Research centres

With more than 150 research centres and networks, we are one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities.

Flagship centres

Our multidisciplinary initiatives bring together researchers from across the University to problem-solve the world’s greatest challenges – including climate change, youth mental health, and the growing incidence of chronic diseases. 

Other key initiatives

We are building research capacity and partnerships in several other key initiatives.

Faculty-based centres and networks

National and international centres

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Research Program facilitates collaboration between universities, government, research organisations and businesses to support collaborative research activity to focused on strategic outcomes that are not independently realisable. This program has two streams, Research Hubs and Training Centres, which support Higher Degree by Research students and postdoctoral researchers to gain real-world practical skills and experience through placement in industry.

The University of Sydney is home to one ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub:

The University of Sydney is also a node to one ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub:

The University of Sydney is home to two ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres:

These collaborative centres are funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to support teams of researchers pursuing innovative, high-quality research in health across five priority areas:

  • Clinical research
  • Health services research
  • Population health research
  • Infectious disease emergency response research
  • Indigenous researcher capacity building

The University of Sydney has been awarded funding for the following Centres.

The University's engagement with industry and community is supported by our involvement in Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) as either a core or supporting participant.

The program is led by industry to create partnerships between the University, business and the community. CRCs help to develop new technologies, products and services for specific community and industry challenges.