Australia has enough coronavirus drug remdesivir thanks to early supply donation, Health Minister says
The makers of remdesivir donated supplies to Australia before the United States made its deal with the company. (Reuters: Ulrich Perrey)
The Federal Health Minister says Australia has enough of the coronavirus drug remdesivir in the national stockpile thanks to donations made months ago by the drug's makers.
Key points:
- Australia secured a reserve supply of the drug early in the pandemic
- The Health Minister says it is one of the therapies being considered to treat coronavirus patients
- The United States has been accused of hoarding supplies of the drug
Greg Hunt said he recognised there were shortages around the world but said that was not the case in Australia.
"Australia's in a fortunate position, it's available for doctors to use from the national medical stockpile for patients who are in hospital with illness," he said.
His comments come after the United States was criticised by health experts for hoarding almost all of the world's current supply of the drug.
The US Government announced on Tuesday President Donald Trump struck a deal to buy 500,000 treatments of remdesivir from its makers at Gilead Sciences.
That represents 100 per cent of the company's July production capacity and 90 per cent of its capacity in August and September.
Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug designed to disable the mechanism by which some viruses make copies of themselves.
Mr Hunt said Australian health authorities acted early to secure a donation of the drug for use in coronavirus patients.
"Remdesivir is one of the therapies where there is some evidence — I don't want to overstate it — but some evidence that it can help to reduce the impacts on the critically ill," he said.
"We foresaw this, we acted early, we worked with the supplier Gilead to ensure that Australians were given a reserve supply."
Earlier, a spokesperson for the Minister said Australia had a "sufficient supply" of the drug "to meet current patient needs".
"The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce currently states that the use of remdesivir for adults with moderate, severe or critical COVID-19 may be considered.
"This recommendation will be updated as further evidence from clinical trials becomes available."
Mr Hunt said as at Thursday afternoon, there were 24 people in hospital, five in intensive care and one on ventilation.
Early trials testing the drug in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 found those who received it recovered quicker than those who did not.
It is the only drug licensed by both the US and the European Union as a treatment for those with severe illness from coronavirus.
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