a great task. I may make a suggestion of of book or two, but direct your specific questions to Liz.
Have fun with it, Liz.

message 34: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook. This is a book that is written in Facebook style. It references many works. So many, I can't even name them all...

message 35: by Usako (new)

message 36: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Kathryn wrote: "Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook. This is a book that is written in Facebook style. It references many works. So many, I can't even ..."

O. M. G. DEFINITELY changing my selection for this task to this book! *promptly passes out from inability to breathe from laughing so hard*

message 37: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Jamie wrote: "I'm thinking that Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books would work..?

I haven't read it but I'm pretty Lolita and The Great Gatsby are mentioned. Also, I think Jane Austen is men..."

Yes they are. All that you mentioned and more I believe.

message 38: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 1256 comments OOoh the Ophelia book looks interesting IF I understood Facebook :(

message 39: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments Ms Anderson wrote: "Kathryn wrote: "Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook. This is a book that is written in Facebook style. It references many works. So man..."

I really laughed a lot during this book. You will enjoy it!

message 40: by Jenna (new)

Jenna | 82 comments Tammy wrote: "I just thumbed through American Wife: A Novel and there are a lot of books mentioned. To name a few:

Peyton Place
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Oooohhh...that's awesome! American Wife is on my shelf waiting to be read. Thanks, Tammy!

message 41: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 811 comments Just finished Mr. Dixon Disappears by Ian Sansom, and it references lots of books - the main character runs a mobile library. Here's just a few of the books mentioned:

Last Exit to Brooklyn
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Life and Many Deaths of Harry HoudiniTHE RIGHT WAY TO DO WRONG: An Exposé of Successful Criminals
The English Patient

message 42: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Donna Jo wrote: "Since Liz framed the task, I'm letting her answer the questions. I just thought it sounded like a great task. I may make a suggestion of of book or two, but direct your specific questions to Liz...."

I *am* having fun with it, thank you!

message 43: by Lyn (Readinghearts) (last edited Feb 18, 2010 05:22PM) (new)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) I know this isn't what most of you read, but another possibility is Twilight and Wuthering Heights. Just an idea.

message 44: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Lyn M wrote: "I know this isn't what most of you read, but another possibility is Twilight and Wuthering Heights. Just an idea. "

Am I the only one who was a little disgusted that they're now selling copies of Wuthering Heights with the caption "Bella's Favorite Book!" on the cover?

Romeo and Juliet is also mentioned in Twilight, so if you want to go the middle-school romance route, that's another possibility (not that I'm disparaging that route, of course; I'd consider using it, but I'm trying for no rereads this time).

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Ms Anderson - Not only have they put that on the cover, but they have given both Wuthering Heights AND Romeo and Juliet "Twilight" covers (Black with red and white roses). I happen to like Twilight, but even I am disgusted by that!

message 46: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Oh, fail -_-

Another possible series is the "Bard Academy." Those mention several classic novels and authors. They're not high literature by any means, but they're fun nonetheless.

Wuthering High
The Scarlet Letterman
Moby Clique

message 47: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments Lyn M wrote: "Ms Anderson - Not only have they put that on the cover, but they have given both Wuthering Heights AND Romeo and Juliet "Twilight" covers (Black with red and white roses). I happen to like Twiligh..."

Ditto :o|

message 48: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments Ms Anderson wrote: "Another possible series is the "Bard Academy." Those mention several classic novels and authors. They're not high literature by any means, but they're fun nonetheless.

Wuthering High
The Scarlet Letterman
Moby Clique"

DUH, SARA! I totally own one or more of those, too. And they don't just mention the books the titles would indicate, but tons of other authors/books as well. Fun little books!

message 49: by Alice (new)

Alice (aliceg) | 424 comments I really want to read American Wife: A Novelas someone I work with is reading it at the moment and said it's really good. Does anyone know of a whole list of books it references for the second part of the task?

message 50: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments Ashley wrote: "There is a cute series, "The Mother-Daughter Book Club" in which the book club is reading a different classic for each book in the series.

#1 The Mother-Daughter Book Club references..."

Does it reference any other books aside from Little Women?

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