Es difícil desterrar a un espíritu, pero no imposible. | It's difficult to banish a spirit, but not impossible. |
Hay casos en que desterrar gusanos muchoefectivamente ayudó a inmortelle. | There are cases when banish worms very mucheffectively helped immortelle. |
Solo pozo original Afghani alivia los calambres y desterrar náuseas. | Just Afghani original well relieves cramps and nausea banish. |
Amasías trata de desterrar a Amos del reino del sur, Judá. | Amaziah tries to banish Amos to the southern kingdom, Judah. |
No podemos declinar en nuestro esfuerzo por desterrar esa amenaza. | We can not dismay in our efforts to eradicate that threat. |
No se puede desterrar a ningún ciudadano del territorio nacional (art. | No citizen may be expelled from the national territory (art. |
Ni siquiera las riquezas terrenales ayudan a desterrar el descontento. | Even earthly riches do not help them to banish discontent. |
Tienes que desterrar ese tipo de pensamiento. | You have to banish that kind of thinking. |
Por lo cual no vamos a desterrar un término u otro. | So we aren't going to banish one term or the other. |
Es precisamente esta idea la que hay que desterrar del país. | It is precisely this idea that must be banished from the country. |
Las decisiones laicistas quieren desterrar el Catecismo de las escuelas. | The decisions by secularists who want to banish the Catechism from the schools. |
Uno de ellos es para desterrar todos sus trabajadores. | One is to banish all his workers. |
No quiso desterrar a su pueblo a Babilonia. | He did not want to exile his people to Babylon. |
Finalmente, como mencionamos más arriba, debemos desterrar del matrimonio cualquier indicio de egoísmo. | Finally, as mentioned above, we must banish the marriage any hint of selfishness. |
Una vez un monje irlandés llamado Beatus podría desterrar monstruo terrible de estos lugares. | Once an Irish monk named Beatus could banish terrible monster of these places. |
La sucá de multa; desterrar el miedo. | The sukkah's fine; banish your fright. |
En ninguna circunstancia se puede desterrar a nadie. | In no circumstances may any person be banished or exiled. |
Pero el logro de los Republicanos será el mismo: desterrar al odiado Medicaid. | But the achievement of the Republicans will be the same: banish the hated Medicaid. |
De hecho, está aprobado médicamente y aprobado por los médicos para desterrar la crisis. | In fact, it is approved medically and endorsed by doctors for banishing the crisis. |
Has querido desterrar a Michael desde que te conozco, David. | You've wanted to banish Michael for as long as I've known you, David. |
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