October – The Bays Metro Search and Rescue unit has assisted with 96 search operations over the last twelve months …. (Read more)
1 February – Metro Search and Rescue joined the Port Elizabeth Police Airwing in a series of operational preparedness training drills….. (Read more)
Saturday 18 January – Metro search and rescue embarked on a mountain rescue drill as part of our team’s efforts …. (Read more)
December 2019 – A joint festive season safety drive roadblock was held on the N2 outside Port Elizabeth on December 20. (Read more)
DEDICATED TO saving lives
The Metro Search and Rescue Unit is based in Port Elizabeth (commonly known as Search and Rescue Port Elizabeth) South Africa. The South Africa based search and rescue unit is the response arm of the municipal Disaster Management center and works with the SA Police (SAPS), Fire Department, Metro Police, Traffic and all other role-players. With trained search and rescue dogs, the unit facilitates missing person search operations, mountain rescues and also crime scene evidence detection across the eastern cape province of south africa.
the tRaining
never stops
Our Dog Unit train at least three times a week – including the deployment to real-life scenarios. Search and Rescue operations include various missing persons – not only those that wonder off into the wilderness. The unit, together with the SAPS, specialise in a variety of Wilderness and Urban Search and Rescue scenarios. Constant training includes radio communications tests, Joint Operations Centre establishment, Search Pattern analysis and so on…